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Clave Dark 5

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Everything posted by Clave Dark 5

  1. Repsecs are easier to come by (if still a pain) so trying something out's not a bad idea; you can always dump it later. I have to admit I listen to a fair amount of received wisdom from the forums to help me make my choice too, but you have to get a good number of opinions to make a decent call so that one lone person telling you to six slot Rest or something won't lead you astray.
  2. It's s shared pair of rose-tinted glasses, if so, because that's how I remember things too. (0% of the time it was great, and angry or mean posters didn't last long for whatever reason (I recall seeing a few identifiable ones over on the Champions Online forum when that game was just starting up).
  3. Huh, after all the big talk around how scary they were going to be for level-capped toons, I' was kinda expecting something bigger.
  4. I had forgotten about the getting outside trick until seeing this so I went and did it myself. I even saw another player outside while I was there, apparently taking selfies with the Tardis on the roof. And imagine my great disappointment after trying to fly off to one of those distant planets in the sky that I discovered you apparently can't. Aw well, stopped off and got my Manny's t-shirt before I went home.
  5. Never acknowledge you posted the thread in the firts place, block any replies from showing up in your email. Deny everything. Threaten legal action if anyone ever raises the topic again.
  6. Seconding Arnabas here. I'm currently solo leveling a stalker by playing through red side (my true home here!) and taking my own sweet time to sight-see and revisit old haunts, as well as to run some content not just steamroll through radios, and what I've seen so far has been pretty entertaining! Additionally, the pressure to make THE NEXT INCARNATE THINGY!!!!!111!! is going to be high, whereas dropping some new stuff say around level 25 won't be at all; all sorts of complainers will crawl from the woodwork when that time comes,but not for level 25 stuff. But I too would like some new stuff under the Incarnate umbrella to get frustrated with.
  7. That's splitting hairs, tt's still a change to "the game" that were in place previously. One wonders however why they haven't done it already yet, then; maybe they have good reasons. Seems to me this is just a lot of work to achieve partial results (every returning vet won't get their favorite name back, for instance). The best way to address that and every other issue surrounding the topic would be to work towards freeing up all names for anyone, no unique names for anyone, then the most people will be able to play happy.
  8. How is it not a bend? Hyperbole about cartoon supervillians is silly here - villains take what they want by force and don't give options to opt out, ha ha.
  9. I've seen it described as running out of names more than once, yes, not everyone here believes that, but it's not absent from the conversation going on. If the live game could run for years with real sub numbers, I think we can obviously get along fine without enacting the unlocking policy. I don't really care if they do or don't - the more updates to the old game the better! - but I've been led to believe it's not an easy thing? Maybe I'm wrong on that. The hyperbole of it all is what I was reacting to.
  10. I prefer to think of poison more as "less crazy-super OP compared to most other power sets," but I'll tell ya, my Proc Monster Poison troller still hung just fine and wasn't a slouch. I think I did skip that heal though.
  11. Exactly, pulling this argument this early into the existence of this iteration just doesn't make sense, seems to smack of a kind of "no, YOU bend MY way!" expectation.
  12. Something up with your end of the pipe then, it doesn't do that for most players.
  13. I thought there were some non-skull options in there? I made a Dark toon sometime back and only took them to like 30, but I do seem to recall that option in the costume creator. It wasn't labeled that, but...
  14. Find it kind of odd that people say we're running out of names after a year+ when the original game ran for years and must surely have had an exponential number of people sign up and play compared to the relative few here.
  15. That's good too. And imagine inside the Golden Giza, they could go tacky nuts with over-decorating.
  16. There are no stupid questions... just stupid character names. 😃
  17. Like Twitter, the forums are not the game. 😃 Most people here are dedicated min/maxers - which is fine for them! - but don't care much about discussing concept builds, which is where you might find more flavors of powers being used. Me, I just picked up Bile Spray for my Ill/TA troller because he's annoying and I've never had it before.
  18. I love this idea. I also want one burning, continuously somewhere. Say, maybe everywhere there's people standing around an old oil drum with a fire in it to warm their hands, we put a Christmas tree in those too.
  19. I was just going to say that. Ain't no thang, Rathulfr. I've been soloing a stalker through red-side by myself, all solo, and the gentle rhythm of "walk up to target, BY, wait for AS, then do a little bit of fighting, then wait for Hide to come back, repeat" has been very pleasant.
  20. No to the hard modes. First, I don't like playing that way - it's always personal right? ha ha - but secondly, I remember back on live after the Incarnate stuff dropped and population was dwindling anyway. I generally play at night so even fewer people were around, and I logged on one night to find only about fifty villains (I was red side back then) were logged on and all but three and myself were non-50, the rest were all hanging in Pocket D for those grindy Incarnate missions. Introduce something of the same here (for this harder-mode stuff will have bigger rewards right?) and I expect we'll see the same thing.
  21. Poison is a great set for Proc Monstering with. If you don't know what that means, look in the Controller section of these very forums for a post about Proc Monsters.
  22. Kind of the same track as OP. I've only in the last say six months really started looking at trying to customize builds and had to literally look into every villain Patron Pool to realize that Scorpion's the only one that gives DEF and not "just" RESIST. Which yes is why you see it as the main choice in so many builds, it makes it easy to soft cap so everyone goes for it. Not that you couldn't build without it, of course. I'm not sure I'd want to see all the other Patron Pools lined up behind it the same way because I don't want the powers across them to end up just cookie-cutter with a different aura or something. ETA: I suppose some of this falls on us though, always looking for the easiest route to a Min/Max, we'll usually fall into the same ruts. That's our fault, not the game's design.
  23. Thanks Sir M. I have an Illusion/TA troller at about 35 who's build I really should start working on by now ha ha. I made careful note of the Def advice from that threat earlier, so I'll combine that with this and see what looks like what.
  24. I've seen this I think srmalloy up there is right about what was taken as the best reset. I think you might also try rezoning (that's what cleared it up for me, iirc), or even loggi9ng out and back in. Not that helpful when you're trying to play though, no, but those should fix things at least for the time being.
  25. I'm pretty sure this stance will net me a lot of forum popularity, but I don't see an issue with this, or "the problem"? Otherwise this seems like a lot of "there's a problem, but what is it?" and then people offering up their pet peeves to fill that blank. I mean, play how you like, don't do the stuff you don't, and hey, even CoH may one day stop being interesting for you, it happens.
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