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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. I would love to have a Mistress of the Dark badge title for Void's Thorn... so, yeah. Count me in.
  2. The guys really ought to get butt-capes, too. I mean... fair is fair.
  3. Carwyn... By original concept, he's supposed to be the White Stag of the Misty Wood. A big, stompy white-furred bres. There's no way to make that great shaggy beast in the costume creator. We don't even have proper antlers. So.... I went for a more human-looking version. The Huntsman of the Court of Bright Winter as he would be OUSTSIDE of the influence of Croatoa's mists. Which works well enough, I guess. But he'll never properly be Carwyn as I originally imagined him.
  4. Reactive Radial on a Thugs Mastermind with Gang War is just silly levels of funny, as your swarm of mundane, nobody street-punks rampage around setting everything in sight on fire with their mighty... baseball bats?! 🤣 Honestly, that's why I like Radial Reactive. It's not about the tiny bit of damage or any kind of practical use at all... It's the humor of setting something on fire with an utterly inappropriate-to-fire attack like a baseball bat or an ice blast or a waterspout.
  5. Unless it's a Stalker... I'm as <_< about KM on other ATs as anyone, but on a Stalker it's enough fun that I main a KM/Bio. That said. I hate... absolutely Can. Not. Stand... Staff Stalking. I leveled a Staff/WP Stalker to 50 over on Paragon, but somehow between then and now, I'd managed to forget just how much the complete opposite of fun-to-play I found him. So, like a fool, I recently started another one here. He's 40 and I'm about an inch from just deleting his whiffy, annoying butt. 😫 My Staff Scrap? I like him. I had good fun leveling Carwyn. The Stalker? Errff. No thanks. I'll go back to my KMs any day of the week. I've also had miserable luck with Archery Sentinels and darn near ANYTHING Dark Armor.
  6. I doubt that with this particular one, He's one of the named leader types. ETA: When I come across that mission again, I'll update the thread with the Arc ID, since I don't remember which one he's from.
  7. The only mention of personal relationships that I can think of comes from one of the Rikti officer-types you run into in the course of the Vanguard arcs. (I'm afraid that don't remember his name, or exactly which mission he's in-) When you defeat him, he says something along the lines of wishing he could have seen his spouse and children again. So... yeah. Apparently some Rikti, at least, do have families.
  8. I'm just sort of chuckling about being a "Newbie" after having been here for a couple of years and having made as many posts as I have. It's more silly than annoying. 😄
  9. Perf Shifter procs are a favorite of mine to hand out. Everyone has Stamina, so everyone can use them.
  10. *grumbles something about BadgesBadgesBadgesBadges*
  11. Because Haley Reinhart's torch-singer-style covers are fun.
  12. I was today years old when I found out that this stringed instrument exists... It's called an Kantele.
  13. It had lion-dogs. I'd have a hard time disliking a movie that has lion-dogs.
  14. It's quick and as easy as pie... *IF* you know how the base editor works. If you don't, it isn't a particularly easy or obvious system to learn, especially if you aren't a forum-user or don't have a coach to get you through that learning curve. (I've recently watched the CoyoteNephews and their mom trying to figure it out, so... yeah. Even with me there, showing them the way things worked, they gave up pretty quickly.)
  15. Not the kind of real estate any of my gang would go for... But this is an excellently fun idea. Good luck with it!
  16. I would love to have a pint-sized baby wailer.
  17. It would be fun if there were a set of fairly plain, "prefab" options that could be picked when you first created a base... A Generic Tech, a Generic Arcane and maybe a Generic Modern/Mundane layout... that covered all of the standard-base-functionality stuff for people who didn't want to bother learning the ins and outs of base editing just to get some teleporters and a few storage bins.
  18. We just end up waiting a long, long time for things sometimes... I don't think you can blame people for being a little impatient. (*says probably the only person on the server who's still waiting/hoping for that second round of Circle costume bits that the guys got several years ago to finally be ported to the female frame*)
  19. Agreed, That one's a great bit of "How do social services look in a world with powered people"?
  20. That's more or less my take on it, too, honestly. If you want a fast 50, make friends with a farmer...
  21. I just had to laugh awhile back when some of the roleplayers were doing double-takes and seemed absolutely boggled that there was a character named Coyotedancer running around in Packet D on Everlasting... Who WASN'T me. (It may be my global handle here, but I don't and never have had a character with the name. Somebody took advantage of that. 😝 )
  22. Air Bending... From the start it's reminded me the most of Avatar-style Air Bending. XD
  23. Lume... The point here is that the people who already DON'T play through the lower levels "normally" aren't adding anything to your low level recipe supply that would be missed. People who play through the content and level up the old fashioned way are the ones doing that, and they aren't the most likely audience for an Insta-50 button. ETA since we cross-posted... I think you're overstating the potential issue. I suspect that the vast majority of those people who still love the lowbie-slow-leveling experience aren't likely to change the way they play.
  24. Exactly. So the type of players who would go for an instant 50... the same ones who are likely fire farm door-sitters now... probably didn't add a single one of those to the pile. The low level set availability would be unchanged if they were give this new option.
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