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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. 'Just going to point out here that characters that are kicked to 50 by door-sitting with an AE fire farmer aren't adding any low level recipes to the Market as it is... Every drop they get is at 50, no matter what level they are. So, having an Insta-50 button might not change the low level recipe supply as much as you think. It could hit the level 50 supply a bit, since the number of door-sitters would go down, but by how much is a question.
  2. DB fan-girl that I am, hopefully I'll have time to jump on and test that out sometime this week... Just reading through, though, 👍 on the lot of it.
  3. Spiffy. I just know how rare they are otherwise... I don't see them very often at all with my PB.
  4. Ha! FCM was looking at Live on Ruby. That said... I'm surprised there's still no Devoured defeat badge. Seems like it would have been the perfect time to add one.
  5. I's just be happy to be able to use the tux tails coat on winged characters again... We could do that for literal YEARS back in the live days. That combination was only removed very late in the game's life.
  6. Call of the Void isn't going to be fun to get... unless Quantums also count. Actual Void Hunters are pretty few and far between.
  7. Yep... But pretty much everyone younger than us tends to forget that Gen X even exists. We're older than them, so "Oh look! Boomers!" 😝
  8. Thee are a lot of reasons why account-wide Exploration badges wouldn't be a great thing... But there *is* one sort of badge I'd love to see become global on an account. The Anniversary badges. It's a pain in the rump to log in every single character individually to get them if you have a lot of alts. It's also annoying when you have a new one that's perfectly suited to the badge title.... that was issued last year. Long before you made the character in question. <_< (Yes, I know you can trade merits for the older ones on individual characters at certain times of the year, but that seems to be more hoop-jumping than ought to be necessary for the things. If the account was active during the anniversary, it seems to me like that ought to be enough to make the badges available on any of that account's characters.)
  9. There are a *lot* of us who are 40- or 50-somethings.
  10. Whenever VT starts wagging disapproving tentacles at people, I pretty much automatically assume that I'm one of the troublemakers. 'Goes way back to the early days of the RP chat channel. 😆 Also... Eyeing that buffet, I find myself wondering what in the world those little round things on the left... the ones with the fluffy tops,,, are. Call it my culinary Need-To-Know.
  11. This. And VT, if you really want to play at being a mod... which it really seems like you do... why don't you just apply for the position?
  12. Agreed. I had to pick hairstyles very carefully for my two kitsune... That "But why do you have FOUR EARS?!"-thing is a pain. 😝
  13. It bothers me to have "incomplete" characters. so I rarely have more than one active alt in-progress at a time. I tend to finish that one before I start another.
  14. If all it takes to be an Edgelord is a black and red color scheme and some capacity for stabbiness, every one of my Thorn Wielders instantly qualifies. And that's before we even get to the "Yeah. Technically dead, body-snatching ghosts"-bit. 😝 And that's really where my skepticism about the term comes in. The 'Edgelord Checklist' always seems to include details that are so general and so common to characters both good AND bad that they could apply to darn near anyone. I mean, is Kai an Edgelord character? She's an orphan, a Death Mage's apprentice and she nearly got sacrificed to a demon when she was four. (I'd call her more of a Nerd Girl, myself, BUT... by some of the definitions in play? Yep. She'd get pegged as Edgy. Even if she isn't prone to wearing black or talking about the gory details of soul magic and the howling oblivion of the Void in anything but very academic terms.) I just don't see a lot of use for a term that's potentially THAT broad...
  15. 'Might be fun in a sort of "biblical angels as seriously weird visions of horror and madness"-lite kind of way... If we can also get heads with multiple faces and bodies made of fire and lions.
  16. Hey, I managed to get in in time this month... Nibbles for the server-gerbils sent.
  17. Having read pretty much the entire lot, I'd say El is more of an angst-puppy than anything.., That aside, I'm still trying to figure out exactly what being an edgelord character actually entails. Honestly? It sounds like a term that's fallen into the same category as the typical use of "Mary Sue". That is to say, short-hand for darn near any character that the reviewer doesn't like, doesn't approve or really wishes would be written out of a particular story in favor of something they like more.
  18. And that'll be the day I stop making new characters... Seeing the return of the old "iGrind" would, with complete honesty, be the last nail in the coffin for any enthusiasm I might have left for alting.
  19. *wonders if there will be a Pizza Dog episode*
  20. My favorite Dead South song... In Hell I'll Be In Good Company
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