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Everything posted by Coyotedancer

  1. If the expectation is for us to routinely use those Day Job teleport summons the way we've been using the enterbase code (That is to say... frequently), then it does sort-of lock us all into a routine of ONLY parking our characters in places where we can recharge those powers. If you want to go work on another one, that's probably going to be directly at the expense of having fully-charged base portal summons. Maybe that opportunity cost trade-off is seen as Good Thing? There's a certain segment of the City population who likes to insist that everything be "earned" or "paid for" by some degree of annoyance. I don't know... Maybe this is a bone tossed to them.
  2. 'Still want the additional Circle of Thorns bits that the guys got (the Death Mage backpiece and more elaborate kilt, the gloves with the single large spine, the fancy-pants shoulder/high-collar part with the little cape-) ported to the female model, please... My lady-mages are feeling a bit left out. (Kai in particular. I really can't do a proper Death Mage outfit for her as things stand now. Which makes me all kinds of sad-panda. 😞 ) PS: Please port the Thorn Blade weapon model to the rest of the sword-using sets? It's cool that Broadsword gets it, but it would also be nice if all the other sword sets did, too.
  3. Wolf spiders *look* scary, but they actually make pretty useful housemates... If you let it stick around, you won't have to worry about anything ELSE crawly being in the house, including other spiders. Plus, as active hunters they don't leave cobwebs all over the place. In the world of bugs, that spider is basically the miniature, eight-legged version of a tiger. They're territorial, so in a relatively small space you'll never have more than one, they're pretty much fearless (I watched one of my resident wolfies stalk and kill a hornet that had gotten into the house a few summers ago. This was a smaller male... the females are the really big ones... so the hornet outmassed him by a fair bit, but Spidey still won that fight handily.) and unless you try to grab them they're unlikely to try to bite you.
  4. Once in awhile... I take the inability to make a choice as a good sign that I'm not really as into playing as I thought I'd be, so it usually ends in my logging off and doing something else entirely.
  5. You have to use the auction house. You convert the merits into other things... converters, catalysts, boosters or what-have-you... and then sell those to other players via Wents or the black market.
  6. "Solutions in search of a problem" is the phrase a friend used looking over the entire list...
  7. As "just players", it's not really our circus to direct, VT and those monkeys aren't ours to train. We're the people up in the stands eating peanuts... I think you're asking an awful lot if you want to somehow be considered a part of the proverbial show.
  8. You're making the assumption that everyone is going to have those, for one thing. 10m a pop isn't cheap for non-farmer/non-marketeer players, so you can't bank on every team having people that bought them. (I *am* a farmer and can still count on one hand the number of my characters here on Homecoming that have the Team Transporter power, for instance.) The recharge timing on the Supergroup portal and Team Transport are both pretty brutal, too. If only one person on the team has it, it's probably not going to be available for every hop if the gang is at all speedy about completing missions. That's one of the reasons I'm in favor of lowering the recharge time on at the least the Supergroup portal summoning. Making sure it's likely to be back and available after a mission would help a lot, I think. As for the two base transporter powers... They're freebies, which is good... But you have to know the day job powers exist, and you have to have gotten them. That's not going to be universal. Also, the number of charges can be an issue if you don't routinely remember to park yourself next to a portal when you log the character. 30 charges is better than 10, certainly, but forget to log in the right place a few times and you may still find yourself out of luck on the far end of Crey's Folly. (Ask me how I know that. 😆 )
  9. Time is the bulk of it. Not only do I have fairly slow load times, but all of my characters are fliers. By the time I've flapped my way to the tunnel or tram or base portal, waited to load the zone, and then flapped my way to the mission door and waited for the map to load, my team of Superspeed fans may be half-way through the mission. The quick hop to the base didn't help with loading times, but it did save me from having to wing my slow butt across at least one zone. 🤣
  10. I can see where it might look that way, yeah. But... no. I'm thinking of this LRT addition as a replacement for "hop to the Sanctum, port over to Zone X" on my gang. That's something that's really come in handy when I'm running with "content" type teams.
  11. I can try to take a stab at part of this... First off, not all of us are badgers. In my case, I "went there/did that" with Kestrel and Palrah back in the live days and haven't had the least bit of interest in repeating the process here or on closed beta. Aside from picking up a few specific badges to use the titles, they just aren't "a thing" that I chase... That means, like I said elsewhere, that *if* I want to add this fast-travel option to my entire crew, I'd be looking at grinding those accolades a pretty ludicrous number of times. My issue with that is that I have neither the time nor the interest in collecting the same set of badges that many times. Since this LRT transport power is one of the more practical bits of replacing the enterbase command where travel is concerned, NOT having it on the bulk of my crew is going to have an impact. It's likely to mean that I just won't play the ones who lack it quite as often, since they may have more trouble keeping up with their team-mates than the ones who do.
  12. Uhm... You DO know that this is a power independent of the Teleport pool now, right? It's granted to everyone who gets the Accolades.
  13. That's my only issue with it, as I've already mentioned elsewhere. It's hell on people with a lot of alts. Realistically... there's no way I'm going to hunt down all of those accolades for every single one of my crew. (Keeping in mind it's a "gotta do BOTH sides" thing for a fair few of them.) Not as things stand now. And that's likely to have an impact on travel for the ones who end up getting skipped when I say to heck with the grind. Otherwise? I love having banners for the Shard Zones at long last... second the request for adding Cim to the LRT list... and agree completely that the 30 minute cool-down on the supergroup summonable portal power is way, way longer than it needs to be.
  14. I tend to use the Dynasty sleeves with it... I never use the fur thing.
  15. I have... one Rogue among my Excelsior "bird-things". Huh. I'm not really helping the situation any. <_<
  16. It was probably deemed "Not Sexy Enough" by the former costume guy back when it was introduced. <_<
  17. No... but it would be the same design. And given the amount of work that some builders put into their bases, having Joe Anybody make a copy and use it for their own group might be a very sore point.
  18. I'll also point out one other potential issue... though I'm sure some people would consider it a petty thing and so not worth mentioning. ANYONE can make a demo-recording of any base, and anyone can claim that the base in that demo is theirs. Some base-builders might not mind the possibility of having duplicates of their base design floating around, but I can imagine that there would be others who'd take that possibility poorly. The only way to avoid duplication like that would require some sort of "ownership" check and I'm not sure how possible or practical that would be.
  19. Stalkers are Love. Stabby, hard-to-see love. Welcome, sneaky sibling. XD
  20. Oh great gods, that Daeva Armor... *facepalms* And what did you end up with after all that? A gear set that was really only useful as a pretty skin for something better. Let's not repeat that particular madness here. It was the complete opposite of fun. (Yes. My Sorcerer had that nerking piece of crap armor. <_<)
  21. I'd have to say no on this one, I'm afraid.... One of the biggest "selling points" of CoH is and always has been the degree of character customization it allows. Locking costume parts and effects like auras behind level-dependent content unlocks or grind-walls just isn't a great idea. We've been there, we've done that... and it was annoying as all hell. (Yeah. It bothered me that my Oranbegans couldn't have their glowing eyes until they were high enough level to run the aura-unlock, and my Rularuu "bird-things" couldn't have those blinky-eyed weapons they ought to have had from the start until they were 45+ and capapble of killing off a legion of Overseers. <_<) Going back to that world with any new additions to the game would not be a plus in my opinion. New badges? Accolade powers that required endless amounts of grinding? Okay... If you really feel like you need that kind of thing in your life. But not for costume parts. That has too much of an impact on everyone else's potential fun.
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