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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. but doc.. i need the deaths for my powerboosted veng 😛 variety is the spice of life too
  2. i agree - i run incan on both my alts that run hardmode content. being able to quickly regroup the team after a mass death event is valuable
  3. you have a great point and have certainly shown others how to contribute to such threads. i was caught up in the tit for tat arguing on the AE megathread until i saw your detailed, numerical testing AE posts it certainly helped me think of how best to argue the benefits of a particular position - e.g. the small test i did to show how even rare IO sets can be earned in a matter of minutes as the basis for my call for higher prices or lower availability it can be easy to get caught up in the emotions on the forum - posters have the appearance of NPCs and we all have strong feelings about the game
  4. don’t worry mate he did the same here also, the AE crowd will do anything to shut down debate
  5. sounds identical to the pro-AE crowd during the beta server feedback threads edit: point proven haha.. they can’t help themselves
  6. i think that was me that made the assertion about IOs mate, not @battlewraith i disagree with the guy on some stuff but he’s alright, just a player with a different view 👍
  7. this is exactly what has happened though - people purposely ruin their builds for the sake of everyone having “softcap S/L” for example, almost all builds on the defender forum are people feeding All The Gear No Idea type players the same build where it focuses entirely on defense and nothing on the primary ability of a defender: support people aren’t incentivised to take pride in their AT and build for it, as many ATs have been made redundant by IOs and their over-supply
  8. i believe top rewards should be limited and a challenge to earn. there are sandbox games available for players that want instant win gratification without challenge, risk or skill in my view, the introduction of IOs was the single biggest mistake in CoX development and materially contributed to the game’s failure. the clock began counting down to when IOs were introduced a core premise and selling point of CoX were the archetypes, their unique traits and their ability to combine and form something greater. IOs and now the over-availability of discount high end enhancements have removed the flavour of individual archetypes and substituted it with a grey one size fits all mush
  9. Out of control inflation is indeed a risk, though I believe prices have been allowed to collapse to an extent where it is eroding core components of the game - such as archetypes. the over-availability of IOs has allowed all ATs to be a blurry combination of any AT, with little effort required to achieve an end-game build i propose the ability to convert IOs should be limited (if not removed) to see what impact this has on prices. prices should be allowed to double across the board at a minimum i would be surprised if the creators intended for powerful IOs to be as attainable as they are today
  10. edited for clarity: i think you have a very genuine point - city of heroes and MMORPGs aren't for everyone and that’s okay as i mentioned in the notorious AE thread, mmorpgs are largely about the journey, progression and investment. people seeking an insta win or pick-up-and-play games may find that games designed for that playstyle better fit their desired outcomes like you say, that’s not saying people should leave the game, if people enjoy how they play then that’s all that matters. however, individuals who are edge cases or play in a niche way (for an mmorpg) may want to recognise that over time, the game will have design priorities which may not shine a light on their particular style - however they are still very welcome here
  11. haha, keep your expectations low and anything positive is a bonus
  12. i wouldn’t let an MM into the team even for a +0 regular ITF yet alone a hard mode run haha.. i just about tolerate sentinels 😛
  13. i can’t believe the devs have introduced rewards which are received by playing the game, this is outrageous and so strange
  14. ah, that’s good to know back on live i solo’d a katana/invul to 50, enjoyed it so much i did it twice have found it a challenge to find a melee AT i really bond with, psi intrigues me as boggle is a fun mechanic, however it’s a clunky set to play ice melee is very effective and a great allrounder, however it does feel like my life is spent rotating between frost and freezing touch over and over mace is very tempting, it’s a powerhouse of a set, not sure if it’s too plain though
  15. thread bump are you guys still playing your strj/bio scrappers? i’ve been looking for something to play through goldside mostly solo what’s the ST and AoE like in the real world?
  16. i would argue that there’s no need to have expensive builds - teamwork and proper team composition more than makes up for IO sets my kin defender is mostly common IOs and one or two mixed IO sets and still does great on hard mode TFs / speedruns hard mode TFs need active leadership to build the right team, it’s given support ATs and team tanks a new lease of life which is a really exciting change. at present, every AT is any AT which is a bit bland
  17. prices are likely to reduce over time, however it is entirely right that the hardest content/highest risk should offer the most reward the problem with AE farming for many of us in the community is that the lowest risk / lowest effort activity offered the highest reward - hard mode ITF offering meaningful gain is a huge step in the right direction for city of heroes the MMORPG AE farmers have been largely unscathed by the new patch, it’s a win all round
  18. the contagious confusion proc goes great in confuse ice mastery for sleet is a far superior choice of mastery, dark mastery for soul drain is equally good
  19. can you give an example of a recent change which required a complete character re-work or having to materially change how you play 1-50 content?
  20. i’m a neanderthal and my opinions shouldn’t be listened by anyone, however i do like playing into the theme of a set if it’s on a defender. i wouldn’t slot too much -to hit but would be interested in enhancing it saying that, you may find you can proc it nicely and have reasonable damage. i’m about to log onto the comp to see what a nature/dark def looks like in mids, will give a more informed answer soon..
  21. hard mode has bought new life to support ATs - i might look into nature
  22. i also enjoy the holy trinity - i think IOs killed that off quite significantly, with the rock bottom IO prices on HC adding further weight to the trinity’s demise hard mode content is starting to bring that back, i can see hard mode empath’s being a valuable addition along with resistance based support characters
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