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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. in your view, what are the reasons they lost interest in the game?
  2. i think that’s an important insight - if people are avoiding gameplay because they no longer click with the core game structure, changes which are designed with the majority of players in mind is going to make certain groups feel unwanted or pushed out hopefully some of the new content and challenges being introduced will be a good countermeasure if people feel their favourite activities have been diminished
  3. “oh, i wasn’t aware of that, i was incorrect” there you go, wasn’t that hard was it? p.s if possible, please try to limit your foot stomping to this thread rather than following your way through my post history for downvotes. alternatively, a thread has been created specifically for individuals who need to unleash their inner thumbs down 👎👎 edit: the thumbnail of the above thread is just so wrong. have some decency, @Troo
  4. to balance the economy i am an effective 👎 sink
  5. to give you some credit, i wouldn’t say it’s that enthusiastic players lack maturity, i’d view it from the perspective that changes to the game will have a larger impact on their daily routine if they are regular players MMOs by nature are a second society, changes to that environment can be quite emotive
  6. aw man, that’s me ruled out then
  7. i hear there‘s a mission in AE which is quite popular, some sort of meteor with fiery enemies?… 😉 the eden trial is my favourite “mission” in the game, used to be an amazing challenge back on live frostfire also a classic
  8. i would support this it would allow people to PL 1-50 in AE and then continue farming if they want influence, but require gameplay to unlock incarnates
  9. i think clunky is the right word to describe ice assault. each power works, but as a chain it never feels right
  10. why poke a wasp nest when you can take a running kick at it
  11. its true, my refusal to blindly praise AE has resulted in many beatings 🤕
  12. well if i wake up tomorrow morning to find this has become The Mediocre AE Debate i might start to get disappointed 😛
  13. or the devs could simply seed IO prices like they do already for salvage
  14. can you imagine a world without AE? *shudders* 😛
  15. i completely agree. the game on live used to have meaningful rewards for progression. everything feels a bit too auto-win thesedays on a nostalgic note, sirens call on live used to be *amazing* before everyone had a hyper IOd out build
  16. i’m not sure there is inflation of any IO prices on HC compared to live but i understand your point that converters make undesirable IOs have value rather than a single golden goose of the set it used to feel amazing if a purple or a numinas, miracle etc dropped - thesedays it’s a non event
  17. yes agreed, but only for five minute bursts of chaos which activate once an hour without warning
  18. what about a Coralax zone GM event that summons waves of coralax from all surrounding waters in the zone to defend it each time it reaches 75/50/25% health. progressively more numerous each time. wave of luts/bosses then EBs
  19. people hate on synapse but at least the maps are nice citadel is definitely the worse. part of me dies everytime i run it
  20. given the conversations you, me and others have had in the AE thread we’ve both learned a lot about game balance, risk vs reward and desired mechanics of an MMO. therefore troo, i’d suggest the following: everyone should start at lvl 50, all IOs should be free and enemies should all have 1hp all zones which aren’t atlas park can be removed and itrials can start from AP - what a dream. honing the game to peak perfection
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