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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. why is there a 3 page thread with no posts?
  2. my quoting for truth perhaps doesn’t add much value to the overall conversation, but damn, this is absolutely spot on i also find the use of the word “dev cheerleader” as an insult very strange. it’s amazing that the game is back. some of the changes had a negative impact on my main - (a /sonic def), however it’s not my server, i am a guest in someones house and that’s how it goes i find i restrict more and more of my conversations on recent changes to PMs to avoid the usual wave of grumpiness and downvotes from the rather sensitive anti-change crowd. this is a shame as it seems to be a minority of less than 10 posters i do think the time has come to remove them from the game and forums, it is giving a bad image to the community which is and has always been, 99% friendly, funny and welcoming
  3. was this ghost written by @Ukase? 😛
  4. sounds proportionate given that it’s a challenge trial
  5. hmm this thread is staying surprisingly civilised, lemme get things going yes, nerf those farms! ban AE! farmers are bad people who leave the toilet seat up
  6. i think people do get it, i’m a parent thesedays myself and work full time etc. i recognise the development team do also as a hobby server, the development is naturally influenced by these circumstances, whereas if you work for a professional game house you target a specific playerbase and play style the conflict arises where some people still wish CoH to be a long paced MMORPG and others want a pick up and play game what if an issue 1 or issue 3 shard was created and one of the ailing shards combined into the other 3?
  7. interesting perspective. i noted a list of the power creep / ease of challenge changes made over the years below to aid discussion. is there anything missing? (other than old school things from early issues on live) - auto stamina - powerful purple IOs which work when exemped - ability to use powers 5 levels above your exemped level - ability to convert IOs leading to all enhancements being nearly free to use or require very little time to achieve - travel powers at much lower levels with no prerequisite - an abundance of free respecs, very little challenge to complete a respec TF, available on the market for pennies - ability to buy things from the market by typing /ah anywhere, stock up on huge insps before events - DFBs which catapult people to lvl 20 - permanent double XP available - AE farms allowing people to distill powerlevelling further to its purist form - most powerful powers now available at lvl 26 and 30, usable when exemped down to 21/25 edit: a point of discussion which was held during the Great Page 4 Riots was whether CoH is still an MMORPG or whether it has now transitioned to being a pick up and play sandbox activity. lots of discussion on which retains a playerbase most effectively
  8. i also sit in the “earning things make it feel worthwhile” camp, having dished out my views during the page 4 threads i was initially excited about the new power access level changes, though i do wonder how dramatically it’s going to change some of the mid 20’s content. the updated examplar system where you can use powers 5 levels down was already quite a boost to balance that however, for some ATs/sets like SS tanks, not getting foot stomp until lvl 38 is an incredible slog. having it available by lvl 30 makes levelling naturally far more appealing
  9. oh no, not a beta patch notes thread and focused feedback posts what are we going to argue about this time? what does @Ukase think of it all?
  10. this is a huge boost to those who love playing the game at lower levels, it opens up so many powersets @Xiddo
  11. ah, that’s good to know - hadn’t noticed the aggro too much on total domination the addition of damage may open up new proc strategies that interest some people for sure perhaps i’m being too resistant to change, i should welcome a buff!
  12. love seeing someone who builds a defender focused on team support rather than trying to be a scrapper i’d swap out one of the leadership powers for vengeance
  13. hey, not a problem. i see you’ve put a lot of thought into the changes in my view the addition of damage is also the removal of stealth. on my mind dom i like that several powers have no damage, it allows me to lock down mobs and not have them aggro when the control wears off
  14. i’m not too keen on these changes and personally think that nerfing the AoE holds by adding damage is unnecessary given the powers aren’t too frequently used the accuracy in my view has never been too noticeable, slotting 2 acc IOs in an AoE hold power seems to suffice, especially given a lot of characters will have accuracy bonuses from cheap IO sets and various buffs when teaming the duration can also be increased via enhancements allowing for longer holds and increased chance of quickly overlapping an ST hold on bosses to stack the mez a small recharge time buff is welcomed, especially to allow the powers greater use at lower levels
  15. i like my mind/fire/ice dom the best crowd control, very high damage, a nice -res debuff from sleet and i picked up veng to harvest my nutrient rich teammates should one fall
  16. slotting the contagious confusion proc will also help too
  17. that’s good to hear. sonic received a significant buff in damage during the recent patch i’m enjoying the nature/dark i made the other week, only up to level 7 or so at the moment. taking it slow with no double xp i notice that dark ‘feels’ right with nature - the powers are quiet and relaxing like they are with nature. i’ve also been able to quickly build my attack chain with dark blast + gloom + snipe by level 6, makes the character feel useful! hope you enjoy your alts
  18. 1-50 and most incarnate trials i’d imagine in the average 8 man team, at least 1 person isn’t really contributing in a meaningful way. 8 people aren’t required for most content, so it doesn’t get noticed too much
  19. i play a mind/fire permadom and find the control powers are a bit pointless on bosses and above on hard mode runs unless i take the time to stack things there may be some value in targeting particularly annoying single targets, though a non controller/dom AT could also achieve this effectively if working with others earth control for its -def and location based powers for longer fights seems like it would be useful
  20. if you think EB's are too soft then you clearly haven't tried to solo this guy:
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