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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. i’d pose this question: are the devs and other people really unable to fathom that some people enjoy non-combat playstyles? the homecoming playerbase looks down on any player which isn’t building for defense and trying to play every character like a scrapper there are many of us on the game who were drawn to it years ago by its ability to have dyamic teams where some players support, some control and others attack statistically defenders are played half as much as blasters and brutes. does it really help “balance” the game by introducing a change which makes the AT slightly less attractive to play?
  2. MoonSheep


    other way around - it’ll be great for other ATs but a large nerf for defenders who pick it solely for its debuffing values see my whining and foot stomping here:
  3. MoonSheep


    with the upcoming nerfs to sonic blast i’d agree and go with sonic/dark, building in a good amount of -acc for additional team support
  4. for defenders that use sonic as a debuffing set however, this means previously where i’d fire off shriek and screech, i’d now need to cycle through 4 attacks to get the same debuff value as someone who’s played my kin/sonic for the last 3 years this is an unfortunate change and mutes the superstar feel of the build as a wider constructive feedback note to you and the team i’d like to comment that i find these “modern” power dynamics overly complicated, i’m put off playing powersets which are hard work to understand. simplifying the sonic debuff to 15% across all powers would be a preferable change. often the development team seem to produce unnecessarily complex changes which incurs additional development time and diminishes the reception to the playerbase as people have difficulty understanding the change or new content i know quite few people commenting on this thread and i expect this is the top 10% of people who are experienced in CoX, if this strata of the playerbase is finding the changes difficult to understand i expect the majority of casual players will quite rightly gloss over
  5. what a bizzarre set of changes to an underperforming set edit: i’ve come back to this after having reviewed the other various changes over the last few days and am now in support of this change. i love my kin/sonic, however i am also vocal that i feel the game is an empty husk of its former self as there is no challenge left and characters have been allowed to become vastly overpowered, the game is unrecognisable compared to its golden era. if this change helps invoke more challenge then i am in favour of it
  6. i agree - combat is incredibly fast thesedays, gone are the times where a mob would be pulled into a spot and then ground down for 40-60 seconds
  7. suggestion: rename this sub-forum to “Text Based PvP” 😁
  8. this sounds a fun combo, might try it out soon what’s it like levelling it through mostly solo play?
  9. i don’t really play anything other than my mind/fire/ice, it’s such an incredibly powerful AT/combo it makes everything else feel a bit dull it’s only when you try to play something without mez controls that you realise how great permadom is
  10. keen to join the club and try this on my mind/fire/ice soon. great to do it with mind, some fun tactics to be had
  11. i know right, can you imagine building a support archetype to have a support build, madness!
  12. you feel the rewards are too low for sitting idle in game? this post is hilarious
  13. i’ve never been disappointed in my mind/fire/ice dom, is pretty much all i’ve played for the last 3 years
  14. i dislike this viewpoint because for me the team aspect and unique abilities of each AT in CoH is what makes it so enjoyable however you are entirely correct. it can be seen on every build thread on the archetype sub forums. the number one priority for players on HC is “me me me” - e.g purely support ATs with tough and weave, completely neglecting the various support powers for the sake of softcapping def. ego has taken centre stage over co-op play and team work archetypes don’t exist on HC
  15. haha yeah i quickly realised that, RIP some inf
  16. i logged on last night and tried manipulating the price of alchemical gold to see if the prices could be influenced to a significant degree - i was quickly 160M inf down and didn’t seem to make much of a difference on that one item (didn’t want to waste too much inf on an experiment) if someone is trying to manipulate the price of all uncommon salvage they will be having to invest 10’s of billions into doing it i think it may simply be a wider market force edit: just seen @Troo’s post, looks like i’m a right peasant. please ignore the above post from this lowly proletariat 😀
  17. it’s still basically free even at 10K, i’m happy to chuck you some inf @Snarky if you’re finding it expensive, pm me your ingame global?
  18. i’m probably a bit biased but a mind/fire dom has everything at range, very high damage and a fun soloing experience. i’ve done most of the games content several times over on mine, a lot of it solo - currently at around 9600 merits
  19. i would absolutely love that on all of my alts, more ability to cause chaos!
  20. i like the part where you took the time to ensure you made at least one incorrect statement in every sentence of that post
  21. man, those good ol days of sirens call PvP were incredible. such a memorable moment of my CoX career that i’ll always value - Sirens was *the* place to be. It was heaving blueside and redside permanently - So many different ATs were viable, you’d have a fighting chance on a lot of different builds - People would make characters specifically for sirens call - Big group battles at the hero entrance or villain entrance, like angry wasps attacking each other
  22. i jumped on the KM hate train with too much enthusiasm then it seems!
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