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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. thank you, Ukase. it’s important that we remain factual when posting and not resort to jovial hyperbole
  2. i think i saw some player stat numbers recently and the population over the last 18-24 months has remained surprisingly level
  3. if that’s what CoD is showing i expect it’s correct, 10 seconds feels like a lifetime when you’re in the heat of battle
  4. i ran a great synapse with @Xiddo earlier in the week on my new elec/shield stalker and kept hide turned off for the vast majority of the TF so i could heard with Against All Odds interestingly, when my chance to hide proc activated it seemed to place me in a permanent hide state until i attacked rather than being time limited
  5. played a 1.5 hour synapse last night with a team of 8, starting at around 8:30pm UK time / 3:30pm EST and found it to be completely fine. one person in the team rebooted as they thought their router was playing up but that was about it perhaps things are resolved now, or did we get lucky?
  6. this is my jam! my only two 50's on HC are a dom and a kin/sonic def, both with 10,000 merits from casual play my earnest advice is to just build whatever you find the most fun - procs, sets you like the icons of.. whatever! none of it matters. i have a pure trash build of fun procs i like and it can still run 11 minute ITFs, hard mode aeons etc. it's a really forgiving combination to play, doesn't need tough/weave as it's a defender, frees up more fun powers don't overthink it, it's a great character regardless of what you do! powerboosted veng makes it even better
  7. clearly the devs hate farming so much they are kicking the server when leaving the room to get a coffee still going strong!
  8. i quite agree with this - i’ve tried to love SS over the years but find it mostly uninspiring. rage is it’s party trick that carries the set, as soon as you play with a kin you start looking round at other sets SS “feels” good though and rage at such a low level makes a big difference, can rode that feel good wave for quite a while
  9. oh man, i have an urge to replace it with a short recording of unhinged yelling/screaming - would be hilarious
  10. looking good sleet can also take the achilles heel -res buff for even more -res vengeance is a good LOTG +rech mule, giving you an extra +7.5 rech. with heat loss your teams won’t be wanting for end. also bear in mind you can ‘accidentally’ cast a blind eye if someone is dying and then.. oh no, a death.. time for veng 😇 thoughts and prayers. you may want to drop tactics or you’ll have quite a lot of toggles running have you got the ‘standard’ +end and absorb procs in health/stamina?
  11. power boost is amazing for short circuit / ball lightning combo and does wonders for vengeance, worth it just for that alone!
  12. top guy, i’m always down to team on excelsior if you’re about and wanting to chill mate 👍
  13. hey, great combo to choose, a real powerhouse. some thoughts below if helpful: - if you’re going for a team build, don’t waste your slots and power picks on tough/weave, it just isn’t needed on a team oriented defender/alt - add an extra slot into charge up and have the gaussian chance for build up, it procs near enough every time - add more slots into infrigidate, it’ll need a high level of accuracy for tough targets before you get sleet - swap out one of the leadership powers for veng and take it as low as possible, it’s great on low lvl TFs - lvl 26 and lvl 32 powers can now be taken at lvl 22 and 26 respectively, see if you can incorporate this into your power level selection - in sleet put the chance for -res defence debuff proc - slot short circuit for end mod, power transfer is a good one as it has end mod and damage - pick up power boost in your mastery, it boosts near enough every power in your primary and secondary - i’d also get rid of combat jumping for teleport target, bring corpses to you and veng from them - if there are powers available after scrapping the fighting pool, pick up spirit ward and slot it for 2 absorb. it’s a nice one to toughen up the lead tank slightly
  14. oh man, this is rage inducing like nothing else having a kin on the team that sits there using their lame ineffective blasts at range and not blessing the group with God’s Fulcrum Shift 🙏 and The Lords Speed Boost 🙌 should be punishable by a gruesome and memorable death it’s the reason my co-main is a kin defender, to play the set right
  15. you’re right - i pm’d you as i saw you had misunderstood my post and felt it was the nicer/calmer option than letting the thread descend into an argument, we’ve had too many of those in the last few months my fault for setting my expectations too high i suppose
  16. in my view, this mindset is the downfall of CoX - the game and teams are so much more incredible, powerful, interesting and diverse when people build their alts with the intended archetype and teamwork in mind the “me me me” fad has made the game boring and homogenous
  17. ooh, a TF i want to play, i’ll message the lead and get involved -joins team- well, i’m in now. time to turn off the chat window, nav bar, status bar and let ‘er rip in every direction for the next hour! - The average PuG team, 2004-2023
  18. talos or atlas park seem the most normal place to live - nice streets, some greenery, good transport links, not too overidden with crime imagine living in mercy island!
  19. haha.. i feel i am slowly getting closer to finding this mystical brawler a stalker/scrapper or tank, maybe shield or fire for the extra damage, ice or elec melee… trying them all out on test
  20. i have two lvl 50’s which i play almost daily since returning may 2019 (kin/sonic def and mind/fire dom) + now a lvl 41 psi/shield stalker which has slowed down i’m still on the hunt for the perfect third alt..
  21. tempted by fire/DM myself, or fire/ice - an eternal classic
  22. as dark has such a great self heal, have you considered playing more into +recovery sets rather than +regen? i have a D3 tank on beta i play around with and it seems to work quite well
  23. put it on health or another auto power unless you’re looking to use it for the set bonuses
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