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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. thread bump are you guys still playing your strj/bio scrappers? i’ve been looking for something to play through goldside mostly solo what’s the ST and AoE like in the real world?
  2. i would argue that there’s no need to have expensive builds - teamwork and proper team composition more than makes up for IO sets my kin defender is mostly common IOs and one or two mixed IO sets and still does great on hard mode TFs / speedruns hard mode TFs need active leadership to build the right team, it’s given support ATs and team tanks a new lease of life which is a really exciting change. at present, every AT is any AT which is a bit bland
  3. prices are likely to reduce over time, however it is entirely right that the hardest content/highest risk should offer the most reward the problem with AE farming for many of us in the community is that the lowest risk / lowest effort activity offered the highest reward - hard mode ITF offering meaningful gain is a huge step in the right direction for city of heroes the MMORPG AE farmers have been largely unscathed by the new patch, it’s a win all round
  4. the contagious confusion proc goes great in confuse ice mastery for sleet is a far superior choice of mastery, dark mastery for soul drain is equally good
  5. can you give an example of a recent change which required a complete character re-work or having to materially change how you play 1-50 content?
  6. i’m a neanderthal and my opinions shouldn’t be listened by anyone, however i do like playing into the theme of a set if it’s on a defender. i wouldn’t slot too much -to hit but would be interested in enhancing it saying that, you may find you can proc it nicely and have reasonable damage. i’m about to log onto the comp to see what a nature/dark def looks like in mids, will give a more informed answer soon..
  7. hard mode has bought new life to support ATs - i might look into nature
  8. i also enjoy the holy trinity - i think IOs killed that off quite significantly, with the rock bottom IO prices on HC adding further weight to the trinity’s demise hard mode content is starting to bring that back, i can see hard mode empath’s being a valuable addition along with resistance based support characters
  9. i made a dark/dark/dark on test and really enjoy it - it’s really survivable and i don’t find the endurance too bad now that it’s been slotted and has cardiac end insps drop reasonably often too for a boost where needed i’d say stick with it, nice to see variety
  10. dark seems a helpful compliment, especially if slotted for -acc
  11. defender 100%. when the best is on offer, why choose anything else? don’t settle for mediocre halfway house ATs 😄
  12. the test was run on a dominator with a build that provides 0% defense or resistance, not a high powered solo melee AT. the inf gain from a team running a small TF or a few missions would be much faster - especially when taking into consideration recipe/salvage drops it shows how easily influence and IO sets can be achieved in-game, a full set earned in a matter of minutes through very minor casual play
  13. nothing wrong with that, player skill and positioning is the most effective survival strategy
  14. i run incan to scoop up all the corpses into a neat pile to veng from
  15. hey, i think you may have missed the rest of the post before replying the crafting cost, including all salvage required would be covered by defeating two more mobs
  16. if you "Buy It Nao" the prices will always be higher, they can easily be had for well under 50,000, see below. they were a few thousand before i bought a bunch (can't remember why i wanted them at the time) i logged on real quick onto my dom and killed a mob of cimerorans and added up how much inf i received; 41,713 (7 minions) 82,016 (4 luts) 256,324 (3 bosses) total (without any drops) 380,053 a single mob provides almost enough inf to craft one Makos Bite, killing another two would provide enough inf to purchase the recipe, the rare salvage and all the remaining salvage. this mob had a higher than average amount of bosses, so lets say it takes 5 mobs per IO, even without any recipe or rare salvage drops this means every 20-30 mobs killed, a full set of a great IO like Mako's Bite can be had - about the same as two missions
  17. i’m not sure i agree, IO prices are incredibly low on HC they’re on the verge of being free even for good sets - e.g Mako’s Bite for a few thousand inf. when i made my first alt i was able to fully kit it out with purple/attuned IOs in less than a few weeks of casual play with no farming/AE exploits. IOs have halved in price since that time personally, i’d remove the IO conversion function - it has muted the fun of receiving a rare IO and contributed to the auto-win low price of enhancements. i feel without it, prices would rise slightly to a more appropriate level for end-game enhancing
  18. sorry if i’m being slow, what’s the problem then? i do find inf is quite plentiful, though i only play 2 mains and dabble with one or two other ideas. the test server has been a great tool for trying out concepts and hairbrain schemes
  19. unslotters can be bought for a low price from the AH, cannibalise existing alts to feed the new main
  20. 100% agree i’d also add that IOs are far too affordable making most content not fit for purpose as characters have become overpowered a final build should be earned over time as an achievement, not as something that’s completed in a few hours
  21. herotu - one of the most rewarding things i’ve done on my main is following the ouroboros badge guide (the badges you get for completing ouro arcs if enemies buffed, or no inspirations, enhancements etc) even if you’re not into badging it‘s a really rewarding challenge to pass through a number of storyarcs from lvl 15 to 50 with a variety of debuffs/limitations applied depending on the challenge a lot of the challenges made me think about the approach to take and strategic thinking - def recommend it
  22. haha yeah. how dare the owners of a private server on which i am a guest not appease my every wish! outrageous!
  23. how are you guys finding psi? i’ve been tempted to make a psi/something scrapper. boggle seems like it could be fun on rikti guardians and similar for free buffs like @Yomo Kimyata i’ve been tempted by /ice, a mixed bag of fun powers rather than min/maxing. elec also tempting but i suspect it would underperform on a scrapper
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