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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. two years reading the same thread, he’s a slow one 😉
  2. what?! you mean, there’s a city of heroes game you can log into!? i thought forum arguments *was* the CoH experience
  3. fortunately you wont need to empty the tray, the insps you hold will become greyed out and unusable whilst the challenge is in progress
  4. poison would be one at the top, poison/fire is a great debuffer - a good solo defender capable of meaningful damage too
  5. why would you need to repeat it? a no-xp AFK timer would simply deactivate rewards for idol characters, not log them off
  6. significantly up the rewards for hard mode content - make it worth the effort, the time. people will invest in characters that support hard mode content i like the challenge however i recognise others are more reward driven, if running content on relentless is extremely fruitful people will flock to it more readily.. off to post in the beta forum
  7. ultimate hard mode - go into the atlas park AE building and recruit 7 fresh 50’s telling them you’ve found a great new farm, take them to a relentless ASF
  8. yeah it’s pretty intense - the first time i did an ASF on relentless with a fully incarnate’d team i think we had 70+ deaths per team member, 4 hours later
  9. pickup veng on your tank and instead of worrying about deaths on the team, yearn for them, orchestrate them 😛
  10. i’d advocate for no vet levels, no emp conversion and a 1 minute no xp AFK timer. a minor change but a step in the right direction for Game Balance® high level IOs and incarnates should be a challenge to obtain, not an automatic right
  11. @Booper i think this is a good change and will boost the merit earning ability for a lot of people. i do wonder whether the reward for the keyes trial should be higher - from my experience it’s often notably more difficult than a BAF, i think a reward of 21-22 merits would be more fitting
  12. 😂 think that signals the end of the debate, time to go home.
  13. man you guessed that pretty accurately 😂
  14. the post you’ve quoted has been changed about 30 minutes ago but happy to discuss either what do you feel defines the MMORPG genre?
  15. i completely agree mate. though, there will always be a small number of players who are outside of the MMORPG community who assume that every game is a pickup and play FPS some genres are more about the art than the xp reward - and better for it
  16. i’m not sure the age of the game makes it any less of an MMORPG though. dungeons and dragons is 40+ years old, should people forgo the standard playstyle and instead speedrun every session is instead? the people involved in maintaining the game still appear to have a lot of love for the CoH world - i’d say at least 50% of the next update is on costume, customisation and other non-combat elements. just because something is a bit older doesn’t mean it’s not worth the same amount of care and attention as a newer game receives 🤲
  17. i think he has a very valid point though, i’ve noted it in this thread too CoH as an MMORPG is part of a game genre thats inherently based on character development, lore and gradual progression. individuals expressing surprise or disgruntlement at the devs for releasing updates which are in-line with, or build on the genre feels misguided - CoH is not a pickup and play shooter. exploits and methods to circumvent the standard path are the exception rather than the rule the “pay to win” elements which were introduced years ago were disliked by some players as they felt it broke the system of gradual progression which all players were locked into - i expect the disgruntlement against AE is rooted in similar beliefs
  18. there are some badgers who earn as many as they can and keep their alts at lvl 15, lvl 20 etc - i’ll see if i can find some examples
  19. true, as a balancing change however, a number of trials are getting a significant boost to merit rewards - for casual players it may even result in an increase of merits received per hour of gameplay a stream lost, a stream gained
  20. i wouldn’t worry about it mate, it’s usually just the same 4-5 forum trolls who don’t actually have anything to contribute, they’re known to most people here
  21. i have perma dom on my mind/fire without hasten, it has hasten too as it’s a useful power. juggling between domination and hasten isn’t the worst thing in the world though, generally in teams you’ll receive some sort of +rech buff between each cycle i didn’t build for any defense etc as it doesn’t need it, went for fun procs instead
  22. MoonSheep

    Too strong

    thanks man 🙂 time to spend the next few months thinking about which powers to choose..
  23. MoonSheep

    Too strong

    can you link me the proposed changes which benefit tanks mate? i’m considering making my 3rd alt in three years to play through goldside then night ward etc.. never mained a tank before, could be something new
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