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Everything posted by MoonSheep

  1. nah, we’ll get you sorted with some good TF and team experiences. not sure if you play excelsior but you’re always welcome if i’m doing something man teams can be hit and miss at times for sure, sometimes a bit rushed, sometimes not too chatty. it’s worth giving it a go again though
  2. mate, run a TF sub lvl 30 on standard difficulty with enemies buffed - it largely prevents people running off and soloing the world as they get squished. i find its effective in encouraging team play if that’s what you’re after or you can highlight that it’s a kill most, helps people know what kind of run it is
  3. that’s a great perspective - if i’m creating a defender i’m doing so for the primary and will focus 70%+ of my efforts on delivering the primary to the team or enemy if i was to make a corrupter it would be a focus on damaging, then dishing out the buffs/debuffs even if the numbers are quite similar the two ATs put you in a different state of mind
  4. haha.. this was my exact experience last year, thought i had found a dream alt until i realised the same thing on mids
  5. that’s a really clear desktop review thanks looks like things are quite close. i have some time later this evening and will make both on test and see how they compare for damage per activation, e.g hitting something in a mission and the more complex situation of taking down something with larger health like an AV if corrupters come out significantly ahead i think it’ll sway me away from defenders for offensive buffers/debuffers. will do my best to be unbiased when testing
  6. are you able to link me any comparisons? am curious, i might have to build two on test later today if there’s not already a thread with defs getting a +30% damage buff when solo and (for the sets that have them) stronger -res debuffs, i wouldn’t be surprised if for most solo encounters the damage out of a corrupter is actually less than a defender until scourge kicks in i may be missing something though, has been a long time since i was a corr player sorry if i’m hijacking your thread @Snarky, has been something i’ve wondered for a while!
  7. if buffs or debuffs are on offer i like to play the Full Fat version of it and then choose a blast set for its secondary effects; end drain, -acc etc i used to have a fire/fire corrupter back on live and played it solely redside, it was a good alt, definitely more offensive than a def
  8. in my opinion i can’t see any reason to play a corrupter over a defender - stronger buffs/debuffs and damage mostly the same with the power level access changes, defenders become an even better choice. scourge feels a bit worthless given enemies are almost dead anyway
  9. good point on the solo front, not sure what i’d pick for a mighty all rounder then. maybe my kin/sonic in a moustache and tall hat?
  10. i am now the proud owner of three alts, if i made a duplicate i’d be worried about my brain health 😛
  11. just giving a shout out for the all time greatest defender set - kinetics i’ve ran only two alts for the last three years, one of them being a kin/sonic defender. love it on any TF. SB in the low levels is a great meaningful buff, FS in higher TFs always goes down well kin pairs with anything. nobody cares what you’re doing with your secondary as long as you hand out the SB and FS
  12. i always bind the i key to be auto jump, might help you /bind i ++up
  13. what’s the standard -res% of the sent inherent vs the buffed % with the superior ATO? edit: i see on city of data the standard -res is 15%, does the ATO provide another 10%?
  14. not agreeing with someones viewpoint doesn’t make the content “toxic” ivan i disagree with your farming view but don’t think your contributions are toxic, or hostile etc. people can have different viewpoints and coexist on the forum the matter is described by some as a forum wide war, when really its a handful of threads where people go to have an argument for a laugh, like a pub of drunken sailors
  15. sounds like a hard mode run rather than a standard MoITF run mate (no deaths, no temps)
  16. time to hype myself up for an alt i’ll never play 😍 ill/sonic is tempting, have been wanting to play one for quite a while. can place the hulahoops round phantasm and buff him into Big Strong Boiye status
  17. about a 40% reduction in power - quite a shame. had hyped myself up for an illusion dom may have to find a nice pairing and make an ill controller instead @Xiddo
  18. we are an online community who all exist within the same digital world though, battle - changes to the game impact all of us we’re all older and more boring now, i expect a lot of us have less time to play CoH, but i don’t think that means it should be changed for individuals who want a quicker levelling experience the devs have provided permanent double xp, tolerance of AE farms and permission for multiboxed accounts. i personally wouldn’t have any of these as i believe it creates burnout quicker, but i’m not all playstyles i think auto 50’s however is too fundamental a change to the game’s genre though and not the right fit CoH as a creative, artistic artefact should be respected for what it is and preserved regardless of the amount of free time we have or the amount of people that want to play it
  19. agreed on both points CoH is not The Sims, people are playing the wrong game if they want a sandbox experience becoming bored with the game is okay, it doesn’t need to be changed for all players because a few people don’t want to play anymore
  20. sounds like you need to run your own server and show us all how its done mate, looking forward to seeing it
  21. incredible - pure talent did you guys use voice chat or furious typing?
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