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Everything posted by FoulVileTerror

  1. . . . wut? I'm saying that depending on the source of your pork, you can wind up with trichinosis-laden trash, or delicious meat that's safe to consume at lower temperatures.
  2. Or maybe you're a broker/contractor, and you only call in the soldiers after getting the job details from your contacts. You're essentially a middleman who watches your 'runners' progress from the frontlines.
  3. Let's get the helicopter propellers coded up to do massive lethal damage DoTs while also Repelling and Knocking the player-character back first. That should be significantly easier to do, based on what my understanding of the code is like. If people appreciate getting eviscerated by the helicopters, then we can look in to making the cars dealing damage?
  4. While you raise an excellent point, @Omega-202, I think your present tone really undermines the efficacy of your message. And since it's an important message, I would like to encourage your consideration of establishing it without resorting to comments like the last line of your post there.
  5. Thank you, @Grouchybeast. Same goes for pork.
  6. *grits teeth in anxious consideration of said foreshadowing*
  7. @GuilmonDude, you are not alone: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/12155-going-forward-can-we-have-more-things-that-mean-something/ But you also appear to be in a minority. I recommend taking a read through that other thread. There's some helpful information in there. But, ultimately, from a game design standpoint; sunk-cost fallacies are one of the things that are best removed wholesale. A player can still opt to self-impose any challenges or milestones they personally desire without negatively impacting the players who benefit from the more flexible and permissive gameplay which is now available. The Devs are almost certainly aware of the players who want more challenge or more baubles, but there hasn't been an official word one way or the other (as far as I know) on how they feel about it.
  8. I wonder how @Coyote feels about that. Have you two had a dance-off yet? I kind of feel that needs to happen . . .
  9. But, see . . . if all those options for play are available on Homecoming, that would suggest -less- fracturing, no? There wouldn't be anywhere near as much need for players to migrate to entirely different server clusters like Cake or Rebirth if the options existed within a singular collective network infrastructure.
  10. Let's not forget the part about suggesting feedback for improvement to this game being referenced as part of a "contest" and "debate." Seems rather counter-productive to me, all things considered.
  11. I say all rifles for everyone! I mean, all weapons for everyone too, while we're at it. And some way to get any ranged attack to emit from any rifle. Or other weapon. Just . . . Yes. All of the yes.
  12. I can scarcely imagine the overhead on redesigning or even jury-rigging the physics engine for this game to allow for blimp rides. Would it be cool? I can think of MANY really cool applications for such a change! But it would mean a serious overhaul, to the best of my knowledge. This is, of course, one of those instances where I would be thankful for being proven wrong by someone with more know-how than I.
  13. I read the post of @ac9999 to mean that their wifi was losing packets, and a direct connection resolved that by completely bypassing the wifi. What was causing the wifi to lose packets may never be discovered, since there's just so many ways for noise and interference to get all up in them wifis. And, yes. You -should- be reading "wifis" the way Lorna Schlitzwhistle says it.
  14. Exact same number that were already made the last time you asked.
  15. Honestly, my personal reading of that poem fills me with anxiety and dread. Of course, I am self-aware (just) enough to know that's pretty well internal on my part. To oversimplify: I just don't like "hints." Cultural cues and social positions can cause such ambiguity to be interpreted in wildly different ways, even among of an isolated subset. I feel I operate best when provided well-documented and in-depth information. Informed decision-making is much preferable to blind guesswork for me. But . . . that's a "me problem." Just, for what it's worth as feedback, I thought I'd share my reaction to that post. I hope that the more comprehensive and informative release can happen soon.
  16. Another method, equally (if not more) Dev-intensive is to use the pseudo-instance code we see in Atlas and Mercy Island these days. Have sections of the public Zones which, while a certain mission flag is tripped, will populate the neighbourhood with Invasion-con enemies. Could build a whole expansion out of the idea, honestly. It's NOT something that I imagine will happen with the current development methodologies in place with Homecoming, though.
  17. um . . . middle of page 2? https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/20783-devs-fix-the-lag/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-238054
  18. Good luck with that, heh. I often request follow-ups, feedback, and other means of staying in touch with my event attendees, but -maybe- 20% actually do so. I do appreciate all my attendees, of course! . . . I just sorta appreciate the ones who follow-up even more.
  19. Which would be https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/859-show-off/ There are also https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Nw-npzUY2NGc6SFoHa1ByWw202gI8DlT0ZDTQwoR7YM/edit#gid=0
  20. Would be nice if the Respecs were Respec Recipes instead. Then my Spouse could send them to me, rather then them just clogging up her in-game mail box. Same goes for everything, really. If ever part of the Super Packs were tradeable, that could be very helpful.
  21. Nigel's Friend won a few. Even did a tag-team duo win with Nigel! It was a good night. I'm sorry you missed it.
  22. *em bow* *em fancybow* *em praise* Thank you, @DoctorDitko!
  23. /copychat TAB_NAME So, for example for you there: /copychat Global
  24. With the Base Passcodes as well there's a whole new aspect of the game in building and sharing Bases that really wasn't anywhere near as accessible or prevalent as it is now. It's a huge step up! Global Channels have largely filled the gap left where Groups used to be used for recruitment of missions and trial content. Honestly, I quite like the way things are arranged now! We're still not quite at 100% ideal, but we're at least in a much better position overall.
  25. Nope, nope, nope. Sorry. Genuinely sorry (I like Natural content too!). Magic (in their tattoo ink) for Tsoo of all ranks. Science (Super-Serums) for the other two factions at all ranks. And it would be criminal of me to neglect mentioning the robots and grim experiments with Nictus resulting in Warwolves and Vampyri.
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