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Everything posted by SuperPlyx

  1. Now that you mention it,I recall I wasn't charged for Hasten or Super Speed when I changed to minimalist graphics. Maybe switching to minimalist isn't seen as chargeable change?
  2. This is one Power Transfer Proc slotted in Stamina on my Blaster. As you can see it is 3ppm
  3. Gotta say I agree with Bopper , a Willpower Brute with Energy Mastery Ancillary could slot 4 Power Transfer Procs. And I am not sure that 4 of these proccing 3ppm is what was intended.
  4. So I decided a support toon was the right way to go with this. And altho I really liked the idea of Force Field, after really looking at Electric Affinity it just made the most sense. As others in this thread have pointed out it really does shine at level 25, not sure how it is at level 50 but it's impressive at this level. Kudos for all the people responsible for making this powerset. Thank all of you for the replies and suggestions!!
  5. I hope you don't mind a post to just cheer you on. Not gonna lie I don't understand about half of what ya'll saying in here but this is so intriguing to me,I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  6. Also there is occasionally "badge run" MSR that are done instances . Basically they start raid,take down pylons,plant bombs,kill boss...and then everyone quits. This is why I personally have become wary of instanced msr.
  7. Are these updates included in the 32 bit version? From looking at the links it appears to be the same version I have now 2.6.07
  8. Doing Tin Mage TF on my Kat/WP scrapper tonight,which I have done countless times before without any troubles. Neuron goes down,turn my attention to Bobcat she is half dead from AoEs and then: My scrapps max HP is 2230...so that killed me.Dead. You got me this time BobCat
  9. See....cats and dogs together is on par with human sacrifice..cats are ebil
  10. Agreed , and why I can't bring myself to roll a Beast MM. I assume the dogs and cats were chosen simple because the frameworks were all ready made. And much as I would love for almost any different beast I don't see that ever happening.
  11. I do not understand this...LotG Defense IO and Shield Wall Defense IO are the same,25.5% and set bonus is same, what is the benefit to changing? Is it the boosters? why not just boost the LotG?? Big difference in End use tho
  12. Banished Pantheon Radial Superior the Defier is untouchable....basically you crafted the wrong one
  13. Nothing like standing in the middle of a mob with your Hotfeet and Imps killing everything around you as they bounce around. Also let's you easily identify the LTs so can throw a single target hold on them till you can get to them. I should play my troller more often....
  14. As for the reds, I went to the P2W vendor and turned all but reds off. So they are the only ones that drop for my farmer. And I pop a stack of them from time to time but honestly I'm not crazy about it. And I get between 4 and 5 minutes per on my Rad/Fire. The answer is simple: procs Check Hjarki build it's full of procs in Burn, Irradiated Ground and Atom Smasher....I have them in Blazing Aura and Electric Fences as well on my build.
  15. Should definitely check out this doc put together by GM Miss...tons of good info. And Pics! https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/7842-incarnate-lore-pet-list-photosabilitiesdps-numbers/ That said it may matter what you want out of the lore pet. A good lore for incarnate teams is different from a good pet for solo play. I recently was going through the list trying to see what would be best in helping solo AVs..like which ones have -regen... Demons,Vanguard and Drones have -regen. I have only tried the Robotic Drones so far,worked great while they lasted. But neither one is untouchable.
  16. Not sure Windfall is suppose to work in AE missions.
  17. Serious question, is it known why some players(myself included) experience such major connection and crash issues with this zone? Is it something fixable?
  18. Crowd Control slotted right is an extremely fun attack.
  19. Fire/Time Blaster - Because Nukes! Seriously good damage tho Katana/WP Scrapper - Love this guy on speed runs Savage Melee/ Invul Stalker - Savage Leap may be my favorite attack in the game Rad Armour / Martial Tank - Because sometimes ya just need a tank Lastly I can't decide between my 2 Controllers...Fire/Kin or Plant/Storm both a lot of fun.
  20. This is what I did, and it hit hard on my controller and defender. But it's a melee power and I personally play those ATs at range, so I rarely used it. And finally respecced out of it
  21. I'm sure you'll get lots of answers and in depth discussion. I recommend checking out the Guides section RoboTech_Master and others have put some amazing guides on there to help players. Whatever you do ,have fun doing it.
  22. This sums it ...you can just unplug your brain and something about the repetitive task is soothing to me. Altho I do not do it often any more.
  23. Hey,if she's held and taking damage all the better. But if your there,have taunt and she can be , wouldn't you?
  24. I think your job is to taunt her out of the blue death patch so melee can move back in.
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