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Everything posted by SuperPlyx

  1. *sigh* If you're not playing a TW/Bio scrap what are you even doing? /sarcasm
  2. War Mace Brute...just hit things with a stick....nice and simple.
  3. I have 1 toon with cold shields and honestly rarely use them. 1 reason is I alt to much and just forget I even have them. But a lot of teams I am on just are going so fast and not really taking any damage it hardly seems worth it.
  4. As it stands right now,unless I am missing a trick, you can only get to this UHW forum from the clubs tab. However, the Mids club has a subforum link that is easy to click from the main board. I say this club should have one to. Or some kind of link on the main page.
  5. As someone who likes to test different sets out before spending alot of time and inf on the regular server. It got me wondering how others test builds. Depending on AT , I may go whack a Pylon or a lot of time I just grab a mission in Pergrine island or Dark Astoria. Maria Jenkins will almost always give the Infernal mission without an intro, so you get an AV. But the summoning portal can be a pain in the ass with some ATs I wonder if anyone ever made an AE mission for testing purposes. So fellow testers,what do you do?
  6. Thoughts on Time Bomb, I noticed you didnt take it.
  7. I can't speak for Elec Affinity at higher levels but at low to mid level it really is impressive. And pair so well with /storm....it's a click happy set but fun
  8. damn good and well a tomato is a vegetable!
  9. Did not know this, I learn something everyday on here.
  10. I ran into something along those lines...tank said he not aggro management he is damage tank. I was like wtf? but hey to each is own I guess. Kinda what makes this game special, you can make whatever you fancy and it will still probably work,maybe not great and maybe not what team had hoped,but still.
  11. Just checked on my scrapper ,slotted Pancea in my RttC and it never procced. Also watched log with numerous bad guys surrounding me,still nothing. That being said, Pancea is a unique so only 1 can be slotted,it really works best in an auto power like Health. or Fast Healing,etc.
  12. I am just gonna have to go to test and try a couple out and see what "clicks" with me. Thanks again for all the feedback . But also I gotta say I love these names 😆
  13. Thanks for all the great info guys (gals) I didn't realize Phantom Army could not be buffed. And have to agree for that and other reasons stated I will forgo Pain. Thinking either Poison or Rad...I like cold but again I have cold toons. And I am not a fan of Dark anything. I heard good things about Traps except on teams it is to slow.
  14. Auction House (Black Market) > Salvage > Special > Super Pack
  15. So I have decided I need an Illusion controller in my stable. (also: why no dominator port? ) And trying to decide on a secondary,I know the obvious ones are /rad and /kin. But I have done /rad and I have a /kin already. So looking for something different. From just a quick overview,Pain Domination seems like it would be a good pairing. Maybe my search-fu is weak but there doesn't seem like I lot about this pairing on the forum here. And having never played Pain before was just wanting some feedback on if this would be a good pairing? Should mention,this would be for team and Itrial friendly. hmm,maybe poison....arghh,,I can't decide...
  16. What is this? I mean besides a figurine of Recluse,it appears to have some numbers that change in the base...curious.
  17. There is a mission from Dark Watcher called "Investigate Nemesis Base" this was a popular farm back on live before AE. I knew it as the "platform mish" This is a RWZ contact and not redside but a good PL farm mish. The unfortunate thing about this,is getting Dark Watcher as a contact..I had to do 3 or 4 RWZ contacts arcs before getting an intro. Television has a mission redside ,but I can not remember the name of it.
  18. It is IMO,the absolute gem of this powerset and I would say a must have. As you can see from my logs,at 50 with procs it is a monster attack. Even when Savage misses the procs hit. We just need to figure out why it isn't working for you. I am sorry I can't give you an answer,hopefully someone smarter will come along and help.
  19. I should note my Stalker is SM/Invul Went to Dark Astoria attacked 8 mobs all level 54, all from hide. I never missed. Log has the procs edited out for easier reading: I am not sure why the difference in our results, I am puzzled.
  20. I just tried this on my stalker and I am not missing that much. I think missed twice in 5 minutes of just spamming SL...this was against a pylon. Need a better way to test this tho. Here is log,kinda hard to read with the procs ...also this doesn't account for hide. Still need to test that.
  21. April 7 Patch notes: Savage Melee Savage Melee's power set description has been updated to no longer state that Shred is empowered by consuming Blood Frenzy, and instead that it builds Blood Frenzy. Set description no longer states that Blood Frenzy adds a damage buff, it now accurately states Blood Frenzy adds a recharge buff and endurance discount. Blood Thirst description updated to highlight the power increases Bleed DOT to 100% Notice line 2 ...no damage buff, I assume this is for all ATs
  22. It appears in your Combat Attributes ,not in the combat log:
  23. I play this game to much...there I said it.... I know I have a problem... Maybe it's a server thing but I do not recall ever seeing "DPS" in any LFG type message. Either "looking for" or offering. TBH, I am wary of any team that "needs" something.
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