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Everything posted by Herotu

  1. Wildstar had a character with this!
  2. Some of the changes are really amazing! I'm hyped.
  3. Ooh, will we need to do herding again?! 😄
  4. Some people really gotta go to the bathroom. That's natural. This will help the goofy characters do their thing and give us all a laugh. The rest of us can look cool and awesome using other animations. I hope to see some of these on NPCs and enemies one day! 😉
  5. Just to clear this up: I didn't name the system and I don't care about any actual sheaths.
  6. I like the idea of this change, but I can understand how some people think the timer is too long. Honestly, I think it'd take me a lot longer to reactivate all my toggles on ANY of my characters. But... as an alternative I considered the notion of automatically reactivating your toggles one by one. But the different ways in which people want to redo their toggles after a mez has worn off (due to bespoke proc setups and suchlike) probably means you couldn't do a single set sequence.
  7. First, I want to say how grateful and excited I am about this change, it's one of the big things I had on my mind and I even said as much last week in one of the forum threads! Thank you very much to the people involved in this. Big hearts to you! ❤️ I was wondering about this... I use no redraw on my characters so they don't pull their weapon from nowhere each time they do an attack. Will that be different in future? I haven't got the beta client. The desirable version, as I see it, would store the weapon sheathed, then draw it when it's clobberin' time, continually have it in their hand whilst clobberin' (several attacks) then put it away when the clobberin's all said and done. Is that one of the options (no redraw/normal)?
  8. Herotu

    uk time players

    I should inform the Americans... comics never took off here like they did in the US, despite the UK having produced some of the most reputable comic book authors, Gaiman, Morrisson, Moore, etc. - so City of Heroes didn't really have the same impact it did over there.
  9. Would a range enhancement increase it's circumference? Or is that not possible?
  10. It's good, and SO close, but it clearly says Assault Weapons, not Rifles. 😞 Having played AR for a while now, I can say that the short range on Buckshot makes it really uncomfortable to use. I guess it prepares you for the flamethrowers later in the game, tho.
  11. Ah, that's why I said in the original post that those around him would have increased detection. I mean, the idea is that they would be looking for whatever caused the issue, rather than instantly, magically know it was you.
  12. AI was tweaked in this way; Instead of automatically aggroing a group when you hit one of them, the following happens; 1. You aggro the one you hit. 2. The rest of the group increase their detection radius by a lot for a time. The idea is that you get an effect something like ... was it Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor? What do you think would happen? Would it make stealthing more interesting? Would it affect the way you play?
  13. Any chance of getting a THICK X strap similar to the current thin one please? There's an ammo belt that would do the trick but it's got the bullet pattern on it - it just needs a reskin, I think.
  14. I would be grateful if someone could kindly share a Fire/Rad build - I don't enjoy doing the mathematic side of things, and (whisper it) I hate using Mids, though I acknowledge that it's vastly superior to nothing, and a magnificent piece of work in and of itself. I'd prefer it to be as passive as possible as I'm more interested in concentrating on what's happening rather than rotations. Thanks 🙂
  15. We did this thread before, but it's definitely a fun one! I still like Batman goons. I stumbled across a quiz for Batman fans: https://metv.com/quiz/can-you-match-these-henchmen-to-the-batman-villain
  16. Enhance duration (for damage ticks, clicks etc). Enhance target cap.
  17. Something for the paragons. Suede - Heroine She walks in beauty like the night Discarding her clothes in the plastic flowers Pornographic and tragic in black and white My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour I'm aching to see my heroine I'm aching been dying for hours and hours She walks in the beauty of a magazine Complicating the boys in the office towers Rafaella or Della the silent dream My Marilyn come to my slum for an hour I'm aching to see my heroine I'm aching been dying for hours and hours been dying for hours and hours She walks in beauty like the night Hypnotising the silence with her powers Armageddon is bedding this picture alright My Marilyn come to slum for an hour I'm aching to see my heroine I'm aching, been dying for hours and hours I'm 18, I need my heroines I'm aching been dying for hours and nobody knows I'm never alone now 'cos I'm with her with her with her and nobody knows I'm never alone now 'cos I'm with her with her with her with her
  18. As Stormwalker states, it's an engine problem, not the individual sound effects. Having said that, many of the default sounds annoy me anyway, so I've replaced them.
  19. McAlmont and Butler - Yes You're welcome.
  20. The song that killed Grunge (in the UK), and started Britpop. Suede - Metal Mickey
  21. Choosing to NOT slot the IO isn't laziness, it's a decision to prioritise fun over the risk of geometry problems.
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