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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. You actually (mostly) answered already but I just wanted to check that only the height changed, and not the horizontal positioning. I was also curious how many volumes needed adjusting. I posted a bug report a while back about one volume in Nova Praetoria that was too high to enter without jumping, and was just curious to see if there were others. The rest of the ones I checked when I was doing my data collection back then seemed to work fine. The reason for the questions is just to make sure I didn't need to revisit the vidiotmap adjustments I made for the River Rat markers a while back, and it sounds like I don't. Thanks!
  2. I like the new patch note structure quite a bit. I often find myself referencing them and it should make finding them much simpler. I actually have a question about a note from the May 16 update, specifically: "Fixed the placement of River Rat badge visit locations that were too high." Is there a way to find out who implemented that fix? I have a couple of quick follow-up questions for clarification that I would like to ask them.
  3. Mimic, Doppelganger, and Shapeshifter are earned by buying one, five, and ten costume powers (respectively) with PAs. As far as I know there are no other badges tied to PAs.
  4. This seems like quite a reasonable request. If you still need a respec, I have several recipes gathering dust and would be happy to email you one. My global is the same as my forum handle so just send me an in-game email and I'll reply with the recipe.
  5. The last thing anyone will ever accuse me of being is a costume guru, but I'll post what I have in hopes that it helps inspire. I tried to make a similar ghostly 'lady in white' character a while back and felt the long dress/gown options were a bit lacking, but it turned out to be one of my favorite costumes. I can't remember offhand the names of the actual parts, but I am happy to share the costume file if you are interested. I only used black and white, although the leggings have some built-in gold accents. Here she is 'haunting' a library in a tribute to 'Ghostbusters' (the character herself is a tribute to 'The Fog'):
  6. First item is a piece of chain link fence sticking out of a wall in Terra Volta at [1046.6 128.0 -5412.0]: Second is a floating box over the water in the western area of Neutropolis at [7571.8 -63.6 1779.1]:
  7. I just did some quick testing on Brainstorm. I set up the bind file exactly as you show, and I saw a system error as you noted when I tried to load the bind file. I then deleted the blank line between the 'numpadenter' bind line and the 'numpad4' bind line, and saw no error. I reinserted the blank line and the error returned. So it appears that the blank line you've inserted in the bind file is causing the issue. Remove it and see if that doesn't clear up the error message. The lines that say 'ATC NOTE' in the screenshot below are my own notes that I inserted with the /conprint command.
  8. I don't have personal recollection but I checked the VidiotMap for Croatoa (which dates at least to 2012 according to Paragon Wiki) and I see Devouring Earth listed for the Misty Wood neighborhood.
  9. For the demo editing work I did, I used the resources at the wiki link I provided above, plus a healthy dose of trial and error. I didn't and don't make videos so I can't be of much help there. I am not aware of any guides on the forums, but that doesn't mean one doesn't exist.
  10. Glad it worked! That folder only contains mods that you have installed, so it can be safely deleted. Before deleting it, you may want to take note of any mods you use other than vidiotmaps and re-install them using City Mod Installer to make sure they all work as intended. All the publicly available mods from the old CoH modder tool should be in there, plus a few new ones that have come along since then. If vidiotmaps is the only mod you use, then the data folder can be zapped without worry.
  11. It might be helpful if you could post: The actual bind file you are using A screenshot (preferably cropped to show just the chat windows) showing the exact error message you are getting Alternately for 2, you could type out the exact message you see (you can copy/paste right from the chat window in CoH) and post it here. Seeing the exact wording of the error might help illuminate the issue a bit better. And having a copy of the file will make it easier to check syntax and to try to duplicate the issue on the Beta server, if necessary.
  12. I think they probably could be made today. I think most of the character action/synchronization was done using demo editing. I have tinkered quite a bit with demo editing on Homecoming and while I've never attempted anything as ambitious as the scenes in videos like those, I've done some cool stuff and I think the capacity to make similar scenes still exists. From there it's just a matter of some video editing skills to edit the scenes together and add a soundtrack or dub in some vocals.
  13. Based on the screenshot it looks like a bug I introduced during the first few months I made vidiotmaps, and that I resolved a couple of years ago. My guess is that you have an old vidiotmaps install still hanging around in your data folder. You should have seen a popup notification about that from City Mod Installer but I can't recall offhand if it will rename it for you. The easiest fix is to take your <CoH Root Folder>\data folder and move it outside your CoH directory structure. That will remove all your old mods so if you have used mods other than vidiotmaps, you'll need to re-install them via the City Mod Installer. Otherwise, if you just want to remove vidiotmaps, check out the vidiotmaps thread here and follow the instructions in the section titled Removing/Deleting Old Installations.
  14. I stand by my statements, but I don't want to get into the economic weeds of it. And I certainly don't want to come off as trying to dictate another player's playstyle (especially if auction house trading isn't your thing), so if attuning via catalysts puts the biggest smile on your face then that's all that matters.
  15. If you want to tinker with different enhancement slotting and don't want to waste cash, you can always create a copy of your character on the Brainstorm test server (under Account > Beta Account on the forum page top ribbon) and try different enhancement combos there. All types of enhancements are available for free via the freebies menu. You can access that using the little chat bubble button at the end of the chat bar, or use /popmenu freebiesmenu. One other thing that wasn't explicitly mentioned previously is that while you can attune enhancements using enhancement catalysts (as shown in the YouTube video you linked), you are throwing money away by doing so. Attuned enhancements cost the same as their non-attuned counterparts on the auction house (which Major_Decoy mentioned) so it makes way more financial sense to buy attuned from the auction house per Major_Decoy's screenshots above rather than attuning using a catalyst.
  16. You are welcome! Worst case scenario is that you grab the exploration badge and just have to wait for the timer to run out and fail it. If I am wrong about any of the above (and I easily could be!), hopefully someone more knowledgeable will come along and correct any of my mistakes.
  17. I think you can just pop in and grab the badge without completing it. If you want to complete it, you can head to the bank to rob it and defeat the good guys. The initial timer should give you plenty of time to do that, if you would rather complete it as normal, but you can do side quests to add to the timer if needed. Otherwise I think Lord Schweinzer gives you the option to abandon the mission and take the failure, but my memory is pretty hazy there. I personally love mayhem missions so I've always completed them normally and done the side quests, so speedrunning them just for the badge isn't my area of expertise.
  18. I prefer keybinds over macros, but the bind(s) I use are: F10 "beginchat /bind SUBTRACT target_custom_next enemy alive " I press F10, which populates the chat bar with most of my bind. I just need to type in the name of the critter (partial names work) I am looking for, then hit enter. I can then spam the SUBTRACT key on the numpad to search for the critter in question.
  19. The contact is Dakota Berg in Brickstown or Tyrka in St. Martial depending if you want to do it blueside or redside, respectively. Setting the third mission of their SSA to -1x2 should be sufficient to get the Hero Slayer badge and unlock Lord Schweinzer to run the mayhem missions. It's been a while since I have done it but I think 15 minutes seems reasonable to just pop in and get the exploration badge for each mission. The Invader badge wiki page has a list of the coordinates for each exploration badge (use the copy link on the wiki page) that you can paste into chat and head straight to the badge.
  20. I missed this thread when it was first posted, but I parsed my logs for the one character I have with a lot of vet levels (96 as of now) and it looks like the costume change and respec tokens are granted at a rate of one every 15 vet levels, starting at vet level 15. I checked the other rewards (threads and emp merits) and found a few minor errors in relation to their reward schedules on the wiki, so I overhauled the page with the new values that I got from my logs. I also got rid of most of the references to the old vet rewards program, since it's no longer relevant. Granted, I only have the one character with more than a handful of veteran levels, so I couldn't verify the data on another character. So if anyone finds any errors, feel free to correct them.
  21. I use Brainstorm extensively, for many different reasons. I do most of my mod- and wiki-related data gathering there, due to various beta commands (via the freebies menu) and other testing-related freebies that are enabled there, and because new badge/emote/recipe/enhancement data is most reliably available there. I've got several characters set up specifically to make gathering new badge data as efficient as possible, and I've also got a few characters set up to test and collect vidiotmap data efficiently. That way I can be ready with new mod/wiki updates as soon as a new page goes live. Sometimes folks will pose interesting questions on the forums (or, less often, discord) that I don't know the answer to, but that I can devise a simple testing scenario for on Brainstorm. So I'll pop on Brainstorm, gather some data, and try to at least partially answer their question. I do also test new content for each page. I focus mostly on non-powers related tests, because I detest getting into the weeds on powers. That still leaves a lot of stuff (story arcs, badges, emotes, recipes/enhancements, commands, etc.) to be tested, so I try to test as much as I can. I never end up testing as much as I like, because wiki/mod data collection takes up some of that time. Overall, Brainstorm is an extremely valuable resource that I utilize often. I am grateful for its presence because the tools it provides make my life much easier. And for those Brainstorm users that might not know, I have a simple travel/amenities hub set up there that you are welcome to use. The passcode is PPOC-5.
  22. I found an issue that, while minor, I thought it might be worth pointing out. There is an enemy NPC called 'RIP Official' (Rogue Island Police group) in Mercy Island that doesn't show up in an entity search on the site. I searched through all the entity JSON files (from the downloaded CoD archive) as well and can't find an enemy NPC with that name. I also searched through the leaked i24 data and found some info on the Rogue Island Police NPCs, but the names are all P-strings in that data. Unfortunately, I don't have a way to correlate the P-string to the actual text. I've attached a screenshot, and these NPCs are found in the general vicinity of [-2414.0 240.4 296.0] in Mercy Island if you want to see them in game. I thought it might be the NPC that belongs to rogueislandpolice_officer_official.json, but the NPC in that file is named 'Ripper'. The 'Ripper' name is also used by the enemy NPCs in the various level ranges of the rogueislandpolice_officer_<level_range>.json entity files.
  23. BlackSpectre put a ton of work into creating/updating a page for the /emailsendattachment slash command on the HC wiki. I'd start there, but I would also check out the host of threads that have been posted to the forums over the years regarding the use of said command. Briefly, it has issues if the character/global name has spaces, and in general it seems to be a tricky command to master (based on what I've read over the years in those threads I linked). I've never personally used it, though, so I don't have first hand experience with it.
  24. To be fair, I added the bolded part to the wiki yesterday after I did the testing on Brainstorm. If you had looked at that page prior to my edit, it would have just mentioned purples and PvPs. I also edited the Winter and Archetype origin pages to denote that the set bonuses are available down to level 1 (those pages previously said level 7).
  25. I just ran some quick tests on Brainstorm, using the Join Ouroboros arc (second mission) to scale down to level 1. I slotted 3 Avalanche and 3 Superior Avalanche into one power. The 2-piece and 3-piece set bonuses for both the normal and superior sets were active at level 1. The enhancement bonuses granted by each individual piece scaled down to level 1 as expected. To see if the effects on Archetype Origin enhancements were the same, I slotted 2 Ascendancy of the Dominator (AotD) and 2 Superior AotD into one power. As above, the 2-piece set bonus for each set was active at level 1, and the individual enhancement bonuses were scaled down to level 1.
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