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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. It's actually easier now to get the Atlas Park exploration accolade, by virtue of the total distance required to get all 8 having been reduced. Silent Sentinel was way out on the outskirts, whereas Rookie (its replacement) is central and clustered with most of the others.
  2. Another helpful wiki page once you start getting into optimizing your set bonuses: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Set_Bonus_Comparison_Tables
  3. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but there are LOTS of maps being updated, and quite soon. As was mentioned, installing vidiotmaps via the City Mod Installer is the strongly recommended method. If that is not an option for you, then manual installation is fairly straightforward, and is covered in the installation section of the vidiotmaps thread. Manual installation used to be quite painful, but I've simplified it a great deal. You'll likely need to make some one-time changes to your launch parameters (assuming you haven't already done so for some other mod), but there are instructions and links in the installation section to help with that. You'll also likely need to delete your old installation, and there's a section that covers that too. If you don't delete/move the old one, the new install won't appear in-game. Lastly, if you do plan to install manually, be sure to check back after i27p7 releases to the live servers, as there will be an update shortly thereafter. I'll post to the vidiotmaps thread linked above when the new maps are available. Barring any last-minute changes, it should be within a day or two of i27p7 going live.
  4. I can't answer definitively, but I think in general villains that are part of the Rogues Gallery and Rogue Isles Villains groups should count. There may be more groups that have villains that count, and there may be villains that belong to those two groups that don't count for one reason or another. The HC wiki page for the Villain Disruptor badge has more info, including some suggestions for missions to run if you want to maximize your number of villains per mission. Forum user lemming had a recent post with some good advice along those lines as well.
  5. If it helps any devs hunt down a fix for this, the option_set portion of this broke in the 10-Sep-2019 patch. I posted a bug report about it back then and would love to have this functionality back.
  6. Tri-Cannon appears to use sound\ogg\weapons\gatgun4.ogg I've attached that ogg file if you need it. Unfortunately it auto-embeds so you will probably need to right-click and download using save as, depending on your browser. gatgun4.ogg
  7. Sorry to keep beating on this horse, but both the coordinates above are wrong in the main patch notes. The coordinates for Silent Sentinel in the RC3 changes notes above are correct, but Rookie in AP is at [128.5 16.4 -233.0] right behind Ms. Liberty.
  8. I hope they implement this suggestion, but in the meantime you can try: /option_set ShowPlayerName 6 Taken from https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Option_set_(Slash_Command) and https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Option_Names_List with thanks to BlackSpectre for their hard work in researching that data and updating those pages.
  9. That is not behavior I have ever witnessed, and I have studied/tested this event quite a bit. There are three separate construction areas that can independently spawn the Paladin event, and if each event is allowed to complete the construction, then up to three separate Paladins will make their way to that spot in High Park. The construction event will not recur until its respective Paladin is defeated.
  10. Paladin will make a beeline towards (-297, -30, -2368) in the High Park neighborhood if the construction event triggers and is allowed to complete. More info on the event can be found here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Paladin_Construction
  11. EDIT: All done! I forgot to update when I finished. In my effort to maintain the Macro Image Slash Command page, I run a scripted comparison of the icons that have changed or been added since the last page. For i27p7 there are 152 new icons that I'll be adding to that page. As part of that, I also plan to upload the 152 new icon artwork PNG files. I'm posting this just in case there is anyone chomping at the bit to add new pages for the new powers. If so, please let me know so we can coordinate image uploads so that we aren't duplicating work effort. I try to maintain a consistent naming scheme which uses PascalCase, which seems to have been the norm from pre-HC work. So for instance if an icon is named dark_mastery_darkblast in the piggs, I'll upload it as Dark_Mastery_DarkBlast.png I plan to try to do this as soon as I can after the new page goes live, but again if someone else was planning on uploading some of the new power icons, please let me know so that we can coordinate. Thanks!
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  12. That name doesn't ring any bells either. I provided an embedded link in my previous post, but here it is again in a bit more obvious form: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/24454-atcs-badge-list-popmenu/
  13. I don't recall hearing about a CL Tool popmenu, and a quick search of the forums turns up nothing. There are several badge tracking popmenus out there, including one I maintain. And I assume by citymaps you mean vidiotmaps?
  14. Also the big green link/banner at the top of the website is still pointing to the RC1 thread.
  15. These coordinates are incorrect. Correct coordinates are (-608.0 70.3 -1890.0) as of about 24 hours ago, so if it has been moved to the listed coordinates since then, please disregard.
  16. The coordinates listed for the new location of Silent Sentinel in Echo: AP are incorrect, the actual coordinates are (-608.0 70.3 -1890.0). Unless, of course, it's been moved in the last day or so.
  17. This is indeed what happened. I just checked the spreadsheet I copied the data to and there are two entries for the Olympus base. I can't get to Google docs at the moment but I'll run a quick update with the updated Reunion data when I am back home. It shouldn't be too much trouble to write a script to compare the Google doc to the wiki to look for missing bases, and potentially for other duplicates. Maybe an hour or two of work at most. It would probably be most useful right before we do the big Google to wiki transfer, but it might come in handy later down the road as well. It's something I was planning on doing even before thunderforce mentioned it so I don't mind taking care of it.
  18. Bumping this bug report for visibility and to note that with the upcoming badge swap of Rookie - Silent Sentinel between AP and Echo: AP, the LRT zone check popmenu will need to be updated to reflect that badge swap. Essentially, under the LRT Zone check for Atlas Park, you'll need to replace the badge_tag for Silent Sentinel (AtlasParkTour2) with the badge_tag for Rookie (Rookie). And that isn't a typo, both the badge_tag and badge name are Rookie.
  19. I am unable to locate this relocated badge in Echo: Atlas Park. I've been all over that building and I see no badge marker and I get no badge reward message. I checked the 'old' location of Rookie in Echo: AP in case the Silent Sentinel badge had been inadvertently put there, and it is not there either. I am not sure where else to check. And yes, I confirmed that I am in Echo: AP and not regular AP, and I've confirmed that I don't already have the badge. EDIT: Found it at (-608.0 70.3 -1890.0) in Echo: AP, thanks to some help from Take One on Discord and some historical coordinate info from the wiki.
  20. Yep, that is a limitation, sorry I didn't point that out. The menu name can only be text. For the 'Badge:' and 'Logout Location:' lines in your last menu, if you want those to show up with the 'bright' text like you have (instead of the darker text like where it says 'Teleport to Wentworth's' in the middle menu), you can just use the normal Option command like so, leaving the command portion empty, and dispense with the LockedOption block: Option "Badge: Monitor Duty" ""
  21. I was going more for having the clickable powers in one menu (as you've done, to keep from having to go another menu deep to click the power), and the additional information in a separate menu section, but you could certainly combine both functions into one submenu if that is more to your liking.
  22. Not it! My stuff was way below line 216. Nice catch though, there is a missing bracket there and I've replaced my upload with a revised version. I'll definitely keep that error log in mind the next time I am troubleshooting a popmenu.
  23. If you mean that the macro from the freebies menu doesn't do anything, you have to buy the actual power from a P2W/merit/costume vendor. Unfortunately I can't grant the powers right from the popmenu. The macros in the popmenu just give you icons to differentiate the powers, since the ones from the vendor all have the same icon. I added a little bit of text to the next iteration of the freebies menu to make that a bit clearer. Hopefully that new version will go live with the next patch.
  24. It is normal. There isn't much I can do on the vidiotmaps end to make it brighter aside from moving it over the map proper, which would obscure the map more than already is. You can always go to the P2W vendor and buy the 'Reveal' power, which will remove all of the fog of war from the map.
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