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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. I like vidiotmaps so much, I bought the company. In-game, I use a number of mods, many of which are of my own devising, some of which are branches or continuations of existing mods that I've built upon (with proper attribution, of course), and a few of which are by others. Out-of-game, I have some parsers that I wrote to help me keep track of stuff. I use Mids when creating a character, but that isn't often. I use Badger some too, but in general I don't collect many badges. I think the game would certainly be playable without them, but they do make life in Paragon City easier. And I do whatever I can to help folks learn about and/or use the mods that I have had a hand in creating. Most of my posting on the forum goes toward that effort. I also work in GIS, which helps explain my penchant for creating and/or maintaining so many map mods.
  2. Follow up video from the guy that first reported the problem: TL;DW: Driver issues can be ruled out, and his theory is that these were former mining cards that were exposed to humidity/moisture prior to being resold. When the new owners began to use them, the chips heated and the trapped moisture caused them to crack.
  3. As an addendum, there can be level-less clockwork that spawn at the construction sites between events, that aren't related to the cycle of the Paladin event. I did quite a lot of testing when they reverted back to the construction event, and the only NPC I know for sure that needs to be defeated for the event to reset is Paladin. I am not sure if the level-less entourage needs to be completely defeated. They likely do, but when I was testing (which mostly involved dragging Paladin from High Park to the AE building so he could be zapped), I never made it a point to kill all the level-less entourage and I never had any problems with the event resetting. I spend a decent amount of time on Brainstorm, and almost every single time I zone into Crey's Folly or Perez Park, the GM spawns. My personal theory (for which I have little evidence) is that the zone was offline prior to my entering. Sometime while the zone was offline, the GM spawn timer triggered but since the zone was offline, the spawn didn't occur and was just queued up. Then when I popped in and the zone woke up, the spawn was finally able to occur. My favorite events are the Steel Canyon fires, the Paladin construction event, and the early stages of the Rikti invasion. I love finding and defeating the bombs (and trying to avoid being zapped by the drop ships), but when the Rikti start spawning in en masse, it gets boring to me.
  4. Having read through the thread and not finding a definitive answer, is there a reason to use Win10 vs Win11 on a newly built PC? I've built two systems, one with an AMD CPU (mine) and one with an Intel CPU (friend). From other sources it seems like sticking with Win 10 might be slightly better (especially for the AMD system), but I haven't found any compelling evidence that one is clearly superior.
  5. I use: /playernote <my_character_name> It was probably intended more for keeping notes on other players, but it works just as well to keep notes on your own characters, and the file it creates can be edited outside of the game. I have it keybound on each player for ease of use. Here's the wiki page for playernote, but be sure not to use playernotelocal as that works on a global level, not an individual character level like playernote does.
  6. Seasonal bump for the holiday event, if anyone needs an in-game map to aid in finding presents. It does temporarily overwrite vidiotmaps, but it can easily be uninstalled once you've had your fill of presents.
  7. I am not sure which specific pigg it was in to be honest. I used a pigg viewer (piglet in this case, but there are others out there) to view the contents of all the piggs in <CoH root>/assets/live at once and extracted it that way. I don't think there is a way to determine via piglet which specific pigg has that data but I could easily be wrong. I know of a janky way to read at least some of the bin files (which I use piglet to extract). The ones I have focused mostly on are badges.bin and the one that has 'clientmessages' in its name (the full name escapes me). The bin files aren't text files but some of them are (mostly) human readable if opened in a text editor (I use Notepad++ specifically, so I am not sure if other editors work). There's a bunch of non-text stuff in there too, but stuff like badge names and badge description text is in those files and is human readable. There is probably a better way to do it, but I don't need to read those bins terribly often so my dubious method works well enough.
  8. The quickchat menu can be extracted with a pigg viewer. I've attached it here. I took a peek and don't see anything obvious in relation to coloring the menu, but I might not be looking in the right place. quickchat.mnu
  9. Thank you BlackSpectre! I send myself tells for all kinds of stuff and the double tells have always bugged me. Thanks for introducing me to a new alternative!
  10. Now that prices seem to be normalizing, the build project that I've had in the back of my head for two years seems feasible. I've never built my own before so I could certainly use any and all help/advice. My rough budget is $1,000 but that is not a hard limit. I'd like a reliable, long-lived build that I can use for general productivity, potentially some video editing, and gaming. I mostly plan to play older games but would like the option to play some newer games (even if I need to dial back the settings a bit). I've done a fair bit of research, including quite a few YouTube videos and browsing some build guides on PCPartsPicker. I've put together a rough build (linked below) that I think gets me in the ballpark. I have parametric selections for most parts so you can see some of the options I am considering, and I am not necessarily leaning towards the lowest price option for each component, but that's how the site displays them. EDIT: Now that I am done, I've changed the link to represent my final build: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/AboveTheChemist/saved/C2N3wP For those that don't want to click the link, here's what I chose: Feel free to comment on or give advice in relation to the build above if you like. It was my first and I am more than happy with it, although as time has progressed I see a couple of things I might have tweaked. The original RAM and SSD I bought were replaced with the options above, because I found better options after I made those purchases. I'll put the original purchases to good use, though. I enjoyed the process so much that I decided to put together a small form factor build using a mini-ITX motherboard and an APU with no discrete GPU. I plan to install Linux on that machine, maybe put a few old games on it (and at least try CoH on it), and possibly let my wife use it as a potential replacement for her aging MacBook Air. I also have been helping a family friend with tight budget gaming PC build and I am really happy with what we put together for that computer.
  11. Thank you for verifying that the command I specifically recommended works as I described.
  12. I use the /playernote command, not /playernotelocal, and I've been able to keep player-specific notes for several of my characters for going on several months now. I use it via a keybind, so perhaps there is some difference there, but it works fine for me. I'm not on my gaming computer at the moment, but when/if I have some time tomorrow I am happy to provide screenshots and/or more details.
  13. This does not match my personal experience. The notes I keep and view are very much player-specific and not tied to my global, otherwise I would not have suggested it.
  14. Have you tried using the playernote command? I imagine most folks use it to take notes about other players, but it works on one's own players as well. I use it to keep notes on which contacts/story arcs are available for my characters as they level. It opens a new window in which notes can be added, and the info can be edited offline as well.
  15. Based its position in your list, that badge is either Weed Whacker or The Beast Within, and the hint text clearly narrows it to Weed Whacker, which requires 50 Circle of Thorns succubi or hellfrosts. In this case the hint text could probably use some polish to make it more clear which critters count for the badge.
  16. What is the specific name of the badge that you are going after? I assume it is Soul Binder, but I don't see a badge that is specifically for CoT bosses. The CoT-related defeat badges I see are: Coldblooded/Coldhearted - Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns cold demons, including Hordelings, Hellfrosts and Blade Princes Exorcist - Defeat 100 points worth of Incarnate-level Circle of Thorns Soul Binder - Defeat 100 Circle of Thorns mages Weed Whacker - Defeat 50 Circle of Thorns Succubi or Hellfrosts There's also a CoT-related gladiator badge that is essentially a defeat badge: Hordeling Lasher - Defeat 100 Hordelings (Circle of Thorns)
  17. No, you don't. It certainly can be opened via slash command, but it can also be opened using the 'Pets' button atop the Team window, which is how I've always opened it. It will also automatically open when incarnate pets are spawned, which I assume is what you were getting at above. Regardless, the pet window is the pet window, and there aren't different pet windows for different pets. It's all the same window. See my prior post in the thread.
  18. Try the following command: /window_show pet I'm not sure where you are getting this information, but my illusion pets have always shown up as expected in my normal pet window. Edit: I tested by closing my pet window, and it re-opened as expected with the above command.
  19. I would probably put them in the working commands section, but I can see why it's not an easy decision to make.
  20. The link to the tracker hasn't changed since it was originally posted. You can find it in the top post.
  21. The wiki has been updated to reflect this now, I missed it when I did the enhancement set updates a while back.
  22. Vidiotmaps hasn't stopped working. For those having issues, I recommend installing the latest version, either manually or via City Mod Installer. Installation instructions are available in the top post of the vidiotmaps thread. Because the install process has changed significantly with the advent of City Mod Installer, I also highly recommend removing/deleting your old vidiotmaps installation. Instructions for doing so are also in the top post of the vidiotmaps thread. Failure to remove/delete the old installation will cause problems with newer installations. The Halloween overlay for Atlas was from a separate mod specifically geared towards Halloween GM maps. The maps in the Halloween mod override vidiotmaps for the maps that are included in it, and vidiotmaps will not be visible in those zones until the Halloween map mod is uninstalled.
  23. Thank you to all involved for such a fantastic event. The creativity on display in these bases is nothing short of astonishing.
  24. The HC team have stated that there will be no more discounted packs during future winter events. Edit: Proof if needed.
  25. Most of the stuff that my local theater has shown has been Showa era films, although they have shown a few Heisei era films and they showed Shin Godzilla a week or two ago. They regularly show (as in once every couple of years or so) Ghibli films and some non-Ghibli films too. I saw Akira there last week. And they are all in original language with English subtitles. If you are anywhere near Durham, NC you could stop by sometime: https://carolinatheatre.org/series/kaiju-quest-film-series/#films Their film lineup for the July-Dec 2022 season is winding down and they don't have their stuff posted for Jan-June 2023 yet, but it should be up soon. They typically have an anime festival in the spring.
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