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Everything posted by Nayeh

  1. Have you ever played a MOBA? Damage measurements make excellent talking points for sparking toxicity. Not to mention, there are so many other variables to consider when determining success. It would be unfair to not recognize the efforts of other players and their contributions - Healing, Damage Received, Crowd-Control, Objective completions, etc.
  2. Some of y'all are really passionate about powers that don't even get enhanced or placed on the power tray.
  3. Why should I be thankful for what abilities they don't have? I welcome any new challenges. This game is quite honestly really easy and straight-forward. I can think of dozens of powers/mechanics from other monster raiding games that would impose a real threat.
  4. I can't believe you mentioned Laziness, Pillows, and Relaxation without immediately considering Mind Control. Mind is pretty chill if between having Dominate (the Hold), Confuse, Mass Hypnosis, and Mass Confusion. If you have the Stealth ability, you can stand in the middle of a room and just slowly tickle monsters to do your bidding with confusion. Mass Hypnosis is like having a pause button on your game - Toss in a Call of the Sandman Heal Proc to fluff your pillow. Similar results whether you have Domination active or not since it just means you need to re-apply your CC while refraining from using your Damage-dealers until you're ready for some attention. I have had teams where I just waltz to the mission end and casually start a little monster mash at the end-room while the rest of the team grinds away. If you find yourself wanting to be a little more Blast-y with this Playstyle - Pick up a Widow-Fortunata. It's like a mashup of Mind Control with some of the goods of Mind Blast. As far as Gravity goes - I love the set but I think you'll want to lean in more on the Recharge and Permanent Domination so you can confirm your Wormholes on Boss monsters. Plus there are just so many unique ways to play it - Like summoning your Singularity in the middle of a group of monsters to vortex them into a tight ball and unleash Sleet and all kinds of other chaos.
  5. That might involve bind_load files. Though, I have never tried the syntax mentioned in this thread Might scope it out later. They basically assigned a +$$ to be 'press only' and then a normal (different) $$ command to execute.
  6. Not necessarily. There are intentional limitations to Binds/Macros to prevent someone from say - Putting all their attacks onto 1 buttons and pressing it repeatedly. You will need to consider things like Poison Trap having a cooldown that may interfere with how you want your macro to behave whereas Mystic Flight and Translocation don't have cooldowns due to their buff-like toggle behavior. Mind, there are different rules depending on the ability type. Most notably a buff-toggle versus other abilities and ground-target abilities. There is also some logic to it - You're asking for a single macro that both Teleports and Toggles off flight. These are conflicting goals in itself and you may cycle onto shutting off Mystic Flight mid-air which would prevent Teleporting. I don't think you would be able to pull this off with 1 macro - but 2 might be doable if you add a Poison Trap extension to the shut-off command. If you're more interested in macro/bind complexity - I would suggest trying simple ones first then adding a few functions (notice how priority moves right-to-left) and checking out some guides around these forums.
  7. Heh, I just recently created a bind cycle for my Brute that only occasionally uses Mystic Flight to use Translocation briefly. Usually to get through walls ontop of an ally. Binds can be a little overwhelming at first. I would recommend making macros first to tweak and then assign them as a bind if you aren't used to making them. /macro TP "powexec_location distance:max Translocation$$powexec_location target Translocation$$powexec_toggleon Mystic Flight" /bind shift + t "powexec_location distance:max Translocation$$powexec_location target Translocation$$powexec_toggleon Mystic Flight" This bind will prioritize the following: 1. Activate Mystic Flight 2. Teleport to a Target (if selected) 3. Teleport to the maximum distance you can (if no target is selected) Note: Camera needs to face desired direction /macro XF "powexec_toggleoff Mystic Flight" /bind shift + x "powexec_toggleoff Mystic Flight" 1. Shuts off Mystic Flight
  8. Corruptor: Ice Blast/Storm Scourge synergy with Rains Fast Animations - Storm and some other pairings can be really busy with activation times. Proc-Friendly (Bitter Ice Blast & Freeze Ray) Slow-stacking Freeze-Ray holds Knock-down patches - Sleet and Blizzard Corruptors can split an ATO easily for two 10% Recharge bonuses - I like dropping 3 in Ice Storm and 3 in Freeze Ray or BIB with the rest proc'd out.
  9. Water, Ice, Darkness, Radiation, and Electricity synergize with Poison sufficiently. If you aren't completely sold with Water - you could whittle water-based concepts with Radiation or Darkness tinted with aquatic color-schemes. Dozens of my characters use Water concepts - including my Poison/Sonic Defender Whale Main 🙂 For Thematic choices: How could you not love this sea-green orbs (Radiation-Proton Volley)? OR maybe even the (Darkness-Tentacles) sea anemones strangling the baddies? I mean - if you're avoiding Venomous Gas then why bother with Poison at all? It compliments all of your debuffs and dramatically increases your survivability standing closer to targets. Water can comfortably play at a Medium-Small distance with Water Burst, Whirlpool, Steam Spray, and Geyser. Plus you've got 2 Knockups built-in there in addition to Dehydrate's healing properties to sustain yourself. Though perhaps Radiation or Trick Arrow would better suit your playstyle if you want to continue playing at range? As far as Builds go - there is always some peer-review if you want some helpful input.
  10. Controller will be more 'difficult' to solo and level since you are only working with a Control set for most of your damage with the exception of a few secondaries (that will most likely be late-bloomers for damage). That isn't to say it can't be done - content will just be slower. Dominators have access to the Secondary Assault lines which are pretty much all about damage. The ability Domination sets you up with stronger control power, an endurance-refreshment, and some crowd-control protection. It's truly an amazing tool for both group and solo content. As for picking a set.. I mean, find something that would engage you if the point was to 'not sleep'? Picking something like an Ice/Empathy Controller would probably be a major slog if you're looking for hard-mode Soloing so slowly that you will fall asleep? Are you looking for something that is 'Easy' to play? I'm a little confused as to what exactly you're asking for in this rambling post.
  11. One of the Support lines paired with Blaster or Dominator secondaries - Because I'm dying for an AT that is a Support/Melee oriented hybrid. I think it would be cool to have something like a Paladin where you could have a Warmace with like Empathy (or some form of it). Heck, imagine having Trick Arrow and Weapons to be a 'Ranger' type. I would even roll a Poison/Melee character seeing as how Poison performs so well in melee range - like a Poison/Spines character with a Beetle or Pufferfish concept. Making Support/[Blast] combinations is getting old.
  12. Get the non-upgraded variants and they're only ~8 million each if you have 6 Enhancement Catalysts around to flip them into purples. You could even just postpone getting the upgrades until you're ready. Note: The set bonuses break between the two types so go none or all-in in most cases.
  13. Silly goose, Scrappers can't train in Force Mastery like a Blaster.
  14. Not taking Hide is perfect for my Stalker's concept: The Visible Man.
  15. Nayeh


    Looks like you're on your way to make all of the Fire/ elements. Go Nature and name it the Burngully as a twisted reference to the Ferngully movie.
  16. A Corruptor can help further corrupt agendas by aiding other dark figures working toward their cause. Like a back-ally doctor who uses their knowledge and expertise to mend the ailments of another figure among their ranks. What if (leader of their underworld army) needs a heart transplant? There are plenty of 'heroes' running around with healthy hearts ripe for the taking. Providing aid in this form helps further the pursuit of corruption while maintaining numbers and key members.
  17. My main is a Poison/Sonic/Psychic Defender - it's my favorite due to thematic choices, play-style, and overall impact on teams. While I wouldn't particularly recommend this combination unless it was for thematic reasons - it definitely works and helps melt content with the additional -Resist debuffs. Also note, Sonic was also previously buffed. The recent changes of allowing you to skip the Secondary Tier1 ability and having access to abilities sooner - my character POPS OFF in much more lower level content than it previously did. Now I can pseudo-tank groups with my Venomous Gas and various debuffs active in a room ontop of CC. If you're looking for synergy, effectiveness, and build-ability - I would recommend either Ice, Dark, or Radiation for the following reasons: Proc-Friendly Additional CC utility Additional Debuff utility Debuffs are further enhanced as applied with Weaken Several IO Set options to Build with Close-Medium ranged Friendly
  18. Oof. These Domination suggestions are legit downgrades. Domination is fine as is both before and after attaining permanence. Oh no, you'll have to reapply a Hold one time for a stronger magnitude on a boss-mob like a Controller? You are not "worse off" just because your fancy buff wore off for a minute. Before attaining permanence: - It does not take long to refill your Domination-rage bar. - It refills your endurance 100%. This is perfect for leveling. - Get Hasten early - like Level 4, seriously. More CC-Spam - more rage-building. - Use it on cool-down. Do not "save" it. - Use the SG Basebuff with +Recharge. - Pick your Logout spots that give +Recharge Day Jobs.
  19. Looking a lot better! Here's a few more alterations I'll comment on. Dominate I wasn't joking about the Dominate suggestion above. Swap the Superior Will of the Controller - Recharge/Chance for Psionic Damage for Unbreakable Constraint - Chance for Smashing Damage The direct Recharge bonus will slightly alter your Proc-rates. Your Global +Recharge set bonuses and Hasten will provide you with sufficient recharge without compromising your Proc-rates as much. Slot-Swap Rip one slot from Tactics (Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up) Rip one slot from Maneuvers (Shield Wall - Defense) Argument You're only gaining a very marginal benefit for these two. The Build-Up Proc is okay but not ground-breaking in Tactics. This proc is better suited on clicky buffs like Build-Up on Blasters. The 2.5% Damage Set for 5-slotting Shield Wall is heavy investment for little gain. Shield Wall is best slotted up to a maximum of 4 in as a set in terms of chasing bonuses (IMO). You would already be performing drastically better with an entire extra Damage-Proc in Dominate doing 100+ damage compared to the base 2.5% set bonus. Eat your red inspirations! Options: Place one slot into Dominate for a 5th Damage Proc (Neurotic Shutdown or Gladiator's Javelin) Place a slot into Stamina for Performance Shifter +Endurance Proc. This will also help your endurance management tremendously. Fade It's a clicky - not a toggle. Swap the two Unbreakable Guards for the Unbreakable Guard or Luck of the Gambler variants with +Resist/Recharge on them. You want more uptime on this ability and the endurance cost itself is negligible. Tough I think you could get away with swapping one of the Gladiator Armor for the one with +Defense ALL. You might be reaching diminishing returns on Resistance as it is. Alternatively, you might be okay with eliminating one of the Gladiator Armor slots and just 3-slot Tough using the Gladiator Armor +Defense ALL with the 2 Unbreakable Guards.
  20. I did not slot Oil Slick Arrow with any Procs. Nor do I know the behavior of slotting Oil Slick Arrow itself with Procs. I opted to frankenslot 3 Damage/Recharge IO types to maximize uptime. Tools for igniting flames: Acid Arrow, heavily Proc-slotted, can consistently activate it alone. Phantasm Phantom Decoys Enemy attacks Teammates Reactive Interface Interface Assault Hybrid Incarnate Macro: Magic Origin attack (alternatively Taser Dart?) powexec_name Apprentice Charm$$target_custom_next Oil Slick I rarely have to opt for using the Macro with all of the above mentioned items. Use the Swap Ammo FIRE image icon for maximum coolness factor. Sometimes I'll even do something goofy like use my Croatoa Sorcery Temporary Power attack to light it.
  21. Illusion/Dark Controller was a great combination for me in the past in terms of mitigating damage and providing incredible support. Though over time, I felt like the damage was incredibly lackluster and I didn't find the -ToHit elements synergize super well with pets that are well... invincible. Illusion / Trick Arrow - My coolest Controller One day, I was inspired by someone that had an Illusion/Trick Arrow Controller and eventually made one for myself. This combination became my favorite among Controllers and the Primary/Secondary synergy is incredible. Debuffing enemies are how you can indirectly "buff" your Phantom Army damage - and Trick Arrow has plenty of options for that! There is also the added perk of decoys gathering enemies into a tight congregation for lining up all your debuffs - especially Oil Slick. Did I forget to mention that your pets will even help you ignite Oil Slick? Toss in a Reactive Interface incarnate! You'll never get tired of seeing your enemies tossed and sauteed on a Controller! Normally when clicking glowies with enemies present - your Stealth would briefly drop and enemies would immediately engage you. With Flash Arrow, you can create a pseudo-Stealth effect as long as you haven't already generated aggro. With Superior Invisibility and Flash Arrow - you can meander and click glowy objects without disruptions! You get to use a bow! This pairing suits Fairy concepts well if you look at your Arrows having Magical properties. This combination inspired me to create more complicated Macros/Binds. Specifically ones that will launch abilities at my currently selected target or placed as a normal ground target location if I do not have a target. Since Trick Arrow has so many ground target selection abilities - this turned a mouse cursor management nightmare chore into rapid-fire flicking. powexec_name Phantom Army$$powexec_location target Phantom Army
  22. (╥﹏╥) ╰( ⁰ ਊ ⁰ )━☆゚.*・。゚ (つ◉益◉)つ More character options because I just think it would be neat to be named something like (っ◕‿◕)っ without a care in the world at how inconvenient it would be.
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