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Everything posted by Nayeh

  1. I wouldn't drop Crushing Field (AoE, -Fly) just because it's useful for fighting swarms of flying enemies. Especially noticeable in an Admiral Sutter TF. Ground all them sky raiders in 1 AoE, baybee!
  2. I just wish Contacts had their maximum level removed while exemplaring players down ONLY inside door missions. This would allow players to progress through content and not have to commit to an entire Ouroboros arc missing whatever teaming opportunities that come along. Could also make for fun team-content building as your team is also not locked inside a Task Force like Ouroboros.
  3. I would say Mind/Psi Dominator would be the closest fit, maybe Pink Colored Electric kits.
  4. I just want my Sentinel to float like a Praetorian Seer. 😭
  5. I just think it's obnoxious how the cooldowns are short enough to become a regular part of every other attack chain in addition to granting archetypes that have no business having massive killing potential an instant vaporization ability that carries no consequences of enhancement slotting whilst also bypassing target caps. If anything, I believe the cooldowns should be extended significantly or receive a condition. Take "Trance" mechanics used in some games where a character is under immense pressure and emotions where massive potential can be unleashed temporarily - for example a ratio of fallen teammates could be used to unlock a threshold and how much damage to be delivered. Quite honestly, I think the one thing that could be used to curb these mechanics is removing the Aggro Cap. If defensive measures are still an issue then grant diminishing returns on defenses so X amount of targets will eventually bypass defenses to dangerous levels.
  6. Do you Exemplar much? I would tweak where you obtain certain powers, particularly bring Soul Absorption online sooner because it's a much more effective tool for aiding in lower level content. (Just some personal opinion on skill choices...) I'm not particularly a fan of maximized defense but I found between Crowd Control, Pets, Heals, Buffs, and Debuffs so I felt comfortable sacrificing the Leadership (or Fighting) pool to pick up utility with Recall Friend for body-stacking Howling Twilight combinations (also having the option of Flash and a Travel power). I also opted for the Energy Epic line because Power Boost granting mega-heals and other bonuses have left me with stunning results.
  7. Power description does not list +Ice Slick or +Ice Patch though. Are you sure it was Jack Frost that casted it?
  8. Maybe something like this with Concealment Stealth active for transparency? Electric Armors, Force Fields, or Steamy Mist might also be a fun pairing. He's only using Metallic 2 with White/Light Blue Blends and a Bubble Path aura.
  9. Meet Da Ji. A Hindu Deity. I took inspiration from SMITE's portrayal.
  10. Big fan of genies, djinns, and shaitan concepts! First one is my Gravity/Time Controller, Genie. Second one is my Psychic/Bio Sentinel, Biopsy.
  11. But if everyone has the attention of enemies that exceed AGGRO caps then they're much more likely to die because they aren't returning to posts. In the current state enemies beyond caps merely stand around and do nothing or give up chasing.
  12. Unfortunately that is rarely a case because apparently we value having an AGGRO Cap here when it would clearly add depth and difficulty to the game.
  13. Looks cool. Though the idea of wearing glow sticks on your stealthy character sounds... silly.
  14. I'm a huge fan of efficient hypnosis usage but AoE in City of Heroes is so abundant in this game. Unfortunately you have every other controller out there that's trigger happy about their AoE immobilize to even bother using this ability. I can't even count how many times I threw hypnosis on an ambush crowd and some derp decides taking loads of damage would be a much better alternative than leaving them asleep. This is almost where I prefer dimension shift since it can be idiot proof. I would be in favor of an initial short duration "heavy sleep" that won't awaken monsters if damages and then fading into a normal sleep that will break. So basically turn sleeps into a 2-5 second duration hold that fades into a normal sleep that can be broken. Or a ticking sleep similar to what was described above with grogginess, forgetfulness, or perception debuffs.
  15. I have been playing my Gravity Controller a lot lately, brainstorming and irked by little things this line does. I believe these small changes will make some of their capabilities seem more logical considering what these abilities currently do and don't do. Propel In this ability's current state it applies knockback to not only the target but also surrounding enemies. However, the surrounding enemies do not receive any damage. The effect is quite odd to witness a launched projectile that sends enemies flying but not applying damage. My suggestion for Propel is for additional foes within the threat area to now receive reduced damage that can be influenced by the Impact modifier. Gravity Distortion Field It's essentially an AoE of Gravity Distortion, the single Hold. In it's current state this ability does not apply the Imapct debuff. It also does not contain the -Fly debuff. Simply put, I request this ability to apply impact to all effected targets. -Fly, Wormhole, and Falling Damage: Several abilities within the Gravity line apply a -Fly effect that can immediately ground airborne targets. This is a rather graceful decent for something that should be abrupt and impactful such as when a player applies Crushing Field on a fleet of Sky Raiders. Even without applying -Fly, using Wormwhole to teleport enemies into an aerial location only applies a negligible amount of falling damage. I have several suggestions for this unique scenario: 1) Alter the scales of falling damage so it has more detrimental effects on gameplay for both players and enemy NPCs. 2) Impacted targets suffer additional damage when grounded. 3) A single knockdown when the target reaches the ground. 4) Apply a unique debuff from the gravity line that alters the scales of falling damage. Which... is basically impact. ------------------- ------------------- I imagine having these three changes would allow Gravity users to perform unique combinations to dish out extra damage. Scenario 1 with changes: With enemies clumped together under the application of Gravity Distortion Field granting the Impact debuff, a user could hurl out Propels to chunk out more damage on not just one target but several. Such as Impact across 5 enemies, 1 takes full damage and the rest might take (let's just say) 30% from the radius Propel itself but the damage has been increased due to Impact modification. Scenario 2 A user applies Gravity Distortion Field on a platoon of Sky Raiders. They aren't falling (yet) however at least you have them all locked under the Impact debuff. The next immediate ability is Crushing Field which immediately grounds enemies, chucks out critical falling impact damage, and knocks them down.
  16. I think Afterburner should be reclassified as a server-tray temporary power, similar to how Sorcery (Translocation) and Force of Will (Mighty Leap) are automatically granted when you activate the abilities.
  17. If Whirlwind didn't spin my character around and make me nauseous during moments I wasn't mashing buttons I'd get it.
  18. So I had an Overpowering Presence: Energy Font laying around and decided to try it out on Dimension Shift. Result: Energy Font, although a very low proc-rate that seems to fire upon initial cast only (as in it does not seem to spawn on ticks or entry/exit), can spawn off of both players and enemy monsters. The neat thing about energy font is if you're standing outside of it he will rush inside and still dish damage to the enemies. Overall, a pretty rad option for an ability that only accepts Controller ATO and Immobilize IOs. Overpowering Presence IO provides a generous Spawn and gives Recharge, about the only things worthwhile slotting.
  19. Yeah but leaders get the added benefits of Merit Rewards for completed arcs in addition to unlocking certain contacts? I can understand how all the mindless council radio mission chains wouldn't notice though!
  20. You can use Dimension Shift as a way to safely pull a group of monsters and keep momentum going for your team if it relies on a lot of "planting". Basically use it like Wormhole but they run toward your team when you drop the shift and position yourself near your team. In fact, I found this to be less risky than Wormhole in the events a grouping is too high/big to transport via Wormhole or they have massive aggro range that would drop you in seconds if you let them.
  21. For monsters, sure. Increase their level of difficulty. 😄
  22. Resurrection! I recall stumbling upon this post ages ago with intent to eventually build my Gravity/Time Controller. Whelp, I finally put forth the effort to respec out of the nonsense I was at the time holding to follow this build-path. (Teleport? Hover? Teleport Friend? Fire Ball? Consume? Fire Shield? What was I thinking...!?) Quite honestly, I love it. I never bothered with Mystic Flight before but I managed to make it fit with my theme while also realizing how amazing Spirit Ward and Rune of Protection are in addition to my other tools of support with time and control. Force Feedback is one of my favorite IO's available so it definitely caught my eye seeing it put into use. Sometimes people ask what the "skip-able" powers are in Gravity or Time. If you ask me, there are none. Thank you for not shying away from any of the tools to fit in another bogus soft-capped defense oriented build.
  23. Like. What would the theme of that even be? A hobbit with modern solutions? 😂
  24. Edit: I'm sorry, the topic was specific about Peacebringers but the same issues and concepts proposed below are still applicable to both Kheldians. I love how versatile they are. Unfortunately that versatility comes at a huge disadvantage when it comes to slotting capabilities. They're great for leveling early-mid game but once you start reaching toward the end-game content they start to falloff and feel clunky unless you pick a role or cycle through all three. Ability Customization: - (Warshade) Please adjust the Warshade Dark Extraction pet to be colorized with their ability sets. This alone has discouraged me from playing my Warshade at all post ability acquisition. - (Warshade) Please allow a minimal effect option on Shadow Cloak. It's the same dilemma as Dark Armor stealth as it completely obscures your costume. - (Peacebringer) Please change Cosmic Flight to match Hover's flight stance. It's awkward seeing your character slowly move horizontally during combat. Nova & Dwarf - Abilities & Slotting: (I'm just theory-crafting here. We all understand the troubles of slotting a Kheldian...) I would suggest removing the Nova and Dwarf specific abilities to simply use the in-line abilities to help ease the troubles of slotting and reducing redundancy. Unfortunately that would take away the unique aspect of having these abilities immediately available unless they were altered and unlocked in later levels. The shape-shifting would then be fancy alternate form buffs with some ability locks attached to them. While at the same time removing the clunkiness of needing to stance-dance to perform cheap tricks like double Warshade Mires. Another issue to consider would be how the Dwarf attacks and taunt would need to be added into the lines. I mean, there is no access to Epic/Patron abilities so I suppose they could just merely be thrown into the lines. Example) At least this way the progression toward end-game makes the forms a gradual reward while leaving human form in-tact of being able to perform any ability at will. These abilities will share a recharge across forms. Additionally you may now access a few more abilities while shape-shifted. This will allow a more rounded, complete cycle of playing under form effects without feeling pressured to constantly switch during engagements. Dark Nova - Using Dark Nova now requires you to unlock RANGED abilities that can be used in this form. While in Nova form you may experience heightened damage, recharge and recovery rate while also under penalty of being squishier. (1) Shadow Bolt (Single) (1) Ebon Eye (Single) (6) Shadow Blast (Single) (8) Starless Step (Foe Teleport) (12) Dark Detonation (AoE) (26) Gravitic Emanation (Cone) (26) Urchain Essence (Dead, AoE) (32) Quasar (PBAoE) - Because squishy squid. Why not? Black Dwarf - Using Black Dwarf now requires you to unlock MELEE/Short-ranged abilities that can be used in this form. While in this form you may experienced heightened defense. (X) Brawl (X) Ancillary Power Pool Melees (X) Melee 1 (X) Melee 2 (X) Taunt (2) Gravimetric Snare (Short-ranged Root) (12) Sunless Mire (PBAoE) (18) Essence Drain (Ranged Lifesteal) (18) Gravity Well (Ranged Hold) (22) Stygian Circle (PBAoE)
  25. The Seers in one of the Praetoria zones (the one with the Seed of Hamidon) do this as well. Honestly I'd vote to have Telekinses remove the repel effect and merely hold the target in place after X distance rather than perpetually floating away. However that animation might look more like Darth Vader's choke.
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