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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. I tried that when i had marvel now but i'm so ridiculously completionist that i gave up because they didn't have all of the terrible 60s human torch books on there at the time. this ultimately led to my insane external hard drive hoard which would require several lifetimes to read even if i didn't also have regular books, games and shows to deal with. oh and i never even read comics as a kid (maybe had like 10 or so random grocery store pick ups growing up), this compulsion popped up full blown in my early 30s. Also I don't even like 95% or more of them and barely remember anything from book to book, much less over full runs. I'm completely insane.
  2. I probably didn't notice psi's being any slower since almost everything in psi feels like you're mailing the attacks. Presumably they balanced the activation times but AR definitely feels slow to me so there could be a hitch in activation vs arcana time. Or I could easily be imagining it slower as part of my general annoyance with what utter rubbish the set is. That was my assumption until this thread gave me some corroboration.
  3. It's still slower than the other fast snipes, and let's face it this set doesn't need more problems.
  4. I can't speak to /pain but ill/cold is a very strong combo you might consider too.
  5. Try logging out in an open zone, somewhere that isn't 'safe'
  6. I've had all 4 (tanker/brute on live, scrap/stalker here). Stalker > Tanker > Scrapper > Brute. The point about brutes and pseudopets is true, but really with any of these the aoe isn't your problem, it's hard targets after all the minions/lieuts are dead from the aoe. Since you don't have a lot of mobs left to have against all odds help your lousy single target attacks, you'll end up nuking then standing there dealing with the leftovers for what seems like forever. This is magnified on brutes since AAO doesn't really help them as much as other ATs anyway. But even my scrapper seemed to take forever once down to bosses. Stalker solves this with AS and the ATO procs doing their thing, and is plenty tough, especially as the dangerous foes go down much faster. Plus LR doesn't break hide. Tankers I'd put ahead of scrappers because you'd have an easier time with tanker defense values having the free slots to proc out your single target attacks to make them hit a bit harder. But really ymmv between those two. To me stalker is so far and away better than the other three that the differences in the others hardly matter. They're all serviceable but the stalker is way more fun, especially when you have full team crit bonus working for you on top of the rest.
  7. i went with the 6 slotted preventive medicine for the delicious recharge bonus
  8. You forgot suckling pigs and those drawn with a very fine camel hair brush.
  9. You'll get recipes and salvage based on the level of the content. You won't get enhancement drops. You'll still get thread and shard drops though and your daily catalyst.
  10. That's why they weren't particularly fun before. Now you can just not AS from hide, put the chance to hide proc in AS, the chance to recharge build up proc in something that gets used and enjoy yourself. On a full team with both of those procs and the team crit bonus stalkers are a blast.
  11. as a side note - 'metaphysics' as a term came to be used to describe the sorts of things aristotle discussed in the book he wrote after (meta) the physics.
  12. Posi 1 and Yin would be the easiest tier. The rest of the TF commander stuff is easy enough to duo, though numina would be a hassle with the zone kills. All of the lower level redside TFs are also easy to duo with the possible exception of Morty Kal. It can be duoed but you wouldn't want to just prance in there with whatever random SO'd toons. Renault could be tough for certain combos as well. One key thing is to keep a nice supply of envenomed daggers from p2w on both characters to debuff AV regen. Will make for much faster/smoother fights.
  13. Grant cover doesn't benefit defense directly but its defense debuff and recharge debuff resistance does apply to the user. Huge mistake to skip it even on solo toons. As Caulderone said PF is a great one slot wonder.
  14. I think procs have boosting disabled so we don't accidentally waste boosters during the mind numbing process.
  15. ^^^^ except that purples and pvp IOs should be boosted rather than attuned even if you don't want to exemp, as they already work the same as attuned.
  16. Wait, is it stacking with itself or just proccing every time. It's supposed to have a 100% proc rate but I doubt it's supposed to stack. If it is I need to go redo some builds 😄
  17. I'm much better on HC than i was on live. I usually try to have one 50 i'm working on inc stuff for and one character i'm leveling. On live I was more of the 10 different alts at various stages of leveling kind of player. Oddly the thing that's made me better at altitis is I don't seem to enjoy making builds like I used to. Back in the day I spent nearly as much time in mids as I did playing but now not wanting to make a build has gotten to be the limiting factor in my making characters. (Though I did make 8 new toons to take advantage of experienced charges being free for the anniversary and I'm 7/8 done with their builds.) New alts get 500 million seed money, and all the prestige goodies. They then ride with my farmer for one meteor map which takes them to just shy of 18. Working on accolade stuff gets them to 20 at which point i run invader and finish the team tp mayhem mish. I pretty much TF the rest of the way to all tier 4s if I like the character. If I don't care for it i do a lot of speeding heathers to get it there. At 35 tier 4'd 'done' characters, a 50 working incs, a 31 and 7 of the new toons, only 2 of which have been played at all. Trying to keep it that way because if I play more I'll end up being live me with tons of toons I have to relearn every time I log on to them.
  18. It's got nothing to do with your character's level. There are just certain sets where the only overlap is at one point that won't convert as attuned. The recharge intensive pet ones are another example that only convert at 30. You can either go through the process of selling your attuned, rebuying at 30, converting, selling the 30 and rebuying attuned, or just buy the shield breaker outright.
  19. probably tough from the fighting pool. increase density will take it but you said it wasn't in your primary or secondary. but if you want -kb with what you have now the easiest move would be blessing of the zephyr in ss or sj. karma in maneuvers would also work.
  20. The essence transfer proc isn't particularly useful, i just used it in OD because i wanted the 5% melee defense a 6th slot of superior gives. 65% global recharge bonus... is that with hasten unclicked? mine's 156 which gives me perma eclipse and hasten pretty comfortably but is still longer than I'd like for quasar. If i could get it any higher I would (ok it is higher from always running base buff 20% and offensive amplifier's 15, but y'know what i mean). As to Overwhelming force in a toggle, I haven't tried but I'd worry it might cause problems stacking with other powers the way the avalanche one does in auras. It might not but I hate respecs so much the chance is enough to make me not try.
  21. That'd work, accuracy definitely, can skip the end reduction with stygian circle, but you might be better served using it for set bonuses and proccing elsewhere. Warshade builds are so tight I'd be surprised if you have more than one or two places you can go for procs and one of them should be gravity well. I stuck my 6 slotted essence transfer in orbiting death, as it was about the only place i didn't need a kb to kd.
  22. It was fixed in i22 with the multiple types 'exploit' fix. They said it was never supposed to buff DDR but it was a bug for so long that it felt like a nerf.
  23. So I guess I didn't read it wrong. that's hilarious.
  24. I hope i read that wrong and you didn't just post a way to troll the market to a standstill 😮
  25. ^^^ unless its DDR got raised accordingly it's better off not as a toggle. You can either keep it auto and try to remember hasten or set up binds to change the auto power as you move or attack. I have mine set up as /bind 1 "$$powexec_slot 1$$powexecauto active defense" /bind 2 "$$powexec_slot 2$$powexecauto hasten" and it works out well. Of course if you're a tray clicker you should bind to your movement keys.
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