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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. That's not what OP is asking UltraAlt. There are definitely some bugs with people who should be eligible not being able to join things because they're in a particular zone, dropping if they enter a neutral zone, team leaders sometimes not being able to call in TFs if someone zoned or quit and there's a mixed alignment team, particular transports not working for mixed teams (kahn tf is notorious for that), and other things. No idea if they all stem from one issue or are their own particular bugs but they are annoying.
  2. IP is always near the east ferry. If you have a second account who's dealing with the contact bringing the badging toon in via PD or the ferry it's good to start with. If you can get everything else but bricks/talos/pi at the sub near the contact and do KR last up there so you can base port from it (kr's badge is farthest from door) for those three near the heli it's ideal. But he's not always cooperative and not everyone's doing it with a contact bot. I also abandon them whenever, just need another mish to select.
  3. And go back to having a level locked toon for all the mayhems in case I level too far on a tf? Yeah no thank you. Lord Schweinzer's a great QOL feature.
  4. /signed. really i'd like the temps to be repeatable more than just the once per side. but some motivation for those folks who radio/paper all the time to not just decline seems like a good idea.
  5. You can always make them stand out visually. Would annoy and possibly blind your team but you could at least tell at a glance.
  6. I'd second MusicBee for PC - i got it when itunes removed my preferred display mode and ended up liking it much better.
  7. Try picking up a couple essence of the earth from /ah before that mission. They should be pretty cheap. They're intended for the real hami but they work on the jr. version too.
  8. I'm as much in the lolhealz camp as about anyone but there's no excuse for people being jerks to strangers just based on their build or playstyle. I've never seen any of this on my teams but then I only run TFs and only hit LFG if I can't fill it with people I know. Plenty of times a 'dedicated heal' player joins and no one ever gripes about it, but they probably feel pretty left out anyway from everyone zipping off and ignoring the "gather for ra" calls.
  9. I have it on good authority that maps don't love you like I love you.
  10. How will this affect currently slotted enhancements?
  11. I like quite a few of the things on the list but even the ones I like I could see needing some help for lower end builds or different playstyles. I would put in another vote for bane but I'm not sure exactly what its deal is. It feels like there's something wrong with the animations - there are hitches in the attacks even when moving from one melee mace attack to another that feel way too long. Not sure if this is the case with war mace as I've not played it since live. Add to that the double redraw plus the fact that surveillance forces redraw of either weapon and I found bane pretty much unplayably annoying, especially on teams. It did good damage but way too many of the attacks would land on corpses as the rest of the team sped away and even on AVs the slow animations made it feel pretty useless. Speaking of slow animations did we mention the "fast" snipe when we were talking about ass rifle?
  12. That's similar to what i've always used for it when accolade hunting but I get the vanguard one third so i can grab the pupil plaque on the way to the train to hit KR. I never start on blue so I always have SS by the time i get around to it. Takes me maybe a minute and a half. Your version's definitely more linear and more riddler-y.
  13. That's all well and good for people with a few alts. I just finished powering through getting one explore per zone on each of 40+ alts and it was, quite frankly, awful. And many of them already had some of the zones covered. I wouldn't wish what I just did on anyone and there are plenty of folks with way more alts than I have. It was one thing when I got the accolades in every zone when nothing else was going on just for the merits on live. There was no real pressure and nothing to keep track of. Having the full accolades as a requirement for LRT would just be insane.
  14. I run the endurance drain resist, attack rate increase and recovery increase all the time. They're not huge but I can definitely tell when they drop on end heavy toons.
  15. I don't think your toggles are the endurance problem - your recovery vs drain isn't so bad. You've got some seriously high endurance attacks though, especially as often as AF is used. plus active defenses popping for 10 plus the hasten crash. Like you said, ageless will probably cover over a lot of that. Also don't forget you can get the sg base recovery buff for 90 mins at a time for measly salvage.
  16. Seems like some good changes. I liked my ice/ice dom but not until I stopped using the aoe immob and just let the two auras do their work. I have to admit it didn't even occur to me to take shiver.
  17. A page of alts down in the explore per zone process. Not gonna lie, it really sucks even with the base macro. Couple tips - From current Founders base drop point grab the badge by the Eden door then go into Eden for the one straight across. It's easier than the ones near Eden drop point. Similarly, when entering Bricks from base, jump into creys for the one to the northeast of the entrance then back into bricks for your choice of the two near there. Much easier than Crey's from base options. If you have slow load times get the Bricks first and backtrack to Crey's door.
  18. Ouch, that's about the worst i've seen. And most of that will probably literally be down the drain as the person on the other end isn't likely to be looking for that before hitting claim all inf.
  19. I generally go ahead and get the explore accolade for cap on every toon as I'm already touring the better part of it to get the plaques for the accolade powers. If you go to the plaque in the southwest after you pop in at the globe one it's a pretty straightforward path around to wind up at the helicopter for the trip to nerva north and the badge you need there for accolades.
  20. Hmm, so it is. Idk where I got that stalkers don't get it but had I known I'd definitely have done stalker on it. Though I'm not convinced as much as I like my scrap that it'd be worth rolling a stalker to compare. It's not like my elec/shield scrap where it was annoying me and made me roll stalker. Oh and on the subject of elec/shield stalker and the discussion above - skip thunderstrike. It's way too slow for its meh damage.
  21. I have atlas explorer on everyone since there seemed little point to me to get the ones you need for the medallion and not just grab the rest of the low hanging fruit. So tonight I started the process of getting an explore in every zone on every toon. Because obviously all my finished alts, many of whom I have no intention of actually playing again, need a full LRT menu. One down, 47 to go and I've already decided I don't need the shard or praetoria zones. It's not so bad but I certainly wouldn't want to do it on my full stable once the changes go live and I can't chain the base macro. New toons after that will just have to cope.
  22. Elec/shield is much better on stalker. My elec/shield scrapper is now my unslotted idler and renamed 'wishiwasastalker'.
  23. Oh it is, and the ATO takes it up a notch. But stalkers get crits out of hide, fast AS crit chances buffed by their other attacks up to a guaranteed one, and increased crit chances depending on team size. it really adds up.
  24. Sure you don't mean better ATOs and more crits? Seriously a stalker on a full team with the hide proc in AS is a crit machine. And with the other ATO most of those crits have one or more build ups buffing them too. It doesn't even cross my mind to take placate or use slow AS anymore, it's just not as fun to me as the mad target hopping crit machine style the changes made possible. That said, you asked about scrappers which is why we mentioned war mace and ice - stalker doesn't have those and they're worth a go (someone would've said titan weapons too were it not for the beta changes coming and the general PITA-ness of the set when fighting mobs that move rather than pylons). I've not personally tried battle axe on scrap but that might be a possibility for the same reason.
  25. My thought was TAoE just to cut out some of the cone positioning the set's already heavy with but the damage would still be DoT to simulate that not everyone's getting hit at the same time. Not a ground TAoE like archery, just a regular one where you could target the center of the mob and not worry about your nuke only hitting 2 targets.
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