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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. Only one way to find out ... 🚀
  2. The Fire and Cold Defense applies in PvP only while using this PvP set. Are you in PvP?
  3. I'd be worried about Rikti Magus using Sleep on everyone in the bowl without melee monsters cruising the perimeter to scoop them up and draw their aggro off all the squishies in the bowl.
  4. Well ... when two cows love each other very much ... /em looks at you expectantly
  5. If we're talking pure Pie In The Sky™ here ... probably the best outcome would be what amounts to using a Police Scanner (either stolen or legit) to acquire street sweeping missions of the Defeat X of Y in Z area of the current zone map variety. Think Newspaper missions ... except that instead of being directed into instances, you're instead directed to perform street sweeping missions in the shared world. That would be my personal preferred "best solution" to the problem. However, the real challenge is that that "balance point" for street sweeping is going to be ABSURDLY hard to "tune" perfectly in the Goldilocks sense of being able to get the rewards for doing it JUST RIGHT™. However, something that would help in this regard would be the notion (backed up by game mechanics to enforce it) that any of the street sweeping missions you complete from the Police Scanner (I'm just running with that idea) would be that while you have that street sweeping mission active you are auto-exemplared to match the Security Level of the area of the zone where those mobs are supposed to be found, but only while the street sweeping mission is active ... and furthermore, that you only advance the defeat count for the street sweeping mission while it is active. The basic notion here is that you want to make it possible for PCs to go do street sweeping in ANY zone (including the (Abandoned) Sewers?) regardless of the PC's (actual) Level, while at the same time ensuring that there is still some challenge in the completion of the street sweeping mission. Extra bonus points for allowing the Reputation modifier to be used "inversely" so as to lower the auto-exemplar target Level of the PC downwards if it is set for +4, and upwards if it is set for -1. Street sweeping mission is set in Level 12-15 neighborhood. Reputation -1 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 16 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Reputation +0 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 15 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Reputation +1 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 14 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Reputation +2 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 13 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Reputation +3 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 12 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Reputation +4 Level enemies results in auto-exemplar to Level 11 while street sweeping mission is the active mission. Want to play BatManticore cleaning up the streets of Gotham King's Row, even though you're Level 50? Well, with this idea ... you can. I mean ... can you imagine seeing other PCs out "cleaning up the streets" in The Hollows ... or Crey's Folly ... or Brickstown ... or Eden? Right now I can't. But if this idea were pursued ... it might start happening. As for a reward? I'd honestly start with something as offering "bragging rights" by implementing Badges that do nothing more than recording how many street sweeping missions you've done in a specific neighborhood. Do another mission in that neighborhood and you get a +1 on that badge's counter, which other PCs can see (if they care to look). If additional rewards are needed, SLOWLY add them in an iterative process to verify that the increase in rewards isn't going to unbalance the distribution of PCs throughout the game (like everyone going to AE and never leaving). That way the rewards increase in a measured way that doesn't require nerfing for being made To Generous™ from the get-go.
  6. For the purposes of disambiguation, I figure that the color needs to be something OTHER THAN what is used for the conning system uses. Target's Relative Level Underling Minion Lieutenant/ Sniper Boss/ Elite Boss Hero/ Archvillain Giant Monster <-8 Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Purple -8 Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Light Gray Purple -7 Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Green Purple -6 Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Blue Purple -5 Dark Gray Dark Gray Dark Gray Light Gray White Purple -4 Dark Gray Dark Gray Light Gray Green Yellow Purple -3 Dark Gray Light Gray Green Blue Orange Purple -2 Light Gray Green Blue White Red Purple -1 Green Blue White Yellow Purple Purple Even Blue White Yellow Orange Purple Purple +1 White Yellow Orange Red Purple Purple +2 Yellow Orange Red Purple Purple Purple +3 Orange Red Purple Purple Purple Purple +4 Red Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple >+4 Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple This makes me wonder if a sort of indigo might suffice. Electric Indigo = #6f00ff If it needs to be "lightened" for visibility against the brighter background, simply raise the Red in the color and perhaps add a touch of green for brightness. Note that the background color of these forums is hardly ideal for this kind of color demonstration work.
  7. Damnit ... now I'm going to have to MAKE one of these bicorns ...
  8. Sadly, the base game functionality doesn't support this option. I shudder to think of how much "re-inventing the wheel" would need to be done in order to make this Feature Request™ even theoretically possible. Easy to post. Absurdly hard to implement.
  9. FACELESS MINIONS ...!!! GO ...!!! ... and die ...
  10. I can easily foresee MAJOR problems if Masterminds could slot Pet Sets into the Level 6 and 32 upgrades. Letting all Mastermind primaries slot Pet Sets into the Level 18 power in common (yes, even Serum and Smoke Flash) however would "balance" a lot better, all things considered.
  11. The maximum speed cap for movement types is inversely proportional to the freedom of movement offered by those movement types. Or to explain it the way that I always put it in chat channels back on Virtue ...
  12. Enflame Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 20 Annihilation - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime: Level 27 Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20 Frozen Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 Frozen Blast - Recharge/Chance for Immobilize: Level 27 Positron's Blast (2) (Enflame): 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery Annihilation (2) (Enflame): 1.35% Max End Frozen Blast (2) (Enflame): 10% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 10% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 10% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) The number of burn patches the power puts down/spawns gives you multiple bites at the apple (so to speak) per activation of the power for being able to score those procs. The Immobilize proc helps keep stuff in the fire (so they warm up?). The Resistance debuff makes your $Target(s) faceplant/explode faster. The energy damage proc is self explanatory. Now, obviously, this isn't a slotting optimized for Pylon burn downs for "max deeps" ... but it is a slotting that will be useful against anything mobile which doesn't teleport away periodically.
  13. Honestly? The best buff that could be done to Flurry would be to give it the Hail of Bullets (ala Dual Pistols) treatment. Specifically, the power activation itself is piddly/minimal, but then there's a mandatory animation DURATION that has to play following that token activation. The way it winds up working with Hail of Bullets is that after the 0.132s activation, the 5s duration animation of the power plays out ... but during that 5s of duration (not animation, duration, game mechanically speaking) the Hail of Bullets power has already begun recharging. Of course, if you gave Flurry the "Hail of Bullets treatment" like that, you'd give the power a 0.132s activation and a 3.3s duration ... meaning that even without any recharge buffing at all you'd be able to perma-chain flurry repeatedly (because the 3s recharge time would complete before the end of the power's 3.3s duration finished) ... which would be weird, but not entirely unexpected given that Flurry is the Tier 1 power of the Speed pool ... so ... thematically appropriate?
  14. Have you ever considered Sorcery? I hear Enflame helps with bragging rights versus Pylons.
  15. I wrote one up a while back ... although I'd want to update the build plan with some of the info that has been discovered since then ...
  16. Kind of amusing to see the ... renaissance ... this thread has had after it got bumped back up onto the front page. I'm still of the opinion that simply converting ALL of the KnockBACK that Peacebringers do into being KnockUP instead would "solve" a number of problems with them and give them a very unique (and uniquely obvious) influence on combat in groups. Watching everything around the aggro magnet fly up into the air and then land with a thud without scattering them across the map ... would be awe inspiring. To my knowledge there are single target KnockUP powers scattered around various powersets (including Air Superiority in the Flight pool, of all places), but I'm hard pressed to think of a single AoE KnockUP power with a MAG of more than 0.75. Let Peacebringers hold that niche role and watch the appreciation start pouring in.
  17. Soundly reasoned. Also you're right that Containment will lend an increased benefit to Build Up over a damage proc, since Containment will function akin to a Critical Strike (kinda) for double damage, while a damage proc under Containment wouldn't "proc twice" to deal double damage to a Contained target. And that's not even including the bonus damage delivered by Impact into the bargain (or at least, I'm not while hastily writing this). So yeah, given the alternative choices, a good choice.
  18. In order to prevent multiple procs from stacking up on a $Target, the solution used by the Paragon Studios devs is to have the $Target cast the debuff on themselves (via Grant Power mechanics to "force" the $Target to self-cast the debuff upon self) and then code the debuff to not stack from same caster, which then prevents stacking of multiple procs simultaneously upon the $Target. That's how you wind up with max 1 stack of any particular debuff from proc on a $Target.
  19. Knockdown is a limited SUBSET of Knockback MAG. When you STACK Knockdown enough you get KnockBACK. Burn will rapidly stack Knockdowns into KnockBACK thanks to MAG stacking. If this is hard to comprehend ...
  20. Okay, that's just whacktastically WILD ... turning the combo of those two powers into a doubled up smackeroonie like that. Incredibly slot hungry (you need +5 slots for each to do it right). I'm kind of wondering about your order of operations for this, and whether it might have been a superior choice to Wormhole group 1 into group 2 and then Dimension Shift groups 1+2 combined, rather than Dimension Shifting group 2 and then Wormhole group 1 into group 2 in time for the 2nd damage proc from Dimension Shift to happen to all within the Dimension Shift field. Also note that Dimension Shift will phase Allies within its radius, meaning that it will allow melee monsters to enter and smack around $Targets (who are also phased) within the radius of effect of Dimension Shift. This means that in group play, you could have an aggro magnet herd up a group, and your Controller uses Wormhole to port in a second group, and then cast Dimension Shift over the entire dogpile and the melee monsters wouldn't even notice any difference (aside from the lockdown of their $Targets). Ranged attackers would need to enter the Dimension Shift field to continue blasting away at the $Targets though. This kind of thing where you reach for the Decimation Build Up proc is best exploited in attack chains that feature an AoE attack as part of the rotation. If all you're doing is applying Build Up to single target attacks, the return on investment is comparable to what you'd get out of a damage proc, but not really all that much better. It's only when you can exploit the multiplicative factor of having an AoE attack against lots of $Targets that the Build Up proc pulls way out in front of the damage proc alternative option ... and even then, you need to be using fast animation speed attacks in order to have an attack chain that lets you use some 3-5 attacks in the duration of the Build Up buff after it procs to really squeeze the most advantage out of it (preferably by getting in 2 AoEs after the Build Up procs). So it's a little bit of a niche thing dependent upon the ... shape ... of the powers available for use.
  21. Try putting them into Sprint.
  22. New plan(s) for Enflame, with the non-purple and purple versions of the Frozen Blast set, edited to maximize Recharge Reduction for improved uptime. ===== Enflame (non-purple) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 20 (3.5 PPM) Annihilation - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime: Level 27 Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20 (3.0 PPM) Frozen Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 27 Frozen Blast - Recharge/Chance for Immobilize: Level 27 (3.5 PPM??) Positron's Blast (Enflame) 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery Annihilation (Enflame) 1.35% Max End Frozen Blast (Enflame) 10% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 10% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 10% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) Accuracy: 33.70% Damage: 54.76% Recharge Reduction: 69.51% ===== Enflame (purple-ish) Positron's Blast - Damage/Recharge: Level 27 Positron's Blast - Chance of Damage(Energy): Level 20 (3.5 PPM) Annihilation - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime: Level 27 Annihilation - Chance for Res Debuff: Level 20 (3.0 PPM) Superior Frozen Blast - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50 Superior Frozen Blast - Recharge/Chance for Immobilize: Level 50 (4.5 PPM??) Positron's Blast (Enflame) 2.5% (0.04 End/sec) Recovery Annihilation (Enflame) 1.35% Max End Superior Frozen Blast (Enflame) 15% ResEffect(SpeedRunning), 15% ResEffect(RechargeTime), 15% ResEffect(SpeedFlying) Accuracy: 43.35% Damage: 64.41% Recharge Reduction: 85.84% (Pre-ED: 87.60%) ===== Side note: I am unable to find any reference to the PPM values for either Frozen Blast or Superior Frozen Blast in the unverified reference tables found HERE, so I extrapolated from other examples found in the table. Verification of these presumed PPM values through testing is desired.
  23. Set bonuses apply to the Mastermind ONLY and do not "translate/transfer" out to your summoned Pets. Pet IOs that have +Def/+Res aura effects on them cause the Mastermind to generate an aura the size of their Supremacy radius that will buff those attributes on summoned Pets, but the Pets have to remain within the PBAoE radius around the Mastermind to receive the effects which are more like "perma on" 100% chance procs than they are like set bonuses.
  24. Interesting. I would have expected the powexeclocation to "fail to execute" thereby ... allowing ... the powexecname to execute instead. Well, guess that dog won't hunt ... and it needed to be tested to make sure that you can't put both into the same keybind so as to use "whichever one works right now" functionality.
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