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0th Power

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Everything posted by 0th Power

  1. Scientific notation might serve you well
  2. Nil the Gull None the Gull Nein die Möwe Nada the Gull
  3. Air superiority is my favorite pool attack and if I have room, I pick it
  4. I spent a measly 750 mil on packs yesterday. Gonna hold on to them for a bit and see what the market does.
  5. My hover has a LOTG, a Kismet and 2 flight IOs
  6. are those MM pets? That would bother me too if I played MMs.
  7. That's my point, it does hit. Also, am I the only one that has a problem when it is used on an indoor mission?
  8. I wrote Hans but edited it out because I realized I was a dumb a. I didn’t even think it was Hans, no idea why I wrote it. I knew it was Karl’s brother, Tony, who I had to ashamedly look up the name. All the more reason to watch it again.
  9. I stand corrected. I was remembering it being “Richard” head. I need to rewatch it. edit- that was when he met Tony. “Drop it, d head.”
  10. I think there were some you can. For some reason the nictus shard heal temp power comes to mind...
  11. I cant get the word Suparang out of my head now...
  12. Violence isn't the answer. Violence is the question, and the answer is "Yes!"
  13. If you were given one extra power, no prerequisites and unable to add slots or enhancements, what would you choose.? I think I would go for teleport target for when ATT is recharging or is disabled on MO runs, although vengeance would be a solid choice too.
  14. Power Creep is taken on torch, I tried to grab it a while back without luck.
  15. 2 at level 2 and 3 at level 50. You get powers at all other levels. I think you’re on to something.
  16. I wouldn’t mind it but I know a lot of people are star adverse. Also, I don’t know how it would work if the leader disconnects and loses the star.
  17. I watched a documentary on the creation. It is funny how a million dollar idea can start.
  18. Chiroptera Edit - had to google it to get the correct spelling, and now I am rabbit-holing through different bat species Wikipedia pages
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