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Everything posted by Troo

  1. If this is your first Corruptor I'd go with Fire or Cold and pair it with Dark Miasma. That's a lot of power, debuffs and a big team heal. Cold Domination can be good if you'd prefer. Fire / Kin will be most damaging.
  2. @LKN-351 it's just strange that it didn't look like that before.
  3. irrelevant your whiteknighting is right up there with folks should use discord and not these forums.
  4. Does seem to effect some shiny selections but not others. Metallic not effected ..but Metallic 2 and Metallic 3 seem to be. (Metallic 2 shown below)
  5. Upper Body - Tight Chest - Bodysuit Muscled Gloss - Blend
  6. I am seeing lots of little rectangles where they were not present previously. Could be limited to specific costume selections? Not present below.
  7. Replace Calendar and Events popup message w/ Issue 28, Page 1 Announcement Replace the orange message above with a some message and maybe a link to: Also a popup in game would be nice.. using /gmotd only shows: (no new page information)
  8. Fear or Stun could be alternatives.. Some 'holy crap, flying fish!'. I'm guessing your experience is that the -Dam and Slows are just not as helpful when up against mezzes.
  9. Is 45% a trap? Sometimes. For healing or resistance sets I believe it is. (Don't get me wrong, it helps but potentially too big of an investment at too high a cost to other stats) As others have said, survival may have more to do with high resistance, incidental defense, AND other means. On a Fiery/Claws I like Darkest Night with it's big -ToHit aggro-ing everything within 25' of the target. Between high resistance, a big tohit debuff, and a self rez.. it's very survivable. Paired with a secondary that had knockdown (Stone Melee), -ToHit (Dark Melee), or +Def being even more so.
  10. Yeah.. any idea that has this in it likely isn't going to be well received. Would I personally like to see Origin mattering a little more in game, sure.
  11. There isn't one. It will go to live when it's ready. Having it on open Beta is a good sign though. Just understand that some open Beta items do not always make it to live.
  12. these are not how fast it can be done.. I would say 15 minutes would be the fastest average I would ever tell anyone to avoid dropped participants. Maybe even 20 - 30 minutes unless I was absolutely sure we'd knock it out quicker. DFB and DiB are definitely not averaging 11 & 8 minutes.
  13. Weird, my experience is a bit different. Burst damage has not been the biggest problem. Instant Healing and Dull Pain together.. is fairly impressive. (almost like a T9) Getting slowed to where I can't move AND powers aren't recharging fast enough... that's a problem. (a problem that enemy recognition and situational awareness significantly helps with) Getting 2-shotted on a broot or stalker for me would be a very very very rare occurrence (lvl 1-50+). Maybe scrappers are somehow less capable.. no that can't be right. Regeneration is likely a knifes edge to balance. To give any significant boosts to any set requires tradeoffs, I'd rather enjoy regeneration as is. Absolutely, I'd support a couple well documented small tweaks which would not require tradeoffs. I suspect these could provide a little bit more forgiveness and help folks pilot a regen while they learn the ropes. But they are just small tweaks which may not help folks who don't want to lean into what regen does well. If I couldn't +4/8 at all, I might sing a different tune. However, there are a number of folks who have taken Regeneration characters through some of the hardest content the game has to offer. While I won't ever claim it to be the best, as-is, it can be very successful. It is also fun and different rather than same same. Don't *need* to rely on MoG or Incarnates to survive normal alpha strikes... you know this. If we are talking the hardest content, I believe ALL of the armors have holes to something without dipping into external powers, right? I'm just saying..
  14. Common regeneration comments from other discussions. Regeneration could use some debuff resistances Recharge. This is one of the sets's achilles heal. Regen. Really this seems like a no brainer since it is Regeneration. Could be SR DDR level. DDR? nah, leave the chasing defense trap. -End I agree with W_P that this would be nice. MoG has an animation which is practically 20% of the power duration.. That's a bit punitive. Shorten the animation/cast time (or) Extend the duration (just pick one or the other) **MoG has a nice +Recovery which may be under appreciated. Front-loading heals would be nice. Or at least shorten the animation-time-before-effect. Take a couple of the these minor tweaks and see where we are. I don't think this needs all of the above but a couple sure would be nice. If that's the nudge it needs we haven't 'reworked' anything and have stayed troo to what is a popular set. Regeneration is never going to be Invulnerability. and this
  15. an all caps title? for this?! "I HATE! HATE! HATE! the stupid looking" _____________ (the winning-est of arguments.. wait, did I mean 'whining-est')
  16. oh my.. [19:35:59] You pet Blarf, it gyrates in a very... unique way. [19:35:59] Congratulations! You earned the Nutrient-Rich badge. [19:35:59] In response, Blarf contorts into a shape it hopes appealed to you.
  17. Question: Is the player you spoke of above still playing? (folks come and go. this is only an anecdotal data point) Since @BF resuscitated this thread,
  18. Whoa hoo hoo turns out this was a terrible idea, I can't apologize enough. Please put the big guns away.
  19. Doesn't NPR and many non-profits do exactly that to encourage giving? (just devil's advocate to your premise)
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