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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. Well. Trying to be as constructive as I can, I could see a psychic power, perhaps for psionic melee or to the various themed mind/psy control & domination power sets that forced an enemy or even a group of enemies to slowly be drawn to the caster or to a point they select. But not for all scrappers.
  2. Good point. Brute Taunt should be single-target, too.
  3. Confront already has a -Range in it, equal to Brutes. I'd argue that's just a bit too high. IMO, Tanker taunt > Brute Taunt > Scrapper Confront should be a rule. Tankers get -100% for 20 seconds, and Brutes have -75% for 12 seconds. Confront ought, imo, to be something like -50% for 8 seconds. Here's the COD profile for Scrapper Battleaxe Confront. (Nothing special about Battleaxe, it was just at the top of the list)
  4. I find Teleport Target to be a fantastic long range pull. It will even aggro a couple of the nearby neighbors of the target. In addition to using corners and obstructions, any player should be able to pull ranged foes in close enough to deal with them. If you also have Combat Teleport, you can easily move around the battlespace into melee range of foes even if you're standing in caltrop or immobilized (not while fully held).
  5. It doesn't disable them, but it does apply a -Range debuff. The -100 doesn't make the range zero, but does cut it in half. Also, carefully using corners and obstructions will get them to chase in close.
  6. I'd like a command that I can put into a macro button to change the max particle count setting. And I'd like that command to include numbers down even lower than 100. Like, say, 25, or even 10. But it's not my most pressing issue. That has to be Rage, from Super Strength. It makes the powerset unplayable for me.
  7. Fix caves, rescues, and illusionist intangibility, and I'd never have to run all-council missions again. Council and Fifth Column are kind to too deep in their trope and occupy too much of the same niche. Have another war between them, and let one side (my preference would the the column) win and replace the other. Or, work on the mechanics of the two groups to make them more distinct. Then work their lore so they're now obviously pursuing very different and contradictory villainous goals.
  8. I have it on good authority that the yellow salvage drought will only get worse -- hurry and buy as much as you can! The world is an unstable and scary place. Protect your retirement and alting investments and buy Gold salvage from Yomoland Capital Group today!
  9. This gets me thinking again. I'm sure the price does bump up over 100K often enough, and that's where the 10,000,000 seeded are. And it's possible (or even very likely) many of those original seeds are sold. And, entirely possible some people not in the know about the seed price have listed theirs for sale above 100K. And it would only take about ~1T inf (I propose we call this denomination the Yomodollar) to buy them all and find out.
  10. The interesting thing was, a week ago, there were 10,021,032 for sale, and today there were 10,022,249 for sale. Today, I tested, and none of them were posted for sale below 49,999. I got one buying over 50K, but I didn't try any higher (I don't need them that badly). Someone has also been buying in bulk at about 5k -- so it really is just peaking very high, probably because of the need for instant gratification, and the for-sale postings above 5k and below 50k have been bought out (and possibly reposted well above 50K.)
  11. Lately, I like the teleport pool. Combat Teleport, Teleport, Teleport Target, and Fold Space are all useful in missions/combat. And especially so with some keybinds.
  12. It's still faster to click a macro with /ah in it than to go to the nearest vendor. The extra Inf you might get from a vendor isn't worth any distance at all. Heck, I'd delete all my junk if it were any faster than /ah. And I do when I'm in a mission and my salvage or recipes are full.
  13. I don't track uncommon salvage quantities for sale and bid, but this is reasonable to me. Or maybe several someone's on fewer characters. But the mindset isn't mine, either. I could envision doing a short-term test, such as seeing what price I have to pay to buy 1,000 of them right away; but for a profit reason? Oof, no. The tedium would be crippling to me.
  14. Patience and forethought have always paid big dividends at Wentworth's.
  15. Why? You won't see a price change until there's another posted for sale below the current highest unfulfilled bid to buy. Most people don't leave bids up to buy mats in advance, they buy them when they need them, and they want them right away. Edit: I'll add that posting of salvage to the market is also "bursty" -- people will let their salvage get close to full and then go sell it all at once. Those are the infrequent times when the price gets driven down quickly. Also, human nature being what it is, many people just echo the last posted history sale price they see when they are buying. And they are not wrong to do so for cheap salvage, the time spent canceling an order that doesn't fill to post a slightly higher one isn't worth the savings. A few thousand inf is not worth the clicking to them. Heck, people will commonly overbid by the millions for high end enhancements. They could bid-creep on those and they don't, why expect them to bid creep by the mere hundreds or thousands for junk? The characteristic variability I see makes sense to me without casting my suspicion onto the code efficiency or mechanics of the market.
  16. If I had been the one to originally code the market, I would have insisted in the market auto-buying (and deleting) anything posted for sale at or below the vendor price. If you posted something for 1, "my" Wentworth's would give you 1 for it on the spot. :D
  17. I'd wager a lot of that 21,032 are old postings that people put in at silly high prices, too. I'd tempted to just buy and delete it all, and see how high those posts really were. It would only cost ~2 billion at max (21032 x 99999) to buy out everything that wasn't seeded, and take eleven alts with 200 market slots each to do the bids. It would take maybe a couple hours to do, and best done when the servers were minimally busy.
  18. I don't get an impression the market code is inefficient. I think it's much more likely that prices rise up rapidly due to the "bursty" nature of how the major crafters purchase salvage, especially the common and uncommons. For example when a crafter character logs in, the player/farmer may intend to craft dozens of recipes in a quick session. If they need salvage, they're not going to nickle and dime bidding on low-end salvage to get the best price. They'll quickly raise their bids until they get what they need. Commons and uncommons are so cheap the expense is a trivial round-off error compared to the revenue they intend to get, and their time is more valuable than that. Even rares get this, which is why you'll see the price hover in the low 400's often, but quickly spike up over 500K for short periods. You can get rare salvage slowly over time in the lower part of the range, but if you need a lot right away, you need to, and will, pay for it - it's not going to cut profits much to pay 500K vs 400K. The same things happen for commons and uncommons, only more so. Also, the supply of salvage is inelastic with respect to price. You can pay more, but the supply on the market won't increase; players won't play more or farm harder because uncommons are suddenly going for 25K instead of 2.5K. We're all bidding for the same, more or less fixed, supply of materials. Aggressive flipping could help stabilize the prices of the market, but that is hugely time-inefficient market work for commons or uncommons. There are probably flippers working the rares market, but even that sounds on the tedious, low profit side to me.
  19. It's also easy to transfer characters between servers; almost easy enough to do it depending on your mood. Want to visit Manhattan? Go to Excel. Need a respite in Kansas? Swap over to Indom.
  20. We'll have auto-translation cyberware before you know it. And I love it when my hovercraft is full of eels.
  21. No, no. We just changed it. Two M's are now a Million, not two thousands. We're multiplying them together. XL is now 50 x 10 or 500, XLVII is 10 x 50 x 5 x 1 x 1, or 2500, and so on. It's like New Math, except it's for money. We can call it the New Roman Monetization.
  22. I'm going to start using "VV" for quarters, since V is five, and 5 x 5 is 25. Hundreds could be XX ! I.e., a mugging outside Wentworths in KR could start out with "Hand over all your double-X's!"
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