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Everything posted by SeraphimKensai

  1. Do you have a mids file for your current build? It might be easier to offer improvements if we know where the starting point is.
  2. I play a spines/bio as a brute myself due to the larger resistance caps and HP pool. Bio in itself really likes recharge and slow resistance. After that it's about layering defense/resistance. As with any powersets combo they really start coming online in the 30's when you have an attack chain and a decent array of defensive powers. Once you toss set IOs in it though you'll really be tearing it up. My spines/bio brute fully slotted with set IOs does pretty well and solo'd his way through the maria Jenkins arcs and also killed Mot solo. I think your scrapper just needs more time to develop.
  3. I used up all the stun grenades and regular grenades I had. And yeah the brief kb from the grenades was helping us to get Dark Regeneration off of cool down. Those first couple spawns were indeed pretty rough. It was a rough awakening that mobs at +4 while people are lvl 10 are pretty difficult. Once everyone stacked up closer together it helped distribute the agro between each of us a bit.
  4. You could check if that post has a mids build file or link you can import and then the build auto populates in mids. That particular shorthand is saying superior defiant barrage. The breakdown is fairly intuitive once you know the names of all the sets.
  5. We started with 8 tanks while Betty was lvl 10 on a +4 cave mission smashing trolls. 3 dark/stone tanks, 1 dark/something else, a willpower, an Invuln, and I forget what else. That mission we had probably close to 20 combined deaths with multiple runs to the hospital/base. It was a grind but Betty leveled up maybe 4 times that mission so by the end of it the mission was pretty easy. Difficulty dropped to +3 for the rest of the arc. We had people say they were tired or had to take care of their kids, etc. so by the time we got to the Frost Fire mission there were 5 of us left: the 4 dark armor tanks, and the willpower (iirc). By this time we were doing a better job of stacking together and surviving and by the end of it Betty had leveled enough maybe 18 or 19 that mobs were even con and we were herding rooms again. Despite the grueling beginnings it was still overall fun. I have high hopes that the new players will continue attending, and also that our dark/stone tanks will make for an interesting team especially as everyone levels them up.
  6. I sure hope the person your responding to figured it out after almost 4 years and hadn't been waiting on your response to get out of Praetorian. Thanks for helping them though.
  7. Join the TankHQ in-game channel. The event rotates servers every week and occasionally has a special reunion tour on the weekend.
  8. @Spaghetti Bettycan lead the Old School Positron TF at +4.
  9. I guess I haven't seen the underwear in a ziplock bag before. Heck I buy enough cheese, you'd expect that to come in a ziplock bag, but the Gouda, Brie, Fontina, Roquefort, Manchego, and Gruyere I have in my fridge say otherwise. That said I wouldn't recommend putting underwear in the fridge either, so maybe the ziplock bag helps it to keep its freshness from the wash? I try not to report people, as I like things to be resolved at the lowest level possible, but I've had the displeasure of feeling compelled to make a report at least once before but that was due to likely the love child of Adolf Hitler and David Duke going full tilt into hate speech. That was back in like 2007 or so, so hopefully that person chose to give up hate by now.
  10. I've got to the point that between my accounts I'm around 250 lvl 50's and realistically it's too much. This year for the map server event I brought a lvl 47 blaster that I used up to unlocking interface/judgement with. Some of my toons haven't been played in over a thousand days. It's a little insane. I have completely forgot about a toon and remade the same powersets and leveled it to 50 before I remembered the first one. Luckily enough they were on separate accounts. The sad thing is I don't know what to do with them all. I don't want to delete them, but I can't realistically play them all either. And I feel compelled every once in a while to make a new toon (luckily this is slowing down some). Maybe there's a support group for people with too many alts.
  11. Playing on Everlasting by chance? The last three rounds of DFBs I've done have been similar were the leader simply states it's a badge run, and everyone knew what to do. SBB has been like that for me as well with people knowing all the roles.
  12. I'd roll back PvP to pre i13. Taking it right back to its glory days. QoL change that's been great I definitely like /ah as opposed to physically going to an Auction House.
  13. Alright I parked my Dark/Stone in KR at the meet up for tomorrow night. I got it up to lvl 39 through organic game play and TFs. I did throw a few IOs at it, but not as much as I normally would, otherwise its rocking SOs. Harmonic Mind definitely helps the end.
  14. Wow this really took off with an interesting discussion while I was putting the toddler to sleep and I log in do a hami raid and one ITF and poof 3 pages.
  15. I agree in this regard as Cloak of Fear although interesting from a conceptual standpoint it doesn't really seem to fit a resistance based armor set like Dark Armor as the tohitdebuff is fairly negligible. Soul Transfer I think would work so much better if it could also be used be alive, but even then it could probably have the immobilize and stun toned down, the untouchable removed, and be given a -regen to target and a +absorb to the player.
  16. The heal is ridiculously powerful. At lvl 50, it takes 6.2 mobs affected to heal the tanker HP cap. It affects up to 10 targets, so at no time whatsoever are the final 3 targets ever used for actual healing as they are over healing, and that's before slotting it for any kind of heal enhancement. Stygian Circle I think is much better power IMO on the same base recharge for only 15.6 base end cost. It's healing scales based on the enemy rank, but relies of the enemies to be dead. I think if Dark Regeneration worked similar it would resolve pretty much all of Dark Armor's issues in one go.
  17. In the very post you quote I already mention that proc. It is not that reliable. Stand in a group of mobs and fire off dark regen and see how often it actually procs.
  18. Lately I've been replaying Dark Armor, and I'm wondering if Dark Regeneration needs a balance pass. I think it's safe to agree that most people believe that Dark Armor is a very endurance intensive powerset, due to all its toggles. It was originally designed as a scrapper armor set to pair with Dark Melee (which has dark consumption as an end recovery tool). The set was later proliferated to the other melee ATs. Dark Regeneration is a pbaoe minor neg damage that provides healing based on the density surrounding the player. 20 feet radius 562 hp/target caps out at 10 targets base recharge is 30 seconds end cost of 33.8. I might be wrong, but I don't believe there's a single power in the game that requires more base endurance to us. That is a huge endurance tax on one of the most endurance heavy powersets in the game. As a solution, I would suggest lowering the endurance per use cost of Dark Regeneration and also provide an endurance per target to refill the player's end bar. Similar powers that achieve this are Stygian Circle (albeit that works on dead targets only, its base recharge is 30 seconds as well), DNA Siphon, or Radiation Therapy. Most people suggest slotting a theft of the essence proc into the power, but in play testing this doesn't provide for a dependable endurance boost, especially in relation to that endurance cost of the power itself. What do you think about Dark Armor and more precisely Dark Regeneration? As always thanks.
  19. It actually uses all black on the chest/legs/head. otherwise the gloves/feet/shoulders have a mix between black and a dark dark blue/purple. Otherwise the power colors give a dark dark blue/purple and a dark green. I think it looks like that from the picture because the setting sun.
  20. If the OP is the FA/MA I saw yesterday on Everlasting, I mentioned to check out your turtle build.
  21. Insectoid armor pants/chest/head, organic thorny armor boots/gloves. multipoint spike shoulders, and a little omega effect glow around the eyes.
  22. Managed to get a few hours to play Eretricus over on Everlasting. He's lvl 27 already as I got in on a +2 Synapse at 15, and just ran a +2 SBB. I usually use fly, mystic fly, or oddly enough teleport, so this one ended up with super jump. Otherwise I threw together a rough build to ensure I get Psi Tornado fit in as well.
  23. I checked, i didnt have one so I rolled one. I'd recommend everyone take OG as early as you can, so if we can team them up on TT we can stack OG on mobs.
  24. I'll look through my characters I might already have a dark/stone tank. I think I have maybe 4 lvl 50 dark armor tanks. I know for a fact I have Dark/SS and Dark/Kat. The others are likely between Dark/Spines, Dark/Stone, or Dark/Rad. I can't remember. I guess I'll have to look at Excel when I get home.
  25. I play a: Fire/psi blaster Psi/temporal blaster Elec/psi domi Mind/dark troller Psi/sr stalker Psi/shield scrapper Fort And several others. There is a lot of ways to play psychic characters in the game. I have a Dark Armor/Super Strength tanker that is a psychic manifestation of traumatized college student's reoccurring debilitating nightmares, so yes even though it's Super Strength....it's still psychic.
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