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Burnt Toast

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Everything posted by Burnt Toast

  1. Apparently I am just too stupid to do this. I used to have vidiotmaps, but then got a new PC and when trying to reinstall... I just get errors. I give up. I wish it was like old vidiotmaps where you just downloaded and installed. Does anyone know of an easier way to get this program installed? The mod program can't even find my cityofheroes.exe or recognize my HC launcher. Sigh. Beyond frustrated at this point.
  2. I really like Seismic Blast... Have a Seismic/Rad Corruptor but would love it as a Seismic/Rad Sentinel instead.
  3. I can't seem to find anything on the forums or any type of official word on this - Is Seismic blast coming to Sentinels?? Any info out there on this?
  4. I played from launch to start and have been here since HC started. Literally there is no content I have not done. I have all the badges I want (1300-ish) and frankly I just want a hero to 50 to enhance them up and feel...powerful. My friends and I enjoy making builds and then PLing to 50. It is not rocket science on how to play each AT/powerset. Most people who are here I would venture have played this game hundreds if not thousands of hours - so the term "AE babies" is a bit silly. Back on live "AE Babies" were more of a thing, but hey they paid their money so who am I to say what they should or should not do. If HC got rid of xp in the AE I think it would be a disaster for the already small population. I for one would probably stop playing altogether if I had to do the same old missions/TFs to get to 50. I don't have that much time to do something which I consider tedious after 11 years combined playing the game.
  5. Burnt Toast wasn't the name 🙂 And no one has the name currently.
  6. Thanks I did that. logged in just now to see if it had "reset" so it would allow me, but still won't.
  7. Was hoping for a serious reply.... but thanks.
  8. I deleted a character because I no longer play it, but I wanted to use the name again. I have deleted characters before and re-used their names, but now I am getting the message that it is not a suitable name??? Uhhh it's my global name and I have had the character name since HC launched. Is this some weird glitch?
  9. I learned a long time ago not to let strangers on the internet affect me... that will help you in the long run. If they are not violating the rules and just being a jerk - ignore them. If they violate the rules... report and ignore. Tada.
  10. Thankfully HC has stated they will not do this in the past. I swear all the requests for "I win" in this forum have gotten to the point of stupidity. I miss the days when people actually played the game instead of asking for easy mode/insta-wins. This is my last post in this forum... its to the point where the whining for an easy mode...to an already easy game... has made me hate the CoX community on here. I can only imagine what the devs at Paragon would think about this community now - trying to shred apart a game they worked so hard on. Reply if you want... just don't expect me to reply back. I am done with this "community" that is hell-bent on changing this game into something unrecognizable from it's Live days. Gross.
  11. Yes that is exactly right.... guess what this is a game and (gasp) sometimes you lose. I would immediately quit if the to-hit cap was changed ... why... because what is the fun or challenge in never missing? I build my characters to be the best they can, but I also know there is a chance that a battle could not go my way because of all the mechanics... and THAT is what makes this game exciting after playing it since launch. Thankfully this idea; which has come up before a few times... is not even something being considered by HC. So tired of people wanting things to be even easier than they already are.....
  12. Oh look another "I win" button thread. Heroes miss - plain and simple. A hero that always hits a villain is boring af.
  13. "Having to farm these Badges" .... uhhhhh you don't have to. You feel compelled to, but you are not required. Acceptable gameplay has different meaning to different people.
  14. Uhhh my Amp Up is permanent on my Corruptor, Defender, and Mastermind. Faraday cage has never not been ready for me when we move...if your team is moving THAT fast that you can't re-summon then they obviously don't need it. I absolutely love the static power even with just 2-3 other players. Maybe the issues you are having could be solved with different enhancements or more enhancements.
  15. I had a small update today when I launched Tequila. I haven't played for about 2 weeks...due to being out of town. When the game launched I got this error: Error parsing command line argument 'auth ````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````' When I actually logged in the server was: Unnamed. Any ideas what I should do? I re-validated files, but it still does the same thing. a Google search showed me a similar topic.. i fixed it 🙂 Lock/Delete please.
  16. yep... just type /loc
  17. There are many ways to make content harder already. This update will not be adding any end-game content or anything "harder." 1. Stop running paper missions. 2. Increase your missions to +4x8 and only run 2-3 players. 3. Use TF settings to buff enemies...debuff yourself...etc - Run 2-3 man TFs with settings to challenge yourself (No I don't mean ITF...there are many more TFs out there that actually push players some) 4. Don't use incarnate powers outside of incarnate content..
  18. Well... you were very close 🙂
  19. I hope people focus on Page 6 information right now and not the roadmap discussed for future Issues. Guessing what may or may not happen is futile and will not help anyone at this point. Waiting for actual information before speculating is the more sensible (and way less dramatic) option. I also hope this gets more people interested in beta testing...so their actual voice can be heard on actual changes...instead of just guessing and causing unneeded drama. Thanks for the info. I look forward to testing the new features/powers. Please continue to keep us informed so we can feel like we are more involved in the process.
  20. I have never understood why the Epic AT powers weren't an easy port for all the ATs. I also hope they add more defense based shields for blasters, defenders, mm, corruptors. I like Scorpion Shield (and really like that there are no pre-req powers you have to take before you gain access to it in that pool), but would love more options.
  21. I team with a lot of the same friends. We all belong to a specific Discord group. We never type if it is just us, but if we are leading an itrial or something we type since there are people not in discord with us. We don't just invite people to the Discord because we are a close group of people and only invite people we team with often. We also have different discords for other games we play: Dead by Daylight, Fall Guys, Among Us.. etc 🙂
  22. I said I wasn't going to reply to this thread...and this post is not aimed at anyone - these are just my thoughts after seeing the replies. 1. I am not mad at HC. I do not think they are swindling money or just not doing anything... absolutely nothing like that. 2. I am 100% grateful for everything HC has done - especially Sentinels and Electrical Affinity. 3. I am tired of seeing my friends leave and their reasoning have all been about lack of communication from HC. They felt like the game is indefinitely stalled and that nothing of value is being added... probably because no one has actually discussed what is being added... Hmm. 4. HC is not NCSoft... they do not have to worry about 50,000 paying players leaving because they said they were working on ABC and it didn't make it into the new issue/update. The people who play on HC (and I assume the other servers) are fans...die hards. If you tell me you are looking at porting Super Strength to scrappers (I have not heard that anywhere so don't quote me as that being something ever said) and then the new page gets released without the port. Here's what you do as a "company"... you stay open and honest with the players. If something you wanted to put in page 6 doesn't make it due to timing...rendering new animations.. whatever the reason... just tell us. We are all adults who love this game. Stop treating us like petulant children who hold the purse strings to a booming game making millions. 5. If you have a community rep... I have no idea who they are. I remember every community rep from Cryptic/Paragon. This was the person who was told "Ok...now tease/talk about XYZ." They would engage the community AND keep the community informed. Months of silence with a silly riddle - that is not community management. It does however make me think you do not trust me. It does however make me feel like my voice is never heard. It does however make me feel like I am wasting my monthly donations. If you do not have a community rep... I suggest you find one. I have absolutely no doubt if you post for a community rep in the forums you will receive 1k+ applications of people who want this server to succeed. 6. @Jimmy I appreciate your reply. I am glad you can see that there should be improvement in the communication from HC to the players. I appreciate you saying that as I truly expected nothing but angry replies and people telling me to "start my own server" etc... as tends to be the answer by some people on these forums whenever anyone says anything critical of HC. I think that sums up what I am thinking/feeling. I just want to know more and feel like I can be trusted with that information no matter what actually transpires. You don't have to say "We are working on XYZ power-set which will include Bam, Slam, Thwap, etc..." you could just say "We are working on a new ranged Powers that has all new animations!" Know your community. Inform your community. That's it.
  23. I've grown tired of waiting. My SG/Discord groups have put CoH on hold and we are playing other games. We understand the team is small. We understand covid has affected the team's ability. What we don't understand is how it has been 6 months and no real information about anything in Page 6 has been shared. These clues and riddles are irritating to people who just want to know the basics of what to expect. I played from launch to sunset (beta tested from Issue 6 to 24)...and have never felt so frustrated at the lack of any information. I love CoH, but the dwindling population...and interest...from players is evident. It's a niche game... with a niche player base. Failing to keep the players interested...or informed... is putting a lot of players off of HC. I won't go to another server, but at this rate... I also won't be playing and definitely not donating until actual information is provided. Sorry if this seems "angry." but I am irritated that the game I love is dying again because the team refuses to keep people up to date with actual information. Our SGs and Discords are becoming ghost towns because people are moving on to other games; who frankly do a better job of engaging and keeping their players updated. Before you waste your breath replying to me.... just know I posted this for me. To help with my frustration. I'm not going to get into internet arguments over this. I'm not going to actually do anything further in this thread. Maybe someone will actually see this from HC and look at the numbers and see "oh yeah damn we are losing a lot of people" and maybe just maybe they will realize that while we are willing to wait 6-7-8-9-10 months for a Page... what people grow tired of is... being kept in the dark. I'll post again once real information on Page 6 is provided... otherwise... like almost all of my friends... I'll be off playing other games.
  24. One month later..........
  25. It still does ku if I remember correctly, but it doesn't knock them as high.
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