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Everything posted by Gobbledygook

  1. I don't. Thanks for assuming, though. You know how the saying goes about that, makes an a-, well, you get it. Especially when you do that about the ENTIRE player base.
  2. Disagree More choices, same power slots, same enhancement slots, more challenging
  3. Well, like I said, it was sarcasm, so that should indicate that that wasn't what I truly meant. The sarcastic remark was in regards to you bringing up another Shard (Thunderspy), where people could go where the "break the game for creativity sake". I was simply pointing out that this isn't a game breaking request, and that some of us, me included, have never even heard of Thunderspy. I thought it was in poor taste to direct any of our community to a different shard, that's all. As far as our RP server here on HC, I wasn't advocating for a single server to get exclusive content. I was trying to point out that keeping people from choosing from a 5th power pool, seperate from the epics, is actually limiting creativity for some of us. Not all of us play as power gamers, Thare's a whole server dedicated to that. That allowing this small, non-game breaking change, would make quite a few ppl happy. Hell, I have more than one toon myself that I built to solo AV's, but would be even more fun if I could grab a 5th power pool instead of being locked out and being forced to choose powers I don't want and will never use just so I can continue lvl'ing past 38. By giving people more choices, instead of less, you actually make creating a satifying build a little more challenging. All these options, what do I pick!?!? Oh, I can only pick from these four epics. Don't like them, pass!
  4. I prefer the raw federations myself. If you're using a bench shirt or a squat suit to break a world record, it's like saying your build can solo a GM, but you have to use full trays of the giant reds.
  5. Great idea! Let's send our community to a different server, instead of comprimising!! /e endsarcasm No one's asking for game breaking alterations. Why not let ppl have Fighting/Medicine/Leadership/Flight/Origin Power Pool. You can take 5 pools now, one just happens to be the epics, which some of us don't take, specifically because of character concept and creativity. Some of us don't take them because we just don't like them. There's a whole server here that is an unofficial RP server.
  6. I'm fine with that, I prefer kill most TF's. You form it though.
  7. I'll be there tonight, with some kind of Melee toon. No matter what AT I happen to be playing, I am not a tank, I have Scrapperlock.
  8. I've actually been thinking about doing Sister Psyche for the last week or so. That one TF used to get me between 3-6 lvls almost everytime.
  9. Wow! I knew it was a small group, but I thought it was low double digits. Makes me even more impressed, and thankful.
  10. Team gathers at Citadel: Apparition: "Any new or returning players? Or anyone whose never done a Task Force?" Gobbledygook: "I've never done one." Apparition: "OK, basically, it's a long string of missions, takes around 45 minutes to complete it." Gobbledygook: "Oh, sorry, don't have that much time. My wife will be home in 30 minutes, which means we'll be arguing in 32 minutes. Thanks anyway." Gobbledygook quits team Apparition in lfg: "Last spot for Citadel TF, we have cookies!"
  11. Once I'm in my 40's though, I'm normally out of powers I want from my primary and secondary. I have to take something though, because I can't choose from a 5th Column of pool powers. (See what I did there?) Over half of my toons I don't care for the apps or villain epics. Hell, I've only done the mission to unlock them once, because I finally had a toon that one power would fit the concept for. Of course, I had to break concept to go redside to get it, but hey, it's just a role playing game, right?
  12. I have more than a few cybernetically enhanced mutant and magic characters.
  13. First, welcome! Second, awesome name! Third, with the issue regarding missions and not being able to complete them, I know you said you have auto completed some, and even logged out and back in. But did you know that if you have more than one mission, you can "abandon" your active mission by selecting another mission? Just reselect the buggy one and try again. This may not work on all, but on mishes that you can't complete because someone didn't spawn, it should help. As far as toggles dropping when held or mezzed, that should only happen if it's a toggle that affects an enemy in some way. With Stone Armor the in game info says that some powers will prevent you from jumping, because that was the case, until the most recent update, which came out in the last month or so. Our current Devs are all volunteers, so sometimes things such as in-game info isn't updated right away. Hope this info helps.
  14. I've never even played the set, but as far as Sirens Song, instead of a sleep or confuse, I think it might be more accurate to have it cause the vomiting (can't remember the actual name of the status effect). If your equilibrium, which is mainly controlled by the fluid in your inner ears is disrupted, it has been known to cause nausea. Here's a visual example using a subwoofer and water. And for a deep dive on ear anatomy: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/nemcc-ap/chapter/special-senses-hearing-audition-and-balance/#:~:text=Along with hearing%2C the inner,8.42).
  15. Is this using the same build you have posted on the main Scrapper page? I've been looking at it the last few days and was thinking of testing it out on Beta.
  16. I hate the Dentist! Thanks for the nightmares.
  17. I may borrow from this some. It's inspiring me!
  18. Well, this chapter is named Second Chances, maybe they'll fix rage and in the process, figaure out a way to port it to us.
  19. Hey, Hyperstrike! Thanks for the frameworks. I'm gonna stress test the crap out of 'em. You ever plan on doing the same for any of the other armor sets?
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