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Everything posted by Vanden

  1. And how do you identify them? They don't have names or numbers, they're all just Grate. And there's about 18 of them.
  2. The APP versions of the power have had the debuff numbers cut in half. On top of that, those archetypes have weaker scalars for debuff numbers than the ATs that get it in Thermal Radiation, so the debuffs are even lower than that.
  3. How are you supposed to assign people a grate? There's no way of identifying them...?
  4. The damage tick happens once when the power connects, and it's based on the base damage of the power. DoTs are part of the base damage of the power, so the damage proc will take them into account.
  5. Depends on your archetype. If you're a Defender or Corruptor it's a great power that helps obliterate mobs. If you're a Tanker or Scrapper it's a weak waste of time on a long recharge.
  6. The original post was made with the idea that a single power should be looked into by the numbers people and dealt with accordingly, though the thread of the thread's been lost along the way, veering into concepts for an over-engineered rework. Mind is fine, but a little bump wouldn't hurt. After seeing Elec's AoE confuse in action I can confirm that it takes a little while to propagate and it isn't a sure-fire confuse-all-the-enemies-in-the-spawn power; I'd need to get my hands on it to say more. Meanwhile, I have very high opinion of Our Lord and Savior Plant Control, which you can probably guess, but I'm gonna say something that you very rarely hear people say about their pet ATs or power sets: You're right, it could be nerfed. You could increase the recharge and decrease the duration by a third in each direction (25-ish second confuse on an 80 second cooldown), and it would still be really, really good. (Also, come on guys. "Thrall?" The proper term is "mindslave.") The main reason I don't think Mass Confuse's recharge should be reduced is that I don't think it should be possible to lock down an entire spawn permanently with one power. (That's why I'd be fine with buffing the accuracy.) Seeds of Confusion can do that, so when the topic of MC vs. SoC comes up, I always lean towards nerfing SoC rather than buffing MC. I don't know what kind of nerf would be most appropriate; I don't want SoC to suck, but it's clearly overperforming. Maybe reducing the max number of targets from 16 to 10 or 5? Can't permanently lock down an entire spawn if it can't affect an entire spawn
  7. What would you do with time bomb? I agree it could use some looking into. But I can't think of anything. Maybe having it attach (as in "anchor") to a mob that detonates after some time (like a sticky bomb). That way you can target the boss and it will go off. It still wouldn't do too much AoE damage, but it'd see some use. Then again, I'm not even sure if that's possible. Well a "quick fix" in my opinion would be to make Time Bomb function like Crab Spider's "Omega Maneuver". Every time I use or see that power being used I think "That's what Time Bomb should be". I like your idea as well! I also feel it overlaps too much with Trip Mine. They feel kind of redundant. So maybe some sort of extra debuff attached to the Time Bomb could help distinguish it. All the people who take Omega Maneuver say it's not very good, either. Too slow.
  8. I’ve played a lot of Mind Control and have never felt like the set is underpowered. I’ve played a little bit of Elec and Plant, not really enough to get a read on the sets, but from the way players talk about their confuses it sounds more like they need to be nerfed rather than Mind’s buffed, though I wouldn’t oppose Total Dom and Mass Confuse have their acc penalties removed.
  9. Think I found a bug; the 6-slot set bonus for the Overwhelming Force set is adding 3.33 points of KB protection to the total values, instead of the 4 points it actually gives.
  10. The businesses of Spanky's Boardwalk finally won a long-running lawsuit with the owners of the Talos Island arena over lost parking space, resulting in the Talos Island arena being torn down.
  11. It doesn't hurt, but right now I have no ability to make new icons; the PiggViewer program I used back in the day doesn't work to make new .texture files in Windows 10, and everything in the download is from 7+ years ago. I'm not surprised that it causes some weirdness with Sentinels; I haven't played them since the servers came online so I'm in the dark as to what most of their powers look like.
  12. Looks pretty overslotted for Recovery. I'd get rid of the uniques in Health, and move the Preventive Medicine proc there. Frigid Protection's +Absorb is tiny, and not really worth enhancing, IMO, so you could put another Endmod IO in there and then move the other extra slot somewhere else. I also doubt you need that 4-slot Recovery set bonus from Gaussian's, so move that Chance for Build Up to Build Up; it'll have about a 70% chance of going off whenever you use it. You probably don't need Victory Rush, either; I'd find a way to drop it and pick up Aqua Bolt, and you can move those Apocalypses in Chilblain there too, where they'll be more helpful if you're mezzed. Also, you've got Chilblain and Geyser six-slotted with purples, but unless you really want those Toxic/Psi resist and Psi Defense set bonuses, you can drop the pure Damage purple IO from both and still hit the ED cap for damage by enhancement boosting the Damage/Recharge IOs to +5. That'll give you some extra slots to work with, maybe to put into Bonfire so you can get the knockback protection from Overwhelming Force.
  13. Why does SS have to be middle of the pack? Where precisely do you think it should be, and why? That person I quoted is talking about adjusting it to make sure it's just an average set, like there's some sort of problem with Super Strength being the best or worst.
  14. Why does SS have to be middle of the pack?
  15. The Kama temporary power, earned from the Family zone event in St. Martial, has an attack range of only .8 feet, well below the standard melee range of 7 feet. Has to be a bug, right?
  16. You likely have as much info about him as the rest of us, i.e. that he is merely a gifted surgeon, and nothing more. Personally, I'd make him a completely non-magical Scrapper, load him up with everything in the Medicine pool, and advertise him as a healer. I'm not sure about this idea. Scrappers have fighting skills, unlike Stephen Fayte, who is merely a gifted surgeon, and nothing more.
  17. Someone told me they thought this was already done, so I went to Arbiter Rein on a 34 character to see if that was true; it wasn't. He still insists you be 35 at the lowest. So yeah, if he and the patrons could be unlocked at 34, it'd be very convenient.
  18. Erm, acro has mag 2 hold protection. If you slot this into a t1 or t2 attacks it will generally proc once per minute, and you now have mag 3 hold protection. So yeah, use it with acro, or not at all. Well, that works for Holds, yeah. But there's a lot of stuns and sleeps out there, too.
  19. You joke, but thwarting the ambitions of hentai machine operators is probably exactly why they can't be customized.
  20. So why are you so opposed to the OP's suggestion? Because it's plain power creep in PvE.
  21. 1. I'm well aware of what the PvP resist bonus is and how it works. So I'll say it again - not every AT gets inherent base resistance in PvP. 2. So you're okay with unbalancing PvP because it doesn't affect PvE, but you're not okay with unbalancing PvE for the sake of PvP? Never mind that your proposed idea, while nice at face value, would, by your own argument, be inherently unbalanced. Also never mind that your proposed idea would actually introduce imbalance, unlike the solution the OP proposed. EDIT: Ah, I see your argument about point number 1. I suppose, yes, every AT does get the PvP resistance power even if that power does literally nothing for them. So sure, that makes sense. But... see point number 2 for why that's a bad idea, using the very same argument you're using to say why the OP's solution is a bad idea. I'm not arguing the PvP merits of OP's suggestion. I don't PvP, but I'm accepting his assertion that building for 40+ KB protection is so important that virtually every serious PvPer has to do it. So yes, giving every player access to mag 20 KB protection for no build investment does open up a ton of new slotting opportunities, but that is the point of the suggestion, after all.
  22. 1. PvP Resist Bonus is an auto power granted to every AT in a PvP setting. It gives differing amounts of resistance to each AT, but there's no reason it couldn't be changed to add mag 20 KB protection for any given AT as well. 2. The whole point of the suggestion is to open up slots for players making PvP builds. Putting the KB protection in PvP Resist Bonus does exactly that without affecting PvE.
  23. Okay, so, let's play: There are 1667 powers in that list. 1564 are mag 8 or less. That means that the most aggressive archetypal slotter who uses 2 KB ios is immune to 93.8% of KB powers in the game. Gaining 2 more slots (mag 16kb), they'll be immune to 97.4%. That is kind of the definition of de minimis. There are many common bosses on that list with more than 8 mag KB. It's not a matter of quantity, but quality, in that slotting for that much protection gives it to you when you need it the most. And you still haven't acknowledged the suggestion of putting KB protection into PvP Resist Bonus, even though it gives you exactly what you're asking for.
  24. You keep saying that this is a major change. 1-2 slots is not a major change. 1-2 slots can absolutely be a major change. And this isn't 1-2 slots, it's 1-2 slots, 16-20 KB protection for every character, and 20% slow resistance with Winter's Gift, which is hug considering how easy it is to build for slow resistance now with the winter event sets. Can you tell me in concrete terms what is the functional difference between 16 kb protection and 8 kb protection in typical PVE contexts? Seriously. Please don't dodge. (I already showed you my homework when it comes to PVP mag protection requirements). https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Knockback/Enemies_with_Knockback_Powers There's a long list of powers with more than mag 8 KB.
  25. You keep saying that this is a major change. 1-2 slots is not a major change. 1-2 slots can absolutely be a major change. And this isn't 1-2 slots, it's 1-2 slots, 16-20 KB protection for every character, and 20% slow resistance with Winter's Gift, which is huge considering how easy it is to build for slow resistance now with the winter event sets.
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