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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. It got fixed. So now it's useless on all ATs πŸ™‚
  2. Not sure what you're complaining about. The build looks rock solid with the only caveat you're abusing resistances who are near all above 90%. Anything over 90% is wasted. Don't forget your Tanker ATO proc in Lightning Field stacks up to three times and each time is worth 6.7% to all. Now that said I did change some of your slotting though I was unable to really lower the resists so you could account for the Tanker ATO procs (this proc is too important to be put on a toggle which is a bad place for procs in general so it got moved to Smite. Early level you should be doing Siphon, Shadow Punch, Smite, Shadow Punch. Later on it will be Midnight Grasp, Smite, Siphon, Smite. So plenty of chances for the Tanker ATO to proc), removed Cardiac since you're Lightning Armor and breathe endurance, removed Ageless for the same reason and exchanged it for Barrier to be a panic button for yourself and the squishies under your wing. You get Fold Space (you don't need Physical Perfection when you have Power Sink). Barrier gives 5% though for most content you shouldn't -need- to be at 90% to all, but if you do use Barrier you get 5% to defenses softcapping S/L and with two stacks of the ATO as well you get Negative capped. Psi will be a bit behind cap but not in a lethal manner.
  3. I did, but just mentioned it in passing. I leveled a second one to max but it did not pass muster. Just like Elec Melee the single target damage just didn't please me, and, just like with Elec Melee, having lots of AoEs did not make the AoE-ing good. That said it does have the sole defense stacking skill in the Tanker AT. Parry does not stack, Divine Avalanche does not stack, Defensive Sweep does not stack.... but Guarded Spin does. So that's another 45% melee/smash added. Skysplitter can be slotted with 5 Hectacombs + another damage proc, but the proc bomb adds nearly 200 damage.
  4. It's adorable how you post something confusing enough that several people show their confusion, but you're confused that they are confused about your confusion.
  5. You're late by a couple years, but this has been argued to death in the past. - Yes, most Sentinel players have moved to Blasters since IOs nullify the defense advantage Sentinels have. But Sentinels have immunity to CC since level 6-8 which no other ranged AT gets to enjoy until level 50 and taking Clarion. - No, Sentinel defenses are not bad, wtf? Are you talking about just slotting your secondary and you're softcapped to defense or hardcapped to resistance? No, of course not, but neither are Scrapeprs or Brutes? Da heck. Only Super Reflexes or Tankers get that. Sentinels can reach good numbers even without the help of their secondary and achieve earlier than Blasters. A Blaster's defenses are a carefully build castle of cards that crumbles the moment they start exemplaring. - Sentinel damage is bad in spreadsheet terms. Comparing Sentinel damage to Blaster damage in practice has people ignoring the fact a Sentinel will use their nuke every spawn where a Blaster will use theirs every two spawns. While the Blaster nuke will do more damage it's mostly overkill. Dead things are dead, they can't make them deader than dead. Spreadsheets also ignore that people are throwing their Judgements and even without those people are annihilating packs of mobs under 10 seconds. A Blaster's damage advantage is there if we are doing one minute long fights, but most fights are over in seconds. We could make a case for AVs, but, again, that's when people will throw 3-5 Lore pets at the AV and it dies in seconds too. Does a Blaster do more damage than a Sentinel? Yes. Does it matter? Not in practice. Does it bother players enough to drop Sentinels and play Blasters? Yes. - Is there a case to be made to roll a Scrapper instead of a Sentinel then? Better damage, be in melee anyway, same immunity to CC? Yes. Do it. But if wanting to play a ranged character for fun instead of min maxing then Sentinels are solid, sturdier than other ranged characters, and avoid the CC trap everything but meleers needs to contend with. It's just not the min maxed option.
  6. Carrying from @MTeague quite detailed explanation: - Claws has very good AoE damage thanks to being able to run Follow-up, Spin, Shockwave, then repeat. Spin does double the damage of other PbAoEs. The 'downside' is that Shockwave is a cone but at 90ΒΊ degree and it has a 40y range and can slow a ForceFeedback proc which accelerates all cooldowns. Shockwave also recharges so fast that mobs have barely got up before being planted on their butts again. This is a LOT of mitigation. - Claws has two places to slot Force Feedback procs which helps a lot with cooldown heavy secondaries. - Claws' Build-up mechanic is Follow-up. Instead of a straight 100% damage buff for 10 seconds it gives a stacking damage buff. This is good and this is bad. It's good because we run around with 75% damage all the time. This buffs everything from damage auras to epic attacks and secondaries who also have attacks. It's 'bad' because it does not have the sheer burst of using Build-up + Gaussian then drop a couple AoEs and clean most minions in the first seconds of combat. - Claws ST damage is top notch on top of the top notch AoE damage. - Claws animations are a bit clumsy and dated. -Savage has a typical cone usually ignored, a PbAoE which does normal PbAoE damage, then Savage Leap which is another PbAoE. The recharge of Savage Leap is awkward but can be put down to about 12 seconds. It takes to damage procs very well and despite the mechanic of doing more damage the further away from the target the damage procs make it worth to use even in melee range. Being a second PbAoE there is no need to reposition yourself as with Shockwave in order to catch the most mobs with the cone. - Savage has one place for a Force Feedback proc. - Savage ST damage is mediocre thanks to a few different factors: a) The Build-up power has a stupid long 2.3 animation time instead of the typical 1.1. b) Savage Melee's heavy hitter is badly tuned which means there is no longer a single AT where it is worth to use Hemorrhage. Instead the set relies on using its T1, T2 and T4. Being able to do good damage while using a T1 and T2 is near impossible and this shows. - Savage Melee animations are overall gorgeous.
  7. Why not? To me it's a mark of happy pride managing to shuffle the IO Tetris mini-game. Like when I'm checking some builds over the Tanker forums and people were happily bragging about their 90% resists while I'm just, myeah, but 90% is easy. What about 90% as well as 45% S/L? And then Hasten under 135? Because sometimes I'll see the opposite which is someone reaching for perma Hasten and we see the skeeviest of slotting chasing recharge bonuses up to and including slotting non damage sets into attacks. I speak only for myself but that's what it is. Same as going to WoW and managing to earn enough in-game currency to pay for the sub. Is it because I can't afford it? No, a single of my frequent sushi meals would pay for the sub, but it's a mini-game for me. What are we to even do with all the slots and powers? Once all attacks can be chained without gaps, endurance is taken care of, Hasten is down to under 140 second, everything is at ED caps and +3 mobs are at the cap to be hit... what else to spend the slots? Chase even more recharge? I suppose whittling those 15-20 seconds off Hasten can be a goal, but why not defensive layers? That's my reasoning anyway.
  8. I have reached level 50 and started down the incarnating road. With the experience from actually leveling and playing the build I've made tweaks to the original I had posted and changed things around though mostly minor changes. Burn's heavy proc approach has been kept. Unlike what I have done with the Brunker I don't want to drop more Burns (which evens out. More Burns is about the same as dropping heavier Burns as per my testing) since it would mean more Melee time. When I drop Burn I want it fat and heavy and explosive. Skimming a few slots I stopped with the idea of slotting Cauterizing Blaze. The heal is tiny and not very important when having Healing Flames on a 13 second timer. Instead I added to the endurance per second with a Miracle. Speaking of recovery I've found the blue bar dwindles slowly but steadily, then the dwindling is neutered when Defensive Opportunity kicks in. It's not enough to promote growth though. Consume could really do with more slots, but it is what it is. The combo of Defensive Opportunity has been enough to arrest endurance until Consume is back up but your milleage may vary. That said I used a grand total of two Recovery Serums since having started the character since we don't take agro as much and are not subjected to sapping like meleers are. I've also added a leveling build for newcomers to have guidelines.
  9. An ice patch animating in 1.57 instead of 3.7 will make a big difference. It may be worth revisiting my Fire/Ice tanker.
  10. Always once minimum. While leveling I put an extra slot in Hasten and Build up to reach 95%+ recharge, and there is no point in slotting the melee Winter sets since the normal version only gives 1.85%, so I instead use four slots instead of five and slot Kinetic Combats for 3.75%. Level 50 is also when I swap from Kinetic Combats or Obliteration sets to purple IOs. So, of course, a respec once at 50. And then there's my latest Sentinel where I put an extra slow in Aim while leveling and had to respec out, then took Punch instead of Inferno at 32... and had to respec out, and then reached 50, respeced, and then later decided i didn't need epic pools and respecced AGAIN.
  11. I'll post more on the thread I started, but the Fire/Fire is behaving very well. Burn was key to make me feel like I'm doing damage on a Sentinel. I have it at level 50 and all IOed out. Just lacks incarnates. Earlier today I was in a TF and had a phone call. We were three or four stalkers, a controller, a defender, and me as the sole sentinel. Up to then we had been killing without a prob at +1, but pushing it to +2 made mobs spawn as +3. When I had to take the phone call things went to hell. Wipes, people trickling back and getting killed. I finish my call and interrupt the 'we should reset the mission' with a 'wait, c'mon, you did it without me'. And then low key went in, Aim + Gaussian, Inferno, Burn, Fireball, Rain of Fire, start picking at the enemies. We get a -second- pack of mobs as a patrol that joins in. A few die again, I hide behind things to break LoS, heal up, drop another Burn. Aim has recharged, go into another Aim + Inferno. Heal has recharged, use it. We cleared it. After that I just asked to let me go in first and there were no other wipes πŸ˜„ This is what I do on my Tanker, but it was pleasant to achieve the same result on the Sentinel.
  12. Not at all. Reading back I can see my answer wasn't in the best phrasing. But, yeah, I speak only for myself anyway, but after a ton of Sents way early in HC and a big emphasis on Bio as -the- damage boosting secondary and never being satisfied I find Burn bridged that gap (for myself anyway). I haven't thrown it at a pylon or anything and Burn can be hit and miss while also lacking the total damage it will do on a Tanker due to agro keeping mobs in place. But I think that as long as we accept our role as a magnet to a tank's back I have satisfying HP dips all around me by pushing buttons which is something I didn't have. But in truth I find the same with Tankers. Despite Bio being the OP thing I have consistently Fire Armor to behave better for damage. Burn at level 18 beats Adaptation at level 6. We press it, things die all around us. And with the Sentinel it is what happens as well. Honestly meleers get the full package in CoH thanks to early design that stratified in place. It's why that I, an avid ranged player who never ever ever touches melee in other games, will come to CoH and only play melee. No CC, sturdy defenses allowing to shrug most damage, most of the time self heals. And some of the best damage in the game. Then we have ranged who are plagued by CC, are squishy (often needing to reach 50 -and- IOed to the gills, and never examplar, and even so should never be in melee since 5% hits hurt tremendously at +5 and no resistances backing it up). In exchange they have... uh... Um... Aah... range, I guess? Wide AoEs. Burst with their nukes. Sentinels straddle the line with the caveats we all know about the AT but at least for me this build ends being satisfying. Heck, I'm playing with a friend who was tanking for our teams and I was all aaaaah, so calm, so relaxed. I just press buttons. I'm out of the way, no debuffs are hitting me. Positron low level CoT with their enormous -def and -acc debuffs? Who cares, I'm not in range of Darkest Night or Earthquake and the ghosts are hitting the tank so I can Aim and AoE stuff down. Sometimes I get agro but since I'm floating out of melee ranged there is a lot less damage and a purple or two keeps me safe. No need to worry about chasing mobs and all AoEs are larrrrge. So, that's my answer as to why not a Scrapper/Brute. It's different from what I'm used to πŸ™‚
  13. Yeah, you missed what I wrote... We need to go into melee to drop Inferno and/or Burn, then we can hit the space bar for two seconds to be flying out of the way. Why not? Indeed, why not. Choices. Because a Scrapper/Brute is melee and a Sentinel is ranged. Because we get a nuke to open every fight with. Because we don't need to twiddle our thumbs with a frown as Maiden stays in her blue circles. Take your pick, and stick to Scrapper/Brute if it is what you like to play.
  14. I have run Sentinels exhaustively at the start of HC, then got completely bored by the mediocre damage and dumped the AT. I recently spent many months playing Tankers, specifically the Fire Armor variant. Having reached a point where I needed a change I started looking at Sentinels again (nothing like time to gloss over old faults) and started theorycrafting something together with that Tanker experience... and I think it worked out well. So with all of that said I think this is the first time I felt a Sentinel was doing good damage. Dropping into melee will not be a problem since anything that can grab agro will steal it from us and regardless the end build will have 45% S/L defense (with Barrier's 5%) and averaging 60-65% resistance to most. Combined with the ability to just float a bit out of melee range and Healing Flames recharging in 13 seconds I've taken the ITF's last boss' auto-hit without much concern. No one needs to live in melee and be subjected to all the hard hits and debuffs that live there. Leveling build:
  15. I wanted to play something else than a Tanker and decided on a Fire/Fire Sentinel myself. I always battled against the mediocre damage of Sentinels but after months and months of Fire Tankers I have a healthy respect for the damage Burn brings and decided to give it a try with a Sentinel. I mean, harm it surely won't do. Only done both Posis but it's been fun actually. Been so very long I've just hovered our of the way and do pew pews. The end build will have 45% to S/L (with Barrier) and around 60% to S/L and 58% to E/N (with Barrier). 128 seconds Hasten is decent. I do reckon it is 100% not a solo build though. Rain of Fire will make enemies run, Burn will make enemies run. Surviving should be easy as always on a Sentinel. Just hover up in the air and do pew pews. Then follow the Tank and drop Burn and Inferno.
  16. You go to Options, Configuration, Exemping&Base Values, then change Base ToHit to 48. This is for +3 mobs.
  17. Done the praetorean arcs only once on a Fire/Ice. It was an incredible slog since we are stuck at level 10 for so incredibly long and I only had Frost for AoE. It was nice to get it done just to get an idea of what it was all about (though I only did flashbacks which I assume are not the full Praet experience) but I would not do it a second time. So based on that I might say yes, ditch the character and start over. Stalker isn't bad. Perhaps Savage so that you get an early cone you can use, or Claws Scrapper so you get Follow-up and Spin. Remember to turn it -1x1 if you want it done quicker. I complained it was a slog on the Fire/Ice melee tanker but I was running it at x4.
  18. I'm not trying to push you to change your mind, but if you have enough accuracy to hit +3 without FA or a Kismet then you just need to decide if you are to fight +4 under level 45. Just because I don't does not mean that you don't don't either. I'm glad you're happy to go though πŸ™‚
  19. It may be a Brute thing πŸ˜„ Nothing wrong to be excited though, it's good to have that happy passion about something. Never apologize for being passionate about something. Furthermore about Tanker things in the Tanker forums πŸ˜„ You didn't ask for it but since I recently made a Bio/MA build I'll drop it here and maybe you'll get some slotting inspiration from it.
  20. You know, I never did test that LotG thing myself, I just asked on the forums and was told it was so. I should actually check it and see for myself but the gains are so minimal I never bother boosting LotG's 7.5%. Still, it will be worth it to check. I went and tested it myself. I exemplared myself down to Yin which is the earliest TF the LotGs are active (I thought it was Synapse, but apparently not). A level 50 LotG: 7.5% did not give the recharge bonus. An attuned LotG did. So if you're using a level 50 crafted you won't get the recharge bonus. You can use a level 22 LotG and then boost it, but that will make it give 15% defense which is about 1% less than an attuned version gives at level 50. Regarding the Kismet I confess I have my Mids set to show the accuracy against +3 and with FA on. I don't see many, if anyone at all, who does content under level 45 at +4 so I didn't take that into consideration. Content at +4 is usually done at 45+ which is where the Incarnate level boost happens making +4 enemies into +3. At 45+ without FA and without Kismet most attacks are 100%+ hit chance (max is 95%) with the exception of Fault (60% without Kismet or FA. It could do with proper slotting), Tremor (91%, acceptable), and Stone Mallet (78%, easy to fix if you replace the Damage IO from Hectacomb for a second Hami. This puts it at 98%). So, for +3 enemies, you need neither Kismet nor FA to reliably hit. FA's real moment to shine is facing -ToHit enemies like CoT or Banished Pantheon, or DA Tsoo who take a delight in making us whiff for minutes on end. While Ice Armor has debuff resistance to -perception (like the Smoke Grenades from Arachnos) it doesn't have the -ToHit resist that FA has. So it can be a niche thing but it's a nice one slot wonder for these moments. What Myshkin said regarding EA is correct as well. It has a -very- wide radius since it's 12y native +6 from Tanker inherent, so a gigantic 18y PbAoE that will surely hit all enemies in a pack if you jump in first. Even with the Endurance slotting if you hit 10 mobs you get 6% defense. If you're in a team that kills fast enough you can double stack it (even without FF procs it recharges in 20 seconds and lasts for 45 seconds). But even without double Stacking you're well into Incarnate defense territory with those 6%. If 45 seconds later any are still alive they are so few in numbers that they won't be able to do enough damage to outdo your regen.
  21. It's been like this since forever. I think since live. I worked it into Fire Armor to give it 45% to melee, ranged and AoE which also works for Rad Armor and Bio and etc.
  22. I've changed a few things. It doesn't mean it's necessarily better than what you have though. A few things to remember is that you had more than enough accuracy going so no need for the Kismet. Boosting the LotG means you'll lose the 7.5% recharge if you exemplar down. Also, even with accolades the build will guzzle endurance since you've skimped in recovery slots in Health and Stamina. Not slotting Energy Absorption for endurance will hurt even more since your consumption/recovery ratio is catastrophic with Stone Melee being end heavy. I would personally remove the slots from Taunt or such and place them in Health and Stamina. A six slotted Adjusted Targeting in Focused Accuracy has a nice row of useful bonuses if you'd care to break slots from Chilling Embrace or Fault. That said Energy Absorption will help with your endurance without a doubt but you'll be spamming it for dear life. For single target situations it will be unable to keep up with your endurance needs but that's when you can use a Recovery Serum.
  23. I would personally not worry too much about psi. I play Fire Armor with no (native) psi resistances or defense and it does well. It does well on a few accounts: - If only some mobs are psi then target them first (Fortunatas in the Arachnos faction for example). - How often do you fight psi mobs? I find not much outside of Seers. When it happens I can pack a few purples if I get into trouble which segues into... - ...most of the time nothing survives long enough to hurt if we are playing in a team. Ice does lack the quick recharging heal Fire has though. - Barrier. Great panic button. - Like most things psi is usually associated with a Smash component so Smash/Lethal defense actually works on some (most?) psi attacks, while also working for everything else in the game. It depends on your playstyle and what factions you face more often. In the same vein I go with my softcapped defense into incarnate content and don't notice a huge difference (teams melt the enemies too fast) VS incarnate softcaps. Your mileage may vary but it's something you can test and see since my viewpoint is colored by a fast recharging heal picking up the slack. Now looking at the posted build I'm leery at all the boosted IOs. They are great if you never ever intend to exemplar but once you do you're going to start losing bonuses depending on how far down you go which is not something that will happen if you just leave them attuned. There is also no point in boosting damage procs or globals like the Shield Wall or Kismet Accuracy. I confess I don't agree with some of your slotting. There is no great point in adding damage procs to Fault since it will never turn be turned into a damaging skill. Hurl is not really worth the power pick either, though if you like the skill and it's thematic then that's fine, but riddling it with procs isn't as helpful when you're hunting for bonuses. Overall I think your goals are reached, but @Infinitum is one of our Ice Armor gurus though so if he wants to pipe in you might get more out of him.
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