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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. While I'm typically lukewarm about DD (and Batman, and most 'normal' people who put on tights and go fight crime), this comic I read when I was a kid was pure bad assery. The detail of the club shattering with each impact was exquisite.
  2. This was a trip. Also, don't listen to Bill since he is playing innocent.
  3. Savage Melee has exquisite animations though. The T3 is jarring though, it does not flow into the other animations.
  4. I still have one disband at Mary's fight. Everyone quit. We were being detoggled like mad, too many squishies were being killed in three hits by purple bosses, and of course the Hurricane spam and Lightning Storm stacking was insane. It is one of the reasons I always take Focused Accuracy since then. Then there is the suicidal team where everyone gave up at the last Mary fight. Everyone? No, a small core of indomitable players still held out against the invaders! We were down to three. And PISSED! 😄 One of us goes to collect Warburg nukes. The rest stocks up on inspirations. We go back in. We dieeeeeee. We go back at it! Moar nukes, moar! Envenomed Blades! LOTS OF KITING! And we got it. At something like 3 AM. Of course we did not finish the TF, but like hell we were going away with our tails tucked between our legs because of that fight 😄
  5. I have two things to add. Players who feel useless should consider making their own teams. Advertise them as such and only those who care about it will join. And we have enough players that such people -will- join. 'Recruiting a small team (2-3) to do X TF at max difficulty.' It's not perfect but duoing TFs has been a breath of fresh air for me The second thing is what I have mentioned a couple pages back: the premise is flawed. We face the same enemies we find in the streets than we do in a eight man team. Does it not make sense that if a player solos the enemies they find in the streets then multiplied by eight the same enemies in a mission will melt like wax? It is not sustainable to have a spawn of ten enemies be five minions, three or four lieutenants and one boss. Even without nukes, even without incarnates, the minions die immediately. Now we have eight players VS five mobs. How do we turn this challenging? The foundation is shaky. @Lineamade it work by exquisite enemy composition and even so by their own words (and my own experiences running it with Linea) 'one or two will die per run'. Imagine the hardest content in the game currently being the 801 AE missions and even it barely kills people! (Linea could make it even harder, mind, but this is the exquisite composition I mentioned above: not suicidal, not too easy. Perfect. If there was but one thing that we could do for the game's health then I would heartily say to recruit Linea into revamping every faction's enemy NPCs) We can say power creep. I say sandy foundation: we kill half the group in the first seconds and even the 801 series is manageable afterwards. There is a reason the all boss ambush at the top of the hill in ITF is a common party wipe. That the climb in the second mission of the ITF with the constant ambushes tends to kill a few players in a team each time: there are so many enemies coming we are unable to quickly kill half a pack and face only five.
  6. As someone who did karate a couple decades back all the alternate punch animations in Martial Arts are a riot. But there are a great many attack animations that come out pretty ridiculous since the devs ran out of things to fill 2-3 seconds with (Devastating Blow, anyone?)
  7. I've done that mission twice recently as it is necessary to unlock the Katie Hannon TF. The first time I actually did the mission. The second time I tabbed out with Burn on Auto. But as pointed out here the next wave only spawns once the previous one is defeated and mid way through the mission I just turned off Blazing Aura and removed Burn from auto and AFKed.
  8. People can create AE missions with those parameters. But they cannot play content with them. And we have a -lot- of content. I see Linea advertising for their 'AE missions purpose tailored to be extra hard, not a farm' and someone once in a while will zing them that 'is it really not a farm if you do it 4-5 times a day every day?'. Same deal here. We can create a mission with those parameters. And then be stuck playing it over and over. But can we duplicate the large swathe of content that exists in the game in the AE?
  9. I'll say what I've said in the past: CoH is the Path of Exile of MMOs. People play it and love it to against a screenful of enemies and obliterate them. Now WoW (and others) follow a different approach where we enter a dungeon and all enemies are elites. Fights can take up to a minute per pack. We do it in 10-15 seconds. Some simple things that would help would be an all boss (no more minion, lieutenant and bosses. Instead all become bosses, and bosses turned into EBs, mebbe?) difficulty setting that mimics the elites of WoW. Now suddenly everything hits hard and defenses, CC, buffs and debuffs matter. I can only speak for myself but I would be much more interested in running something on that difficulty and have everyone contributing to reap the extra XP and raw inf. As long as the common pack of enemies consists in 50% minions that get wiped in a single AoE volley then those foundations are not stable to build on.
  10. Stock up on Recovery Serums from the P2W vendor. They cost peanuts. But it sounds like you may not have slotted all the +recovery uniques and have been using generics to level.
  11. We have ID, of course. It ended with a +7.5% HP unique. Recovery is kinda iffy. I took some slots and added them to Health for the uniques since I was at -0.10. Even with Transference that was too much for me. Okay then, I guess I'll try the Barrier route.
  12. I am making a duo with a friend where we both are rolling Illusion/Kinetics. I have little experience with Incarnate choices for Controllers but I do know Clarion is the choice for squishies. On top of PA being near perma (actually well on perma if we are together and speedboosting each other or just keeping Siphon Speed at two stacks) the build I cooked is also at 45% defense to S/L/E and ranged which leads me to consider what do? - I can shuffle the slots and go down to 40% and then use Barrier for the last 5%. It would be easy enough to carry a row of Breakfrees to free me from any CC especially since PA takes agro and the build focuses on single target CC and attacks/buffing (I mean, it has Spectral Terror but there is not much point in casting it other than sticky situations) which reduces agro. Also we can restock BFs between missions. - Stick to 45% and then take Clarion and use on cooldown to be immune to CC. It's a more common choice, but dunno, 'just' immune to CC seems a bit weak to 'waste' an incarnate with. Barrier as a team wide panic button is more appealing. Opinions?
  13. Not much point in Controllers. I don't want to pee in someone's cornflakes so I'm stating this as my opinion. As a plus if having fun with a Controller that's what logging into a game is about. That said you can still greatly speed the already fast end game with something like a Plant/Kin. Seeds of Confusion at level 8 makes enemies fight each other so your team is safe, and the enemies hitting each other makes them lose HP so they die faster. And finally you throw Fulcrum Shift and Speed Boost which makes your team love you to bits.
  14. I'm not going to deny you what you'd like to play, but I will say that stone armor has been made obsolete with time and that its drawbacks are not compensated by its benefits. If you want absolute stupidly sturdyness look into Invulnerability and as a benefit you can jump over a curb (granite form itself is unable to jump in the slightest or even fly). If you want slightly less but a much more ecletic toolkit (heals, absorb shields, two endurance recovery tools) then Radiation Armor is close behind. You do have 1k slots and it's no big loss to level and gear up since you can just /respec and recover the IOs later.
  15. Calling @Wernerto aisle 5. @Wernerto aisle 5 please.
  16. I felt like moving away from the tank and wanted to play support for as long the whim lasts. This build is not breaking new ground or super original or innovative, but perhaps someone can make use of it. Why Kin? Why Defender? Why Archery? Power Siphon on top of Fulcrum Shift? How to play it? Leveling build? The build.
  17. I have been accused of many things in the past, but not cryptic-ism.
  18. It's the Steam Jump and Jump Pack. The macro I'm using is this: jetpack2.txtjetpack.txt Alter the keybind to whatever you'd like. I use mouse button 4 to activate my travel power so I just added Shift as a modifier. Alter the path according to where you have the game installed. If you have it in C:\City of Heroes then change it to that. The keybinds can go straight into the C:\City of Heroes folder if that's the case. I just made a Binds folder to keep my binds separate of all other files in CoH's folder. Once done and in the game do /bindloadfile c:\games\coh\binds\jetpack.txt You only need to do this one time. Again, change the path to whatever it is you are actually using. Somewhat related I also have /bind button4 powexectoggleon fly$$powexectoggleon afterburner which allows me to spam the button and not detoggle either.
  19. You're correct that it is slow.... but only if you do not use the jetpacks! MWAHAHA! Imagine a solid near 60 mph without travel supression, -and- tridimensional -and- able to stop on a dime! I'm constantly zooming across the battlefield under their permanent effect thanks to a macro. But you are correct that the follow command does not bring a hovering character to melee range. 95% of the time it is not a problem, and then there is the chaos of hunting GMs for an Hami pop andnot having a clue whose toenail did we target.
  20. Yes, I can't say that I understand this stress that people talk about. I am not saying it is not there or their feelings are inconsequential. Only that I do not understand where the stress comes from. A raid, maybe. Raids needs X of one AT, X of another, then we need to decide who takes what role and if people are not volunteering we need to force it and assign a non volunteer to do it. And 'it' might be really important such as locating bombs or there will be a wipe, or killing a certain NPC or things will sour. But for a TF or just missions? I do not understand. Mostly because the game is really simple. There are hardly any mechanics. It is funny to see new arrivals be like, 'I never did this TF! Is there anything I should be aware of?' This is a typical and worthy question in WoW where each boss has certain mechanics such as reflect damage or kill a certain add fast. But here it's just 'mmmyenooo. Just hit stuff until it stops moving.' I started like everyone else though. Not much of a clue. Logging in, posting a hopeful 'Level X looking for work!' which worked 1% of the time. Then I decided at some point I did not care to be semi AFK and looking at the chat once in a while to see if someone was posting something I cared to join. So I took over. And this is what I want to say. People being stressed and anxious about leading is something valid. They are as they are. But I want to make sure people are not making a mountain from a molehill. And this part is very important. Sometimes when I am leading and I am a bit under level I ask someone higher level to take the star and start the TF. I've lost count of the people who have said 'I hate leading' and 'I'm too lazy to lead'. In both cases I'm '... leading is literally click on the Contacts tab and ask for the next mission'. I led -so- many teams when I was doing my alt leveling spree. But I never overthought it. A '/lfg LFM to do X', click the name, invite, team is full, click contact, get mission. Mission is over. Click the Contacts tab, click contact, get new mission. Repeat, repeat. Never a thought about 'herding', never one about picking a specific team composition (MUST HAVE A TANKER AND A KIN AND ONE EMPATH AND SINCE I DO NOT LIKE CONTROLLERS THEN NO CONTROLLERS ALLOWED! (I really do not like Controllers, but I never even pay attention to what I am inviting. This has led to me, not liking Controllers, teaming with three or four at a time), and since almost never is strategy involved then never a worry about having to instruct players on what to do. Click Contacts, set mission, fly there, wait for team, do mission. Bit of verbal chatter or just doing it in silence. This is what I feel making a mountain out of. Leading a raid involves indeed decision making and assigning roles and worry about composition. But to do missions and TFs it's anyone free. And if the one leading does not care to do missions at +4 then that is fine, because they will say so on the advertising and only those who wish to do it will join. Market Crash, for example, is usually run at only +2 since there is this rumor or myth that the last boss is bugged if ran at +4. But when I wanted to test my last build I specifically said I was going to run it at +4. And people joined. One mentioned the bug and if I was sure. I said I was, they said okay, and we did it. Incidentally I've run Market Crash at +4 a few times and never noticed the boss doing anything buggy at that difficulty level.
  21. Toggles check once every 10 seconds. A minute has 60 seconds. Sounds like it was tailor made for an aura.
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