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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Here's the thing that set me on this thread. Every time I log in a new character, I get the badges from where I once ran an AE mission. So I thought, 'why in the hell do I get these stupid badges (sorry, not a big fan of those badges) but not the other ones I worked for?' Makes no sense.
  2. Nuh uh! You quoted me, deleted the rest of the message, then typed, "*presses Back button*" 😄
  3. Comic books are famous for bringing back dead characters... So, let's use that information and create a story where Statesman and Sister Psyche are brought back, with...wait for it...brand new Task Forces!
  4. I could not help but LOL at this comment, I am sooo going to have to remember that line. 😄
  5. Global Badges. I feel as though at this point in the game history, it is completely redundant, monotonous and time consuming to grind badges across multiple characters; with the exception of any badge that grants extra abilities, powers, buffs or weapons, IE Accolades. We have all been through this before during live, and during live I was against the idea...however, it's no longer live, and almost all of these badges I have already driven myself mad getting previously. Would be a great addition to the game if once we unlock a badge, it unlocks for all characters on your account or server, minus the accolades. Edit: I believe in majority rules. Something society has seemed to lost value in over the years. However, I see that the majority here see my thoughts on the matter to be unfavorable. So therefore I forfeit the argument and concede that the majority has voted against the idea. Can't win them all, folks. For those who liked the idea, I appreciate your posts, but fair is fair and the majority have spoken. See ya on the next brilliant idea! 😄
  6. Part of what makes this game so enjoyable to players is the fact that it promotes team play all the way from level 2 to 50. Most other MMOs feel like 1 Player games because they do not require teams to run content. If every AT could solo easily, this game would become like all the others and lose its luster. I for one would be completely against making this game more solo friendly than what it already is. P.S. All ATs can solo, just some do it better than others. I see no reason for any change.
  7. Starting to feel like this thread is more about getting the last word than anything else. I'm pretty sure most of us players who stick to the old school MMO teaming code has finished trying to convince you guys a couple of days ago, hence nobody posting anymore. That doesn't mean your opinion trumps ours, it just means we have recognized that this conversation is deadlocked. I vote to let this thread die. There is nothing more anyone can add to the conversation that has not already been covered, in my opinion.
  8. Common sense? Let's not go there, man. I think it is common sense that a player goes with the grain of the team...but it would seem players today don't feel this way. Old school gamers like myself live by old rules that players these days don't seem to care about. So let's not go with common sense as a defense. I refrained from using it before, I restrained with all my might not to use common sense as a defense tool...but since you brought it up....yeah, common sense indeed. With that note, I am going to go on ahead and bow out of this conversation, as I see this conversation deadlocked. No hard feelings for anyone here, I just think we will never see eye to eye on proper team etiquette and I think it's time for me to leave this battle of wits. Take care, my man. I'm gonna retreat so that I may live to fight the good fight another day.
  9. Can I see a video of this? I think it would bring tears of laughter to my eyes if I seen you in a video killing pixels and laughing.
  10. You are a man/woman after my own heart. Your play style and mine would match perfectly. Your stance on this subject also mimics mine perfectly. I wish more players would see where we are coming from on this, but sadly it does not seem they do. It seems that "anything goes, just deal with it" is the new gamer's way these days. You and I are clearly of the old school unwritten rules of MMO gaming. Problem is, those old school rules didn't sem to pass down to the next generation of gamers very well and we are looked at as "militant."
  11. If I looked in to it deeper though, even without my initial request to the player, just by asking the team if they are okay with it would also imply my discontent to the way said player is playing. So how would one find out if this players is meshing well with the team without making my opinion obvious? That could get very tricky. It almost reminds me of my job. My job is to troubleshoot and analyze RF signals to modems and cable boxes in order to determine a problem with their functionality. However, if I find the issue is with the modem and not the signals to that modem, and if a customer owns their own modem (use this as an example as a player going against the grain of the rest of the team) and I determine that our systems are working as intended, I am not permitted by our company to tell the customer that their modem is the cause of their issues. I have to dance around that subject and hope they themselves come to that conclusion, without me stating it. Trust me, those are insanely tricky conversations to have with a customer. I believe having this conversation with the team could be equally tricky with a team concerning a player. No matter how you ask the team, it's going to seem I am trying to coerce them in to seeing things my way. Now keep in mind, this is only if I look in to this too hard. Personally, I find most people say what they think with or without my input.
  12. Your point is not backed by evidence. I may be wrong, but neither one of you can prove your points without a controlled testing environment.
  13. Meh, I didn't see it that way. However, I'm more of a face value kind of guy and I tend not to read too much in to things. But I hear ya.
  14. No. under no circumstance do I, nor shall I berate anyone for using a power in game or even using it against the team's wishes. Nope. Huh? First, if my team is all about the knock back, then I don't care. If the Tank is fine with it, the blasters are fine with it and the Trollers are fine with it, then why should I care? This whole thread I have repeatedly stated that I will only kick players who go against the grain of the "team." I have made this stance several times. Now, this is hypothetical...but if I build the team from scratch, and I don't know any of the players on that team, then I will make a suggestion/request for the player to not knock back targets away from the Tank. If the player refuses or ignores me, I will then ask the team as a whole, "Hey team, he seems pretty set on knocking mobs, is everyone okay with this?" If the team does not reply (which is about half the times) then I do nothing. The player is not kicked and the team continues on. However, if the team responds with the stance they are annoyed by it, then the player in question gets another request to please be more team friendly. If the player continues, then they are gone. If it is a team I built that consisted of SG/Friends/Coalition, then there is no open question. I already know their stance on scattered mobs and don't need to ask. The player in question will be asked nicely to play team friendly, if said player refuses, they are gone. Hahaha! I won't be doing any of that, lol. Covered this up there. ^
  15. Because a lot of times, my teams have my SG mates or Coalition mates on them, and we all have similar play styles. Before I invite other players to any of my teams, I always ask Coalition, SG and friends first. No strawman here. I'm not saying I have never strawmanned...it's easy to do, especially when I misunderstand somebody. However, if I had strawmanned and you called me out on it, I would admit it. Wrong. If there is a person on the team that does not wish to play with the team instead of against it, it is them that is going to leave...not my other teammates. As my favorite character of all time once said, "The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few...or the one." I commend you for this. The person who creates the team does indeed have the right to get rid of any player who is trolling the team. If you are being disruptive to the team in any way, and after asked nicely to refrain from being disruptive in any way, it is by my right to dismiss you from the team. It is your opinion vs mine...and since I am the one leading the team, my opinion on this subject overrules yours. All other opinions are considered. I do not vilify anyone for using any powers in game. That is your assumption. I vilify people who take the stance that their singular needs outweigh the needs of the seven other players on the team...and I do this rightly so. I agree. If you chose to accept and adapt, then you will have no issues adapting to the team, not expecting the team to adapt to you. If I join a team that seems fond of knocking everything back, that's when I ask the leader if I can switch to a Mastermind. Then I join in the knock back fun, since my Pets don't care if mobs are scattered. I adapt, I do not expect the whole team to stop knocking back just because of me, I adapt and I continue on. If I am not feeling the knock back style they are playing, I finish said mission, then excuse myself from the team without any complaints. I adapt just fine.
  16. KB to KD, dude. Not sure just how much more clear I can be than that. Which makes me realize that you were not teaming with me that day. None of my characters has Knock Back, I cannot be anymore clearer than that. I don't attempt to control anyone. Either we mesh well or we do not. I don't hold ill will toward anyone over it. I am always open to hear new ideas. Players give me suggestions all the time, some that are pretty good ones and I change to accommodate. It all depends on the suggestion and how it affects the team. If I politely ask that you do not knock back mobs away from the Tank, and instead use your Knock Back to knock Mobs toward the Tank, and you refuse to do so and continue to piss off the entire team because you like watching mobs explode and scatter all over the room, then yes...you are a bad. Anyone who plays against the grain of the team that they joined, a team that somebody else put together, and when asked nicely if you would stop...and you refuse, that indeed makes you a bad, and you will be viewed as a borderline troll. I have the same attitude. However, if they are on MY team, one that I created and took the time out to form, and their play style goes against the team's and makes life hard for players on my team, and you refuse to stop...you can play elsewhere. It's really that simple. Play the way you want to, and let my team play the way we want. If the way you want, interferes with the way we want, we have a problem...and one of us has to go. I sure as hell won't be kicking my whole team just to accommodate you. I'm not dropping my own team, dude... P.S. I never once reported somebody over it, you are confusing me for somebody else. I don't punish them either. Not once have I said that.
  17. This right here is the wisest statement made in this entire thread.
  18. That's interesting, because I don't have KB on any characters...at all. I slot a KB to KD I.O. in every power that has KB. So unless you are talking about Hurricane, which I stay far in the back of groups with that and use it only to push mobs back to the Tank, then you are completely wrong. I don't tell people how to play...I make a request of them. Huge difference. Spite or not, probably best if this is how you play. I would have most likely ended up kicking you if you actually have this same attitude in game as you display on these forums. Regardless of your reasons, it sure as hell doesn't hurt my feelings. I'm not a fan of bads being on my teams. Strawman....again. I never once said I was going to quit. How does this pertain to the topic anyway? You bringing up some other topic that has nothing to do with this one, then using a strawman argument is exactly the type of reply I have come to expect from you...good job at being predictable.
  19. Working as intended. Inspirations will only affect you, not Tornado. The reason for this is because Tornado is not written in code as a power, it is instead written in as a temp pet. So since Inspirations only affect the user and not the user's pets, it will have no effect on Tornado.
  20. So wait, did he kill Echoi? Or did Echoi get the better of him?
  21. Straw man much? I supported you on the GF in the way you had used it, goof ball. What I do not support is your attitude that you shouldn't have to tell people that you plan to use it before joining a group with people. Your attitude with that is what I am arguing against, not your use of the power... P.S. He blocked me in game, not the forums. It was beneficial to him and myself, since it is very obvious we would not mix well on a team. I am pretty sure that block was not done out of spite or meanness. I sure didn't take it that way.
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