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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I don't think that's what his post indicated. I think you read that wrong
  2. He came back right before the game shut down. He was shocked at how many replies he had gotten. Funny thing is, I had prophesied his return. 😄 Odd thing is though, I could have sworn he made that post on Freedom server. I didn't recall it being Justice.
  3. So wait, wouldn't the procs (from both scrapper sets) be better off slotted in a fast recharging single target attack? This whole "best place to slot procs" thing gets very confusing....for all classes, not just Scrappers, heh.
  4. Yeah, I give her an A for effort. Judging from the concepts she had, it looked like she was on the right track. Not exactly sure what went wrong to cause all the hate from her followers. I would imagine funding might have been an issue...but that's just a guess. P.S. Judging from the updates she hasn't given up. Hope she does well.
  5. She tried creating a CoH successor called Heroes and Villains. She was apparently hated on pretty hard by the community on her website because nothing was even started outside of concept drawings. Her attempt to create the game and the outcome can be found here. Heroes and Villains.
  6. No, I just refuse to argue with somebody who puts words in my mouth, then argues against those words. I said nothing that should have set you off, since I never once said you or anyone else should be forced to play by the old school ways. I only suggested that the only way to get the old school game back, was to have somebody create a vanilla version of it. You had no reason to go on your tangent and you are being very overly defensive. And I simply refuse to argue against a straw man. So yes, a few short words calling out your straw man is general the only reply you will get from me.
  7. Oh get over yourself... nobody has even implied any of that crap that just spewed out of your mouth. Grow up, dude.
  8. OP, I hear you, man. I'm right there with you. I so badly miss the way this game was before IO's, before PvP and honestly, before Villains. People have no idea the structure we had and no longer play by any rules. Teams feel very chaotic and sloppy now, where in the old days everything ran smoothly. So I am right there with you and it bleeds my heart, man. Sadly, unless someone creates a Vanilla CoH, I'm afraid we will never get that back.
  9. Can't wait, this should be fun...and I mean really, free cash! Who doesn't want free cash? Come join the fun! Void where prohibited. Some assembly required. No other warranty expressed or implied. Subject to CAB approval. May be too intense for some players.Times approximate. For off-road use only. As seen on TV. Contains a substantial amount of non-tobacco ingredients. Colors may, in time, fade. Slippery when wet. Not affiliated with the American Red Cross. Edited for television. Not responsible for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting from any defect, error or failure to perform. At participating locations only. Not the Beatles. Substantial penalty for early withdrawal. Do not write below this line. Falling rock. Sanitized for your protection. Be sure each item is properly endorsed. Sign here without feeling of guilt. Employees and their families are not eligible. Beware of dog. Contestants are responsible for own safety. Limited time offer. You must be present to win. No passes accepted for this engagement. No purchase necessary. Keep away from fire or flames. Approved for veterans. Price does not include taxes. No Canadian coins. Not recommended for children. No alcohol, dogs or horses. No anchovies unless otherwise specified. Restaurant package, not for resale. Driver does not carry cash. Some of the trademarks mentioned in this product appear for identification purposes only. Your mileage may vary. This article does not reflect the thoughts or opinions of either myself, my company, my friends, or my cat. Don't quote me on that. Don't quote me on anything. All rights reserved. Terms are subject to change without notice. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is unintentional and purely coincidental. Do not remove this disclaimer under penalty of law. For a limited time only. This article is void where prohibited, taxed, or otherwise restricted. Article is provided "as is" without any warranties. Reader assumes full responsibility. An equal opportunity article. Quantities are limited while supplies last. If any defects are discovered, do not attempt to read them yourself, but return to an authorized service center. Read at your own risk. Text may contain explicit materials some readers may find objectionable, parental guidance is advised. Safety goggles may be required during event.. For external use only. If rash, irritation, redness, or swelling develops, discontinue reading. Read only with proper eyewear. Articles are ribbed for your pleasure. Possible penalties for early withdrawal. Offer valid only at participating sites. Slightly higher west of the Rockies. Other restrictions may apply.
  10. People left this game in droves when they added travel power suppression...and you want travel powers removed? No. If you want that kind of PvP, they have that available in the arena as an option. Find you a few folks who want to PvP that way and you guys can have your own private matches without travel powers. I stopped PvPing after they had nerfed placate and I still support PvPer's right to PvP unhinged from nerfs. Nerfing powers in PvP is what made me quit, and I was PvPing with some of the best back then...I lived and breathed PvP, adding a nerf like this would cause PvP zones to turn in to wastelands....more so than what they already are. As far as the trash talk...you can't stop that. Psychological warfare in PvP is a real thing, people are going to say things to frustrate you. Best you can do when you enter a zone is turn off chat. You either have the thick skin to PvP or you do not. Having a thick skin is one of the many requirements for PvP. It can be a blast if you roll with the punches and learn to build for PvP and learn to play as a PvPer. It can be a nightmare for somebody like yourself...but it doesn't have to be a nightmare if you have the patience and willingness to learn. It completely up to you. Calling for a nerf is not the answer.
  11. I would cast Hasten just because you said that. 😄
  12. Look, I just want the old animation back...what they do with the damage of that power I honestly don't care. Just please, for the love of peace on Earth, let me have back the old animation. I'm even going to say pretty please.
  13. Mach 10!?!? That should get a huge bonus to hit! I mean come on, can you dodge anything coming at you at Mach 10?
  14. Originally, objects would explode on contact and was accompanied with a big boom sound, giving the feeling that you hit with such force, the object couldn't withstand the impact...and there were no objects laying around after to obstruct view. It looked cooler and was way more user friendly. Why it was ever changed from that is beyond me, however it was a completely stupid decision. It's a very dull effect now compared to what it used to be.
  15. Done; got the link right here with combat window open.
  16. None at all. I don't use IO's until level 50 with the exception of Stealth IO's in any builds that I use Stealth with. I actually put together a video showing a test that I had conducted. Both tests using the same mob type within reasonable levels of my malfactored level 29 characters. One character only had Superior Invisibility, while the other character had Invisibility + Stealth IO. I have uploaded a Youtube video that can be found here. I didn't edit very well, so there is a long dark spot you have to fast forward through, sorry about the bad editing.
  17. No offense taken. We are both players trying to find a logical explanation through trial, error and using what information we have available. I'll look more in to this tomorrow and post back.
  18. Interesting. Makes me wonder how accurate that information is though, since my Stalker was able to hang out with them unnoticed for quite some time, as was my Illusions Controller with Superior Invisibility. Everything below that level of stealth was attacked almost instantly. If it suppressed stealth, then it should have not mattered what type of stealth I had active, I would think.
  19. So I was casually running along, minding my own business when suddenly, my Troller who has Invis + Stealth IO ran across some mean ol' Cabal members in Croa. Next thing I knew, they decided that my Invis + Stealth IO was not enough to hide from the wicked grasp of their +perception. It surprised me to say the least. So after asking google and getting no help from that, I asked around in Help channel if Cabal had +perception and to my surprise I was told no by several people. I could have just chalked it up to a bug and went along with my day...but me being the stubborn bastard that I am, I refused and set off for a quest for a real answer. So I started with Stealth under controlled conditions, using level 28 as my standard level and finding even conned minions. They see right through it and proceeded to do what Cabal to best...lighting me up. Next I tried Stealth + Stealth IO. Same result. Invis, same result. invis + Stealth IO, same result. Superior Invis....ahhhh....we finally found a level of Stealth that Cabal cannot see through...even when standing right up against them. So obviously anything Superior Invis and up can conceal themselves from Cabal. Anything with 200 Stealth or better. So, is there a chart someplace where I can find information like this with all enemies who carry stealth and what is needed to beat their stealth? I don't seem to recall any such charts, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist. I think if such a chart exists, it would sure be helpful to have this chart in a sticky somewhere on these forums.
  20. I used to educate players (because it wasn't always a thing to give them the minimal FX option) and I got nothing but "Don't tell me what to do! I don't care!" even though all I was doing was letting them know it was an option in the nicest way I could express. Sometimes, saying anything at all to players about this sort of thing can be taken the wrong way, so I just stopped saying anything at all. I think it would just be better all round to give us as players the option to have the minimal FX option added to Null the Gull. There honestly isn't that many FX in game that bothers me when people cast something on me. Ice is pretty much the only one...and then only if it's the Blocky Cube FX.
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