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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Composition has been reworked, please see this link for updated version.
  2. I don't never even pick them up. Of course I also always team and almost never solo, so then you have that.
  3. I had the same situation happen with my Psi/Mental Blaster. No Psi for Epics kind of turned me off. Not all my characters are themed based around powers though, so I don't have too many characters that I have hung-ups on. We at least have Elec Blasters who can get Elec/Elec/Elec. Lots of fun to play back on live. I'll eventually get the one I have here and now finished up.
  4. I rolled an Ice/Cold Corruptor pretty much within the first week of this game coming back out. Until I hit late levels and realized there are no Epic Pools for Ice. I don't know why, but at the time I could have sworn that Defenders got Ice Epics, so then I rolled an Cold/Ice Defender...and much to my surprise, I found out that Defenders don't get Ice Epics either. I was a bit let down, so much so that I hung up the two Ice themed characters and decided I would wait until one day if and when the Devs create an Epic Ice pool for Defenders and Corruptors. How many of you have done something similar and what were the circumstances?
  5. Oh trust me, I have an EM/Regen Scrapper....errr...I mean Brute. I wanted a Scrapper, but EM is not a Scrapper primary. So I rolled a Brute and Scrapperfied him. He does not have Taunt, nor will he ever. Taunt gets Regen Brutes killed. Even IOed out, I am no Tank. So trust me, I understand the sentiment.
  6. TA/Rad Defender. Radiation does poop damage and TA is just, well...ever seen anyone run TA? If you want to play something that will be a major pain in the rear to keep your endurance up, play Titan/Dark Scrapper and name him/her Toggle Dropper. It wont be your enemy's toggles dropping, it will be your own.
  7. That sounds pretty messed up. What server are you on? I know a guy who requires you to have certain badges for certain TF's, but those runs are to obtain no death badges and whatnot. So I cant blame someone for requiring your character to be up to snuff before inviting a player to join something like that.
  8. I think it's just you. Judging from what I have witnessed, you're very confrontational at times and it seems to attract the attention of others in a negative way, most of which (not always) I feel you bring on yourself. I can be a bit confrontational myself sometimes...I'm good at it. However, I carefully pick and choose my battles, where you seem to enter the battlefield at every opportunity. This may explain your common bad experiences, where the rest of us don't seem to share that experience with you, but instead feel an overwhelming majority of players are good and decent folks. From my point of view, bad apples are very far and few between in this game. Whereas other games the bad apples are far more prevalent.
  9. I'm usually all for more options, but no effects for a Stealth power just makes no sense at all. I simply just can't get onboard with this.
  10. So I thought about building a Fire/Rad Controller. The set looks like it would be absolutely OP as all get-out. However, it also looks like it would be one of the most endurance heavy builds in game, second to none, on par with Titan/Dark for Scrappers. It also looks like it would be a completely impossible to pull off everything that would need to be done before the mobs melt away. For an example, with Hot Feet and Choking Cloud running, you have this combination that follows: Smoke, Flashfire/Cinders, Fire Cages, Bonfire, Radiation Infection, Enervating Field, (and per situational) Lingering Radiation. That is a long list of powers having to be used on each mob that would suck your endurance dry and it seems like by the time you got halfway through this list, your mobs would already be melted away by the DPS. This looks like an endurance nightmare that might be completely overkill for anything in game outside of AV's and GM's. Anyone out there who has this build mind giving me a head's up on what I can expect? Or has my predictions hit head on?
  11. The thing is, in City of Heroes, if an A-hole comes in to LFG and starts acting the way players act in WoW, the guy/gal gets booed off the stage and sent home packing. Being tolerant of this as you suggest only enables this behavior on a psychological level. Flocks of a feather stick together. If the A-hole personality is stamped out as soon as it shows it's face, i t discourages this behavior...we all know that if there is no consequence for behaving badly, then people will go on behaving badly. This is one of the many things I love about this community....bad behavior is not tolerated and will be met head on. Those people either change their behavior or they leave. Your stance on the subject is honorable and I respect that, however, I don't believe that will accomplish the goal of keeping this community free of trolls and toxic behavior. The only people who can keep this community the way it has been since its release, is us...the great community that I have come to know over the years who hold bad behavior from people accountable. I can't tell you how many times I have seen over the years a troll get on Broadcasting or LFG channel raising hell and trolling other players, just to be met with an onslaught of players with higher standards shut the troll down and run that troll off stage. If players were not vigilant in this way, those trolling "players" would still be at it to this very day and I believe there would be a lot more of them. WoW on the other hand, the players tolerates this bad behavior. It's the very reason I refuse to play WoW. I played for 3 months, and that was 3 months of my life that I will never get back. The players there were absolutely rude, obnoxious and downright toxic, both in game and on their forums. I get where you are coming from, and in a perfect world I believe your ideology would be exactly how situations like this should be handled. However, in my personal experience this simply does not work and only enables toxic behavior from toxic people. I may be wrong in my thoughts on this subject, I may be right. But regardless if I am right or if I am wrong, this is my thoughts on the subject and why I think on these terms. Keep in mind, I was born and raised in the military, and I think my thoughts on the subject reflect this. It may very well be why you and I disagree on how toxic behavior should be handled. I do however agree with what I quoted from you...be excellent to one another indeed. 🙂
  12. This right here. WoW will never get dime from me because the players tolerate this crap. It's like every a-hole on the planet converged in to one place...and it's called WoW. Now, if we could just drop a nuke on WoW, it would rid the world of the a-hole population once and for all.
  13. Even though you lost connection to the server, your character actually walked in the mission...and then just stood there. Meanwhile, the NPC's murder your character. When you log back in, you find the aftermath of this.
  14. It was a generalization. Of course there will always be exceptions, or it could be a partial generalization. Got to keep in mind, this is from my personal experience, which can differ from person to person. Me personally, I skip to the end on insanely long TF's, like Citadel or Synapse, but the shorter one, on missions that are "Kill X and his guards," I just clear a path. I would rather not skip everything on the short TF's, since the real XP is in the kills, not the end bonus which was nerfed way back when. And for your last point, I could not agree more. It would be great to see at least a good majority (80% at least) of the missions be in the same zone as the contact for the TF. That would be a wonderful change.
  15. Stackable Debuffs are tricky. Stacking the same type of debuff with your secondary could be even more so. This was the reason I shied away from debuffs and leaned more towards Irradiated and an extra ST Hold. It would give the set a unique and helpful feel. You could also add a targeted AoE where it causes mobs to randomly stop and throw up, much like toxic gas. That would give the set even more of a unique feel.
  16. It grants more merits than the shorter TF's. So changing the kill alls to "stealth, click and not kill a thing" missions will also cause merit gains to diminish. I would be more willing to make these missions in the same zone than I would be willing to change the dynamics of the missions. Not to mention, a lot of players use TF's to level as well as getting their progress to the TFC Accolade. Changing the dynamics of the missions will only further hinder this progress. It's already a problem to people leveling when players skip everything they can, I wouldn't want to see it get any worse. Part of the problem is people who PL to 50, then try to run all the TF's on easy mode while skipping everything they can that isn't a kill all, verses people who play the game to 50 and they run TF's as they level, creates friction between both types of players. IMO there is already enough conflict there, I don't want to see it get any worse. However, putting these missions together in the same zone makes a lot more sense and doesn't contribute to further unsettling between the speed runners and the levelers.
  17. Yeah, my Ice Blaster utilizes this method often, it doesn't last long though since it is on a Blaster. I also use this method using a Grav/Time Troller, which was what gave me the idea.
  18. Irradiated debuff. I couldn't remember the name of it, thank you.
  19. That would be a difficult question to answer, since if coupled with /Rad, would make it OP as all get out. However, I was thinking something along the lines of what /Rad does for Blasters if a hold is applied in combination with the Immob. I forget the name of the debuff off hand. It would also be interesting if the set was given two single target holds, for locking down bosses instantly instead of having to wait for the ST hold to recharge. Make one hold have twice the recharge time as the primary hold. I think these two ideas could give the set a unique feel.
  20. I dont wish to get into too much details here, but would love to see a Rad Contolling set.
  21. I would think anything /Rad or Rad/ (With Rad being the debuff set) would be enough. Rad is so insanely powerful.
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