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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Heya folks! Just wanted to give out a quick Mod update here. I have added many mods over the past couple of weeks and they are all listed on this thread! Furthermore, some of the mods you may have, have been updated, so check the versions you have in comparison to the updated version list that has been listed on this post!
  2. Hey everyone! There are several new mods on the main posted thread that have been listed! Be sure to check it out and see if any peek your interest! All available on @The Philotic Knight's CoH Modder Tool! Also, there are several mods that have been updated, so be sure you have the latest versions! Latest Version List Flight Realistic SFX Mod (v4) Kinetic Melee Soul Mage Mod (v2) Lightning Improved SFX Mod (v2) Psionic Blast Movie SFX Mod (v2) Slight Claws Adjustments Mod (v4) Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX for Beam Rifle (v6) All other mods remain the same. If the version you have does not match what you see above, please be sure to update them by Removing them via the Remove button and Uninstalling them. Once uninstalled, they will reappear in the Uninstalled Server Mods list and you can reinstall the latest version from there!
  3. The Terminator Mod has been updated. Check which version you you have, the latest version is version 6. If you don't have version 6, I would suggest updating.
  4. There was a guy on the live forums who had an avatar of his Stalker standing behind Mrs Liberty in Atlas Park and he is Assassin's Striking her repeatedly as she falls to her death. It was actually a really cool avatar and it's driving me nuts trying to remember that guy's name. He posted on the General forums often. Anyone remember who that guy was?
  5. I'm saying if the set could use anything, it's that. Make the passive have a base resistance, something small like 7.5% Resist to all, and make it slottabe for up to 10% base resist. The only issue I have with SR is when in an AV fight, sometimes hard hitting bosses too (especially on low levels before IOs) you can be hit once and watch your health go to 10% with one hit. The scaling resist does not kick in until that first hit and damage is complete. So now you are at 10% Health with less than 60% resist. One more hit and you're dead. That scaled resist will not save you. So, instead of buffing the set and swapping abilities around, just make the passive have a small base resist that is slottable and call it a day. Edit: Actually no. I play as a Stalker, so I only get 2 scaling resist abilities. Forgot about Lucky, which would make it overkill big time. So instead of 7.5% base resist unslotted, go with 3.5% base resist, 5% max possible per passive. That would be 10% max base resist for Stalkers and 15% base resist for everything else.
  6. I'll do that! (I'm an Altoholic, so trust me, I'll do that.)
  7. Ah, makes sense because I have never played Claws on anything else. I was never a big fan of Scrappers for many years. Stalkers kind of warmed me up to Scrappers, but my Scrapper is a Dark/Elec. I thought they had changed it for all AT's, did not realize it was Stalkers only, good to know.
  8. Back in my days of PvP, it came in handy vs those pesky Mind Doms. They had to try much harder to land a hold on me due to the extra layer of Mez Protection.
  9. I support the alternate choice...even though I think you are crazy for wanting it! 😄
  10. Ahhh, see, I play it on a Stalker...so it has no combos and it has no AoEs. So maybe that's why I find it lagging behind...and not to mention, it's all lethal damage, which makes the hits land even softer. It's a hella fun set though, so i wouldn't stop playing it even if they nerfed the damage, but compared to all of my other melee Stalkers, it feels less damaging than the rest of them.
  11. Claws are fun, no doubt about it, and I have fun with the set no matter what. Having said that, do you think the set should get a damage buff or do you feel it is fine as is?
  12. This, I prefer the click mez. It's tough at first, but once it's slotted it stacks which gives you an extra layer of protection. I think it's fine as is and wouldn't be very happy if it was yet another toggle to deal with. I put it on auto and forget about it.
  13. Eviscerate is a Single Target ability after it was changed during live, which is why it does more damage than it used to. Also...I love the backflip animation, so shut it before I take my toys and go home! 😠 lol
  14. I mean, sure, I suppose. I wouldn't look at it that way but I suppose I can see why you would (that's if you are referring to my post...somebody else might have said something that went beyond what I said so maybe you are referring to theirs?) view it this way. However, I cannot agree that there was never an "old school" way to play...because there was. It was the way the vast majority of players used to play in those days. That way of playing pretty much no longer exists though because the difficulty o the game is child's play compared to what the game once was. So the old style of playing became obsolete. Honestly though, I for one am not trying to throw any dirt on anyone here. My dirt throwing days ended long ago when I finally stopped trying to prevent people from getting the game nerfed down to what it is today. My dirt was slung very hard when people were requesting IO's and Bonus Set IO's. People kept requesting ways to make the game easier for them to play, while at the same time demanding nerfs to sets that were performing well. One day, long ago...I simply gave up that effort because that battle had been lost. We can't help that we loved the way the game used to play and the way the vast majority of players played it. The game was a completely different game in those days and some of us miss it. Hope you forgive us that we bring this up from time to time, we are just old men living in the good ol days, heh. Also, welcome back! 🙂
  15. I could not have stated it better myself. I truly hope they are not planning to do anything more than revert Energy Transfer.
  16. I have been reluctant to comment on this thread for two reasons. 1: The last time I made a thread like this one it ended up the same way this one has. 2: Any suggestion at all that somebody else's play style is not a way you approve of is taken as if we are saying that you should not play any other way. It's not like that, it's just that we do not approve of it for ourselves. Play as you like...I am the last person who needs to be telling others how to play. I, like @The Philotic Knight am not a huge fan of power leveling...that's just not for me. I do however farm for influence. I do not invite others unless I know for a fact that they are seasoned vet players and that by me giving them a few levels by letting them tag along, isn't going to create a player who has no idea how to play his character. So times that I do contribute to others power leveling are far and few between, mainly because when I farm for influence, I do so pretty randomly and don't announce it to others...not even my own SG mates. However, I am one of those players who prefer to play the game and I am one of those players who miss back when the game was actually difficult and team wipes were common. Power Creep and certain maps getting rehauls have contributed to the lack of difficulty over the years, which is why I will always prefer the old school CoH. I also prefer the days when there was no cap to the aggro and back before the Devs increased the range of the collision mechanics. I did not herd in those days to power level...I did it because it was just straight up fun. However, I never herded on PuG teams, if I wanted to herd maps, I had my set maps just for that. When I played on regular teams, I played as a team and not as a show hog. Back in the days of herding, we also had this thing that most people barely even notice these days...it was called Debt. Debt in those days stacked up pretty fast to the point that it was not uncommon to go your entire gaming experience working off Debt around 50% of your level grind. I absolutely loved it. That was what caused me to create a Fire Tank to begin with, so that I could help my SG mates of those days clear some Debt. 1 run of Chimera and his Guards, herding Ninjas, would be enough to clear their Debt completely. I even named him DEBTINATOR...some of you from the Protector server may remember him up until the server moves became available, at which point all my characters had moved to Freedom. So obviously I am very old school, which means I prefer and always will prefer the old ways of CoH...all the way from the mechanics to how players play the game today in comparison to how they played back then. There was a system to how we played back then and a good majority of players used this system...happily. Now days, just mentioning the system can cause a player to tell you to shut it down, lol. The old system worked and everyone contributed equally and had a part to play. Healers were desired, controllers were desired, just as much as the debuffers and scrappers and blasters...everyone on the team was just as important as the other and everyone walked away from that mission feeling like they pulled their own weight. Healers were actually thanked for healing, bubblers were actually thanked for their bubbles...and good tanks were given praise for tanking well. Those days had a lot of respect for each other in a way that is just not there today. Maybe it's rose colored glasses, maybe it's just beer goggles, but that is how my mind remembers it. Now...now that you know where my mind is, let me end this by saying that I don't think anyone here is here to ruin your fun, or attempt to change the game in any way to fit how we would prefer it. The game will remain the same and I for one will not attempt to come in between you and how this game is today. I am sure that one day, somebody somewhere will create a new server (would sure be nice if Homecoming created such a server! Hint hint...) where the aggro limit is gone, all IO's and the IO system is gone, HO's being the max enhancement, the collision mechanics reversed to their vanilla state and ambush mobs brought back to all the missions that had them. If and when that day comes, those of us old folks and our parents can go there. Until then, like you, this is our home and we don't expect it to change for us at all. So rest assure, when we talk of the god ol days, that is not us taking a stab at you or how you play...we still love you for who you are. 😄
  17. Whatever happened to SEGS? Last I heard is that they were going to continue development using their own code because they felt there would be less of a chance that their game would be shut down since they did not use the original source code. They were also starting the game from scratch, meaning issue 1...I am assuming the way the game was back during issue 1? Doesn't matter. The point I am making is though, is that I cannot find anything from them that is even remotely updated. Does anyone know if they are still doing their thing? I for one was hoping so, would love to go back to this game's roots...those were the best of times for me. However, just because I can't find anything does not mean somebody out there has the scoop on this. Anyone?
  18. This ain't about you, @golstat2003! This is about MEEEEeeeeeEEEEEEeeeeee!!! 😜
  19. Your responses to the Aggro Cap debate is actually a lot more updated than the response that I read over a year ago. This is the first time I recall seeing your response on the subject. Mainly because once I seen what GM Widower wrote, I accepted it and half ass avoided the subject thereafter. Either way, the answer still seems a strong no, lol. If a raised aggro cap is THAT important to players, well...they have options to go play with higher caps. For me, it's not that important. It would be nice if I could tie you to a table and submit you to Chinese water torture until you gave in and allowed a higher aggro cap...but, I'm fine with it as is as well, lol.
  20. To answer the questions directed at me: Short answer, is that my best memories of this game were from the old days. Wipes were a LOT more common than they are today. So naturally, whether backed by math or not, my mind will always associate Larger Cap = More Fun, More Wipes. As illogical as that is, that's just how my mind interprets the information stored within. Also, no touch backs!
  21. @aethereal I was on a Hess team the other day on +3, I can assure if the aggro limit were increased, there would have been some team wipes instead of the occasional death. I miss team wipes. 😞
  22. I swear if I see the word cap one more time... ðŸĪŠ
  23. I read it here. Unless I read it the way I wanted to read it (which I do this a lot, so very well possible) it was stated in the way I remembered it. It just wasn't stated in a thread I created but rather one I had posted in.
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