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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Where is my grumpy face! How dare you hate a day I love, sir! How...Dare...You! 😄
  2. So how about it, folks? I was working on my new mod for Lightning Primaries when it occurred to me that while I was at it, I could locate the files for the Lightning Field power that I have seen so many of you post threads on how much you hated it. So I did...and I changed them to a much quieter sound effect, while giving it a rather appealing to the ear (at least in my opinion) sound effect. For those of you who would like to be able to use the power without the irritation of the sound effect that it currently has, you now have a new option. For those of you who hated playing with other players on your team who had that power, well...this works for that as well. These are two separate mods, one for just the Lightning Field on any AT, the other is for the Lightning Attacks for any AT. As for the Lightning Ranged Attacks, I have really ramped up the feeling of POWAH!!! I suspect those of you who felt the powers sounded a bit meh, will really love this Mod. Enjoy! The mods can be found here... Furthermore, there is a list of mods that @The Philotic Knight has consolidated on his website if any of you are interested in other mods. He has a list of all mods that we could find on his webpage that has anything and everything to do with City of Heroes/Villains and can be found below. http://www.cityofplayers.com/coh-community-tools-mods/
  3. You are correct. I was perfectly happy with HO's filling your slots being the actual end game, the final mark of your hero. When there was nothing left to do but help lowbies after that. It freed you up to explore other avenues of the game with alts. I never got bored because even after maxing out a character, I could simply switch to an alt and I did not have to spend such insane amounts of cash or time maxing a character out. Teams (imo) were essential in playing together and filling the gap that the other classes did not have. For me personally, it flowed much better and left little room for players to just nuke and run nuke and run and left little room for players to run off solo in the mission...there were severe consequences back then for doing so...such as death. Blasters in those days did not jump ahead of the Tank and destroy everything before the Tank could actually get there. Players, even throughout the leveling experience did not want to play content at +0, because, well, +0 did not exist. Granted, I could do without the herding Tanks, but honestly those types of Tanks were far and few between mainly because they were only good for Slashing/Lethal damage, if they went up against anything else, they crumbled. I also miss that you had to achieve certain levels to unlock certain goodies. Like travel powers at level 14. Your cape at level 20. Your Auras at level 30. These were goals the game no longer has. The only real goal now is to reach the end as fast as possible and then go back and get all your badges later. Everything is given to you at the beginning of the game. You no longer have to achieve a milestone to get your cape, your travel powers or your aura. For me, those days freed up much more time to play other classes and try out new powers, it promoted playing alts more than I think it does now, because it did not take so long to max out your build. All you had to do was log on for a Hammi Raid here and there, and then it was back to lowbie land. My fondest memories of the game came before IO's and before City of Villains. It got even worse for me personally after they allowed Heroes and Villains to be one and the same. The mixing of the two just really killed things for me personally. I get that most players do not feel the way that I do, and that's okay. I'm just a man who has been left in time. I hear that happens when you get old....the rest of the world passes you up and you lose touch. I guess my day is over and now I am one of those old men who say, "Back in my day..."
  4. To each their own opinion, but calling people a liar for saying they liked the graphics the way they were isn't going to help your cause. We understand that high graphics give people headaches (I was more specifically referring to the original Ice Armor Graphics before they were made almost translucent) and could even understand that adding an option to adjust those graphics would have completely been worth the money spent. But instead, the Devs took them away outright. Agree with it or not, the players who loved those graphics felt they were treated unfairly when those graphics were completely removed instead of made an option. Me personally, if a game that I played gave me headaches and I chose to continue to play the game anyway despite what it does to me, I would have never thought to come to the forums and demand that the Devs redo the entire graphics of the powers in game just to accommodate lil ol me. I may have instead asked for the option to be added in for me to adjust those graphics on my end as not to steal away the experience from the other players who might be upset if the game were to suddenly take a nose dive in the graphics department. But sadly that's just not how things played out. Sadly, those graphics are lost forever in time and will never be coming back...not even as an option. P.S. And yes, I loved the original Sonic Shields just as much as I like the current ones.
  5. I am trying to make a mod that brings back the original Taunt for the Huge Body Males. I'm sure some of you old Tank players out there remember it. The file simply does not exist. I went through the entire library of SFX this game has one by one looking for it, it simply no longer exists. I assume the original Devs deleted the file when they decided to do away with it. Does anyone by chance have the sound bite or a video that has the taunt recorded it on? Would sure be very appreciative.
  6. I agree completely, enough visual and sound effect changes have been forced as is. The game used to have some really great graphics for powers, a lot of them were changed because it was giving people headaches and hurting their eyes...I was not one of them, I loved the graphics, but sadly these graphics were not added in as an option on a graphics slider, but instead forced on the entire community of players who loved the graphics just as much as players who did not. I honestly don't think I would care to see anymore forced visual nerfs without them being completely optional.
  7. @Lines @ZacKing @Herotu Updated with new Remastered version.
  8. The goal I had was to add a bit more excitement to the song, so in that I think I have achieved the goal, but I do agree it could use a bit more of a bass tone and maybe even the volume of the *snap* to be lowered considerably. Thanks for the feedback. I'll take it into consideration with my next stab at it. 🙂
  9. Granted, my version is a bit more highlighted, but all of these use a similar sound in one way or another. Some of the current Star Wars compositions use something similar as well.
  10. I could maybe swap it out for a bass drum if enough people request it. The sound is a sound a LOT of composers use these days in almost all of today's symphony orchestra compositions. You hear it a lot in movies themes these days, especially anything heroic.
  11. So I made a new Mod and would like people's honest opinion. I'm sure you remember the Character Creation theme I remade and posted a good while back, and now I offer this as an alternative solution. Originally I wanted to make the video of in game footage when I enter Atlas Plaza, but that is against the rules temporarily. So for now, it's a video with music and titles only. First is the original, after is the new remade version. Hope you enjoy! Remastered after taking feedback in to consideration.
  12. Right when I thought you weren't going to say anything in this thread I was going to agree with, you go off and prove me wrong.
  13. Atlas Plaza Music has been updated in my latest Mod...check it out and tell me what ya think! I am currently working on a video to post so people can check it out. I'll be posting it on the General Forums once finished if you want to wait until then to hear it. 🙂 Thanks for the "addaboy!"
  14. Because at one time, those zones were difficult. It was players who wanted things easy who got it changed in the first place. Why do new ones have to be created when the zones already listed as "Hazard zones" can actually be made a hazard zone?
  15. Can you imagine running Frostfire as an Incarnate level AV? How about Atta? Make the whole zone an Incarnate level zone...I'm game for that. It would feel like it did when we were lowbies in the old days and people were actually scared to go through the Hollows without Hover.
  16. The problem with this, is that you are trying to introduce something that the game once had, but removed. For example, the Cavern Trials...you don't even have to click the obelisks at the same time anymore. Apparently it was "too hard" so it was changed to be done one at a time. I get people like you and I prefer a game that isn't just button mashing no brainers, we appreciate the game in the way that it once was. However, I believe that those days are long gone, and the game has attracted a new breed of players who don't appreciate the game the way it was, they like the game for what it has become. Challenge today with people is not about strategically working together to accomplish a difficult task, it seems to me that players would rather works strategically in order to see just how quickly they can complete the content. Speed runs are the big deal, where once just being able to keep the team alive was the major accomplishment. The game has changed way too much for what you and I would want, and trying to make it this way again clearly goes against the grain of what the majority wants. This is why I gave up the fight. I am overruled by superior numbers. Long story short: When the game came out, it attracted player who appreciated challenge, not just at the end game level, but also all through the leveling experience. Over the years, the difficulty of the game has been modified to appeal to players who want to feel powerful, so these players grew in numbers as word spread. Sadly, we are outnumbered in our way of thinking. The game is easy. I accept that. If anyone ever makes a server that resembles the difficulty level of Vanilla CoH, then I will go to that server. I know better than to try and change this server or even try and get people to view things as I do, it is always met with opposition and resistance...people simply like the game as it is and any change to make it more difficult will only result in backlash. So I stopped, accepted it as is and now I leave it alone. The game is easy...I accept that. I just wish when the game was difficult, players would accept it as it was instead of constantly pushing to make the game easier. When it was difficult, I liked it as it was too. I enjoyed the game as is. I never wanted nor asked for the game to be easy. To me, this is no longer City of Heroes. The game is not even the same anymore. This is now Casual of Heroes now...City of Heroes died after issue 5. And before anyone bashes me for my opinion, just remember, it's just my opinion. I can no more change your mind than you can mine.
  17. Just curious, are you looking for the info in the combat logs or are you looking for the SCOURGE above their heads, or both?
  18. I have made my opinion very clear on this subject multiple times throughout these forums. To avoid possible argument, I will leave it at that and speak with my vote. Edit: Edited a brain fart.
  19. Thanks, I was unaware of that. I simply read the patch notes and read it as the the login screen would be changed, and not a logo added to what is already there. Thanks for the correction. I can rest easy now. 🙂
  20. I would rather see it do a DoT or something. It's an auto hit ability though, so being able to slot it for anything other than recharge will force players to have to use more precious slotting choices to allow for accuracy, recharge, end reduct, KB/Damage and maybe even a KB to KD enhancement. My Ice/Ice Tank is already an insanely tight build and I simply wouldn't be able to slot it this way. If it were up to me, I would rather see it get an auto hit -5% Accuracy Debuff, especially since the power is useless against AV's and EB's. But please, don't require it to need actual slotting to make it useful. Don't do that to me, man. 😞
  21. @Jimmy Sincere question. I know you guys want to have your logo up on the login screen, but can we please have the option to keep it as is? I am very partial to seeing the iconic characters and even hated it when it was changed during live.
  22. I would like to add that we do have a suggestions forums. General is not really the place to ask a suggestion. In all fairness though, I don't think the replies would be any different even if you posted it there.
  23. For me, it would make it feel too much like Champions Online...and I do not want to even think of that game while playing this one, heh.
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