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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Most of them do that I can tell. I modded the hell out of Skyrim, and one of my favorite Mods for that game came from a couple of art modders by the name of Painkiller_Rider and Miguelfromhell. They created a Mod that turns your character in to the Death Dealer from the Frank Frazetta novels. The best mod in that game as far as I am concerned. Within their mod, contains a folder that you can click on to view images of that mod. So pretty much any visual mod I have ever installed had a folder similar to this one. With mine, I usually link a video which displays my music or my SFX for powers. I am by no means an artist, I am however a professional musician who has only recently (for about 4 years) been dabbling in Symphony Orchestra. Most of my music career comes from playing lead guitar in a Heavy Metal band in the tri-state area. However, I have always had a deep passion for Symphony Orchestras and have changed my music creations to match those passions. Because of this, I also have a sharp ear for tones, which helps me tremendously in creating SFX for this game. Thankfully through much research, I have learned how to incorporate them into mods for players to use. But yeah, most of the mods people make come with a bit of self advertising to help players decide if they are worth modding. 😉
  2. I would like to take a brief moment and point out a couple of things. There are other factors at play here. If you take a look at how Hasten affects a power, you will notice that you are not getting anywhere near 70% recharge from Hasten. Let's take a look at something with a high recharge value such as (*pulls up Hero Designer* ... *looks up the first archetype and primary power within that archetype*) Rain of Arrows. Rain of Arrows has a 60 second recharge. Half of 60 is 30. If I were actually getting 70% recharge to Rain of Arrows, that would put me at 18 seconds for recharge time. Let's see what happens when I take Hasten into this build and activate Hasten. Hmmmm, interesting. I am only getting Rain of Arrows down to 35.29 seconds. You are actually closer to 40% recharge bonus for hasten by actual percentages. You can actually learn a great deal about this here... https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Recharge This will help you understand that Hasten does not grant anywhere near 70%, but rather a portion of 70%. You are only getting just over a little of half of that value.
  3. Starting off a thread by telling everyone else if they don't agree with you that they are wrong is by far the worst way possible that you can start a thread. You have put this thread in the grave right off the bat. Personally, this is the first I have heard of there being anything wrong with Hasten. It has already been nerfed once before. Nerfing it again goes against the whole point of IO's. They nerfed it in the first place knowing that the new IO system would bring it back in line, being just under perma. Not to say it is not possible to make it perma, but to do so would require sacrificing other aspects of your build. Hasten is working as intended by the original Devs and considering that it requires a very expensive build to make it perma, I don't expect that you will garner much support for this thread.
  4. Make sure you are popping oranges before pulling them. Nightstar uses Energy attacks which you only have 53% resist to. Under normal circumstances 53% resist is more than enough for most anything you will go up against, but AV's in Incarnate leveled Trials hit hard, very hard. As a Tank you will need the extra Resistance. You should always have a full tray of Oranges and Greens. You'll never need anything else in your tray. When going against Nightstar, popping 3 small Oranges will bring your resist to 83% if you have no resist buffs from your league mates. Popping 4 will put you at your cap resist cap resistance to Energy, but it won't be needed. Same thing applies with Siege. If you ever go against an AV that hurts you more than what you are used to, always check this page https://cityofheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Praetorians#Nightstar_.28archvillain.29 That page will tell you what damage type they have and you'll be more than ready for anything you fight. Hope that helps!
  5. Would make sense if there were a clear tab to make any powers invisible, unless in PvP (that could have some serious ramifications in PvP) and one that is black to make powers actually black rather than dim. I could get on board with that. Still want my red and yellow coloring for Ice related powers though. 😞
  6. I don't know, I felt like Kin was more click intensive than Ele Aff.
  7. Ugh, not even what I was thinking about, but yeah, if anything can be twisted, CoH players can find a way, lol. I wanted red because it would ahve went with the color theme of my dark secondary. Pink just wasn't cutting it though. 😞
  8. ...who is slightly annoyed with the lack of Yellow or Red coloring within the Ice Ranged set....and I am assuming anything Ice related.
  9. They should all be the same as the Blaster/Corruptor/Defender versions. The only file you can't use is the Snipe because that is kept server side. However, you can change the charging up portion of the Snipe. If you change one of the files for the Blaster's version of Elec, you'll be also changing them for the Sentinel as well. However, to the best of my knowledge they both share the exact same files.
  10. Head's up, folks. There is a new Transformers SFX Mod for Robotics Master Minds that's just been added. Also, a video has been added for previews of each and every mod! Enjoy!
  11. It's VERY time consuming already to make these mods. I have dumped hours upon hours making mods rather than playing the game. I do it some for myself, others for the community, others by request from specific players. As long as the paths are in the form of folders with direction on what to name them and a proper path, I don't mind taking a bit of extra time. I'm sure all you would need is the whole directory included in the zip file rather than just the mods themselves. So instead of the mods being in the zip file, the folders would be created and would look something like this, Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers\*Mods* and if any other mods required a different path, it would get a slightly different destination folder within the Data folder. Then that would be zipped up and your program could distribute them where they go. You could also set something up to where mod creators can just send the zip files to a database that you may have, and you could incorporate them into the program that handles the mods. They could remain here for players who are comfortable with manually placing the mods (It's honestly extremely easy, but I understand if some players don't want to risk it) or players could go to your web site and allow your Mod Organizer to do it for them. Either way, just let us know what you need, man. I'll work with ya.
  12. Heya folks! New mod up and ready for grabs! By request, we now have a Transformers SFX Mod ready for your enjoyment! Really hope you folks like this one! Enjoy! Preview and link to mod below. Enjoy!
  13. Not bad at all! Glad it worked out for you! And welcome to the SFX Modding club! 😄
  14. I never have an issue with somebody requesting options. The problem with players these days is that they feel entitled and they demand change...and they are so often aggressive about these requests, they push the Devs in to basically saying F'it and they outright nerf it all together. The PB sound effects for a small example, or the AoE Healing SFX that was nerfed on live, or the Ice Armor (Tanks) that was changed from a brilliant solid ice look to the nerfed down version we have today. There have been endless visual or sound effects nerfs that has taken place in this game because there is always somebody who takes issue with them. It's like we can't have anything nice because somebody always takes an issue with the animations, the SFX, or the visual effects...and in Lightning Affinity's case, all the above. So when somebody comes to the boards and asks for an option instead of an outright change, they don't get anywhere near the resistance from me where the opposite would be true otherwise. I support the change idea, especially since it has been asked to be an option rather than a "forced upon everyone, like it or not" change.
  15. To play Devil's advocate, if we nerfed everything somebody had an issue with, we wouldn't have much of a game left. 😄
  16. Psionic Blade has the highest Burst Damage. Just wanted to add that in there.
  17. I just have one more thing to add. Do people have seizures while standing up? I have personally only ever seen people collapse to the floor during a seizure. It never really struck me as being a seizure animation.
  18. Personally, I think the best way to do it is your way, nobody will be pickier than yourself. Following other people's way just lands you with that mis-matched stuff, heh.
  19. Actually no, I didn't even think about that. I wish I had, that might have been the easier way to do it. But nope, I overlayed the two sound files and played them super slowly and lined them up that way, then removed the original sound file.
  20. It's server side. It uses the same file as the snipe for all the other classes...in which that file uses a server side file. Has something to do with how quick snipe works. Trust me, I looked high and low for that file. All I could change was the charging up sfx for snipe. Not sure if Sentinels get that or not, since technically their version is not a snipe.
  21. I read the title and thought that you literally meant removing the ability to crit from Stalkers and VEATs...I was like, "Vanden, really? I'm about to pick up Jack Emmert and sling him all over you, man!" Then I realized you only meant the pop up! 😄
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