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Ruin Mage

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Everything posted by Ruin Mage

  1. More defeat badges. More halving the requirements on defeat badges. That's all I desire.
  2. It is 40 after the first time. Given there's only 2 hamis in any given day besides the weekend, you get 80+40. Unless all you take is the reward merits. I think it eventually diminishes lower
  3. I'm more interested in seeing what Page 6 entails than I am railing against a harmless change to Tar Patch and whatever else is in the Dark changes.
  4. Hopefully next week I'll be RIPPING...AND TEARING until it is done.
  5. Because City of Heroes doesn't work like you think it does. Also because of everything posted in the thread so far.
  6. I think having GM assistance with events would be cool. But I also understand not every GM might understand RP or stuff like it. Overall, good list so far. (this is mostly commentary on the appearance at player events suggestion)
  7. I think its current name is fine. It's not Shock Therapy anymore. But hey, sure. It makes sense.
  8. why does this have more pages than the actual feedback thread.
  9. I think I posted here before but I'll repost; Shadeknight Dusk Chameleon Hexstone/Legionbreaker Shadowscythe Destiny Guardian Hopebringer Dr. Warlocke Reporting in. o7
  10. Yeah, I'm sure this won't go anywhere. I tried, I failed. It happens.
  11. I don't like that unique names go out the window. Also, the game works entirely different code-wise than CO. The're two very different beasts.
  12. This would require taking an axe, scalpel, and jackhammer to the game and even then that wouldn't be enough. I also don't agree with the Champions way in terms of unique names. I think the naming policy / activity policy is better.
  13. I've realized that in retrospect. I forgot people are persistent. Or easily confused.
  14. Bingo. Not really trolling, to be fair. I'm not going at this to get an emotional rise. Well. Frick.
  15. I should say that I'm not remotely 100% serious. I posted this knowing full well that it makes no sense whatsoever. Nor would anyone in their right mind actually agree to doing it. I just loathe a lot of these armchair/couch lounger ideas. But I don't want to individually go be an asshole in each individual thread posting how this is why I wish for total nuclear meltdown of the planet. My better hope would be that the GM team/devs would be more active in here to shoot down what's near to impossible, but that in itself is a stretch. A singular thread for this would be great. Combine all the actual possible ideas (power changes, number changes, QOL stuff) into one mega thread. Easy.
  16. I jranger your jranger. Thus creating a black hole. Checkmate.
  17. This is my vague way of saying that this forum was a mistake because 98% of these people don't understand that the game doesn't allow what they want/doesn't work that way. The 2% are balance/number changes or reworking how a power works OR QOL stuff. which are more feasible. So a seasonal purge drains the swamp that is any feedback & suggestions forum.
  18. Please. It'd allow fresh ideas to spring forth and y'know, hopefully people stop posting some really wild fever dream ideas for game suggestions.
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