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Everything posted by Oklahoman

  1. After leading 3 unsuccessful Triple Threat badge attempts in a row yesterday evening, someone on the league said "they really need to make this badge easier to get!" So, here I am, speaking on their behalf. You can do literally everything right and still fail to get this badge because of the random regen ticks. I feel like sometimes they are just waiting for me to give the kill order before regenning. Honestly, there is an element of luck to this badge that just doesn't sit right with me. Suggestions I've heard are either a longer period for all the AVs to fall, or removing the possibility of a regen tick if the AV has 5% or less health. I personally think it might be interesting for the IDF to drop a limited number of temp powers (like in a LAM) you can use on the AVs to neutralize their regen ability for X number of seconds. That could be fun if there were, say, 10 temps that dropped in the IDF phase but you may have to pass them between teams quickly in the AV phase.
  2. I think it was a Hami I ran over the weekend where when I invited someone they somehow kicked team 6, leaving them as the only team member of team 6. They were not locked like I see with AE, but I couldn't add anyone to team 6 or move them. Worse, I couldn't kick them, either. It was really strange. They voluntarily dropped, I brought the original team 6 back, and then I was able to invite them to the league with no issue. I chalked it up as just a weird glitch from 20 years of spaghetti code, but your post makes me wonder if something else isn't afoot. (I used "afoot" just because you are in the UK, btw.)
  3. I'm all for stuff about the game being explained inside the game.
  4. I wonder if it can't because it could be abused using this trick? Basically, you could create a macro that sends influence to your global, then give that macro to random people and tell them that if they click it they will get a temporary buff.
  5. OP is referring to INSTANCED MSRs, not zoned ones.
  6. Some might say El Nino is never relevant when looking for teammates. Also, what is League Mode? Search could use some touching up. Does anyone search based on Origin?
  7. I get it. I do farm from time to time (more as a mindless activity when I need it), but I rarely invite others. I feel like an MSR is a horrible thing to do for rewards, anyway. There are a lot of easier ways to earn more rewards in less time. So, for me, the main thing an MSR has to offer is XP, which is directly appealing to lower level characters. I figure these people would be sitting in AE doing nothing anyway, so it's better (in my mind) if they come do nothing in an MSR and maybe take part in the community banter that flies around there. I haven't run an MSR in a while, but when I did it never stressed me to have Level 1's in the group. We were almost certainly not going to fail, and the only variable was the amount of vMerits we would get. If I can do that and, along the way, a new person becomes more engaged with the game and the community, I figure that's a win. But I also don't oppose RWZ having a level 35 requirement to enter, along with the instanced MSR. But then I would want to see a lower level equivalent for the reasons I mentioned above.
  8. I used to run MSRs pretty regularly, and I attempted to do the occasional instanced one, as well, because there were requests for it. I stopped because they weren't nearly as popular as the zoned ones (longer recruiting time), and all too often when you'd go to start you'd get an error message that someone doesn't have the Member of Vanguard badge. So, everyone was way-past-ready to go, but now you have to stop and deal with this. It was too much of a hassle for me. I'm not sure why others aren't running instanced.
  9. On one of my characters I monitor damage bonus. I noticed this weekend that the display for the monitored power seemed to disappear after the LAM cutscene, but may (or may not) return after exiting the trial. It didn't seem consistent. Anyone else have this happen?
  10. I've said before that these are the people who arrive in iTrials (sometimes at +3 somehow) and don't know how to pass the league star, don't know how to use the map, don't know how to give an item to someone else without using the trade window, aren't sure what of their attacks are AoE or have KB, etc. "How to do I get to Ouro?" is a legit question I have received from a 50+3.
  11. I can't support a new feature that would be closed on Sundays and federal holidays.
  12. I like it. No objection. Also, would like to have a new permission added that makes it accessible to everyone (even non-supergroup members). Need a penny, take a penny. Absolutely, and if we still need to place the waypoint banners near the teleporter, give us an invisible option so we can easily place them on the floor or something. Also, automatically alphabetize the locations on the teleporter.
  13. Yep. We had a good exchange utilizing Google Translate. 🙂 But, even with a language barrier, I would hope someone would understand "DO NOT USE [Pacification Grenade]!" I probably need to change that bind to "league DO NOT USE [Pacification Grenade]$$league NE PAS UTILISER [Grenade de Pacification]$$league NE UZU [Pacifigan Grenadon]$$league dunwI' DaSaHbe'chugh"
  14. You can do absolutely everything right in a Triple Threat run and still miss out because of the random regen tick. I don't think I've really seen someone intentionally cause us to fail. More often than not they just aren't reading chat, or they don't realize they have a damaging aura up. Had a LAM badge run fail the other day because, as it turns out, one of the participants doesn't speak English and had no clue what I was saying.
  15. Very helpful when people do that. As a leader, if you want, get their global before they leave (as @tidge suggested above) and then obsessively do /i @global or /li @global to reinvite them with whatever character they log back on with. You can hit enter, then the up arrow, to do that command a few times and maybe catch them before they have to send you a message at all. Also, if you are alting, I ain't waiting more than a couple minutes. Hurry it up, we're burnin' daylight.
  16. Talking to myself here again, but just sharing this also happens in MAG runs when other players pass their quills to me, so probably a uniform behavior for all temps like this at this point. For the character I lead LAM badge runs with, I ran /macro * "" several times to fill in all the open power slots in my trays so that these temps didn't fall into those.
  17. I've been fighting this too since the update. Also, I really need a /windowscale for every single window in the game at this point. I know there is a list of many of the window names, but not all of them.
  18. Yes, but only with one very select group of people where we coordinate the leading of Hami raids. Other than that, I hate Discord with the white hot passion of a thousand suns.
  19. Because I like biting off more than I can chew with my defender. Have it work like Envenomed Dagger where you can buy several charges.
  20. Honestly, I wish Dark Servant had some sense of personal space, but I guess it makes sense it doesn't. He's just all up in my grill.
  21. I've suggested before that we need an ignore command with a parameter that allows it to expire - /ignoretemp 24 Oklahoman - for use with people you just need a cooldown from. Like, people who have conversations in LFG, for instance. Or talk in theatres. Your suggestion could be used for something like that, too, so I shall enjoy the pie with you.
  22. In terms of using /search is there a reason not to include ALL zones in the map dropdown, regardless of your alignment?
  23. I am aware of how to determine my own level shift. Going with my suggestion would reduce - potentially eliminate - those folks showing up in Ouro after I advertised for 50+2's asking "What's my level shift?" Would also be a signal a relatively alert user if they accidentally unslotted a T3 or something.
  24. The level in the circle (upper right hand corner by default) should include level shifts, and have that update when zoning. Now you don't have to go into Powers -> Combat Attributes -> Base -> Level Shift.
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