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Everything posted by Oklahoman

  1. You may find your answer in the Help Forum, and if not you may have more success posting this there.
  2. Purely accidental, I assure you.
  3. I think it would be good to start off all new characters with a "welcome package" - including an instant 50,000 inf. It's not a large enough amount to create a problem if someone tries to farm that by creating new characters, but it would be enough to get a round of training enhancements right off the bat.
  4. I hate to rush things, everyone, but I think we're already overdue to start another thread on this same topic. Can we wrap this one up?
  5. My opinion is that you may want to use the forum search feature a bit more. This has been discussed ad nauseum in this forum, most recently in this thread.
  6. Did anyone else feel that? Like... a shift of some kind?
  7. I don't disagree with you @Krimson on almost all of that. Yes, LFG is a valid place to post that you are looking for a farm, or advertising a farm. And I have no problem with people farming if that's fun for them. I often say that we don't know for sure if this game will be here tomorrow - we're operating in the gray here. So, if farming is fun for you, go for it. Are you saying that the people wanting to join a farm might use a farming channel, but the people leading a farm might not? I can't really speak to that. I have a couple farmers on other accounts that I rarely need to use, and I usually do not advertise or accept others into those farms. But, when I do, I prioritize people posting in broadcast/local over LFG because I know they are here and ready to go. Once I'm in the farm, if I have an opening and any inclination to try to fill it, I do look at LFG. Personally, if a farming channel existed then in those cases I would look to the farming channel second rather than LFG, then LFG as my third option. But everyone would do their own thing, of course. I get that. A dedicated, hard coded (like general and help) farming channel has been proposed by others before and shot down, probably for much the same reason. What I'd love to see even more would be the ability to have some filters on our tabs, so you could set up an LFG tab but then -#BAF and -#DFB to exclude lines, and maybe +#farm or +#MAG to highlight lines. But I doubt anything like that will ever happen, plus someone will come along soon and tell us all why that's a bad idea, anyway.
  8. I guess I don't see a problem with improving the functionality later, if the feature proves useful. As it is, I know I've accidentally sold MANY orange salvages for 5,000 inf over the course of an ohnosecond, just hitting the sell button as fast as possible. If I'm thinking straight I tend to sell those on AH first, then go "cash out."
  9. That's the rub. So long as posting to LFG is effective, that's going to be everyone's go-to. I'm just saying that IF someone set up such a channel and IF we promoted that to farmers, it could potentially be a lot more efficient for everyone. But we'd also have to be willing, as a community, to see someone post to LFG that they are looking for a farm and then send them an invite for the farm channel - politely - suggesting they may have more success there. But, yeah, if people are having more success getting on farms by posting to LFG than to this theoretical farming channel, people will stop using the farming channel. We'd have to decide as a community that we want to encourage use of the farming channel. Were I to use such a channel, I would probably have it on its own tab, as you suggest, and only look at it when I am looking to farm. Much like I have LFG on its own tab and only look at it when I am looking for something to join. But that's just me.
  10. In my experience, there's no reason to post to LFG more than once a minute, with the exception of a final "Full, thanks!" message. Perhaps you would fill your team or league a little faster with multiple requests to LFG, but that's not been my experience or my observation, and I suspect even if it were true the difference would be negligible. As for AE farm requests, I think it would be wonderful if someone started a channel for that and we normalized sending channel invites for that in an attempt to move that traffic off LFG. I am absolutely not against farming, but it seems like a big enough portion of our population is into farming that it might be more effective for it to have its own channel. I don't care to run or participate on that channel, so I won't be the one starting it.
  11. Personally, I'd love to see it. 3 button clicks and I am "cashed out"? Sounds wonderful.
  12. Even in an instanced MSR, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the league leader would appreciate the ability to promote someone to a team leader position. But, you are correct - in a zone MSR you do have to worry about the star falling to a non-50, but not in the instanced version.
  13. I agree. This happens with MSRs, as well, where the team leader D/Cs and the new team leader has no clue how to pass their star to someone else. Likely, they don't even know how to tell who is 50 on their team. To expand a bit further, I wish the league leader were included, and could communicate on, any given team channel in the league. Well said, couldn't agree more.
  14. I am collecting influence to build a War Wall around Croatoa, and I need your support TODAY! Can I put you down for 1 million inf? Wait, did I misread the thread title?
  15. Does it feel to anyone else like we have a community of players, and a community of devs, and they overlap just a bit but not completely?
  16. I'm feeling a lot of what you are saying. I said once before I feel like from a development standpoint we are still operating as if this is a retail game.
  17. If we're getting a group together to buy Zip disks in bulk, count me in. I had fun explaining to a group the other day that the predecessor to the internet was SneakerNet.
  18. I can see that. Personally, I only ask for stuff to be posted in Broadcast for MSRs and Hamis (if I ever run one again) for the reasons outlined in that link, but I also understand other leaders may have different thoughts on the matter. If someone had "MSR" as a keyword and tried to respond with this tool, I wouldn't respond, honestly. All other times it would be fine, though. But, yeah, I imagine the code could try to guess how best to respond. The code could look for the other keywords you suggest and then change it from a tell to a broadcast based on what it finds. You'd have to prioritize somehow for posts like "DFB - send me a tell or holler in broadcast" - perhaps the first option mentioned in the ad? You'd have a hiccup with some ads like "DFB looking for stellar people, BROADCAST ONLY!" The sound could be changed to other audio files rather than a beep, and even customize that by keyword so a BAF plays "Tiny Bubbles" while an MoDD might play "Enter Sandman." If there's interest, and perhaps something noticeably north of zero downloads, I could probably give some examples. Hopefully the young folk with all their computerizing skills will do it for me, though.
  19. Decided to try this in real time. If you have dual monitor capabilities, you can have the powershell running on one monitor while you play on the other (see pic). I decided to change the code on my end slightly - I changed the output on line 62 to act more as an alert, rather than just telling me what just got placed on my clipboard. I inserted line 63 after that to make a beep, too, so if I was playing and something popped up I wanted to join I'd have both an audio and visual alert.
  20. There's that threat again. Are you under the impression that being ignored by you is going to somehow impact my life, at all?
  21. This is a Powershell script you might run in the background while you are playing the game. It will monitor your log file for keywords (such as "DFB" or "Posi") and when found will create the text for a tell and place it on your clipboard. In game, theoretically, when you see someone advertise a DFB (one of the keywords you've defined in line 28), you can quickly hit ENTER to start a new message, Control V to paste from your clipboard, and then ENTER again to send the message. This would allow you to quickly respond to new postings by sending a tell directly to the organizer. Note that the script doesn't differentiate between "I am forming a DFB" and "I would like to join a DFB" - so long as the keyword is found in a new LFG post, the clipboard will be populated. Also, since log files are for 1 day only, if you play across midnight you will want to close and restart this for the new day. Here's the script if you prefer to look at it that way: DISCLAIMER: I am not a coder (obviously) but I was at one time until I took an arrow to the knee. I dabble now, and I am confident any half-skilled coder could do a much better job with this, even creating something that doesn't require Powershell. Please share if you do! COH AutoResponse.ps1
  22. Here's something you can try. I modified another script I wrote for this and it seems to work, but it also throws out some ugly errors that don't impact it's operation. You would leave this running in powershell while you play, and anytime any of they keywords you input on line 28 of the code show up in LFG it will put on your clipboard a response. In game, when you see one of those keywords pop up - say "DFB" - you would hit ENTER to start a message, Control+V to paste the message from the clipboard, and ENTER again to send it. There are wrinkles to this - if someone posts an ad for a "Posi" and before you can respond someone else posts to LFG "I'll join that Posi" - you could end up responding to the second person, not the first. In other words, the code can't distinguish between "I'm forming a Posi" and "I want to join a Posi" and will create a response either way. Use at your own risk. UPDATE: Updated and removed attachment and placed it here instead:
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