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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. How about a weekly discussion topic on bug fix prioritization? There are a number of bugs out there and it might be good to get the reaction of the community to try and prioritize. Obviously, the Hail of Bullets bug is the most critical. 🙂
  2. Croax, That build is a thing of beauty. You soft-capped S/L/F/C/E/N and have capped resists for S/L. This is definitely much better than my build, so thank you! I was thinking it was going to be painful to have to rely on Shadow Meld for defense...
  3. I was looking at my build in Mids and it seemed off. I went in game and it was way off. This is one of my first characters that I took to 50 and I basically parked it and never finished the incarnates. I have a bunch of 50s and am now going back to these characters to play through the DA arcs and finish the incarnates. After looking at the build I would probably update it to the following build. I think this new build will likely provide some flexibility in incarnate selection. The endurance issues may not be as bad with the additional End/Rech IO in my defense toggles, so I may have the flexibility to take Rebirth for the healing instead of Ageless for End. I was also able to boost S/L resist to 50+, so this build should be very survivable. Once I get Blessing of Tielekku my positional defenses will all be 50+. I'm looking forward to playing through the incarnates. I will alternate this guy with my Stj/Inv stalker I am leveling, so should be a good comparison. Build:
  4. Thank you! That helps a ton!
  5. I tried to model my Stj/SR by looking at your build and trying to copy it, but I'm sure I missed some stuff and changed some stuff for my preference. Here is the build I use: Hide adds 1.88% defense in combat, so Range is soft-capped.
  6. I am working towards the build in the spoiler. I haven't played Invulnerability before, so not sure how well it will perform. I saw another thread where someone said you could could get soft-cap defense and cap resistances. I can soft-cap defense using Shadow Meld and have capped S/L, but this build is an endurance hog at 31. Ageless will sort that out and will help with the recharge on Hasten and Shadow Meld. I'm not sure whether to use Dull Pain as a proactive going into battle power (which is how I plan to use Shadow Meld) or as a reactive I took damage now use DP. Any thoughts? Any feedback is appreciated. Numbers do not include the 1.88% defense from Hide as I have it detoggled. I'm not sure how to get the numbers to show only in combat numbers, so I leave stealth powers with defense off and add it in my head. I also expect to get Bless of Tielekku for an additional 2.12% defense when I start incarnating, so that will push E/N to 40% defense.
  7. Crysis is right. On pretty much all my Blaster build I shoot for 45% defense to S/L/R which requires me to go with Scorpion Shield. I generally justify it with the "going undercover" logic.
  8. This thread got me playing my A/TA character to try and finish incarnates. The end drain was pretty bad on my previous build in longer combat scenarios and in order to keep the build I would likely need to replace Clarion with Ageless. I decided to update the build to keep soft-cap S/L/R, but reduce the end drain. I replaced Tactics and Assault with Glue Arrow and Super Jump. I'm actually liking one slot Glue Arrow, but would love to have enough slots to proc it out. I have a Res dsebuff proc in it now, but may replace it with the Knockdown proc. Not sure which is better right now. I also may have over invested in endurance, so will see how this build plays and may adjust further to reclaim a slot or two. I looked at replacing Fistful of Arrow with Explosive Arrow, but the recharge looked to high to me, so I stuck with FoA. Updated Build:
  9. I feel your pain, I have to make these adjustments too...
  10. My OCD requires me to attune even procs because they don't look right...
  11. When you guys talk about runs do you mean 1 mission of Briggs or all 5?
  12. Depends on character, but generally: Defense (M/R/A or S/L/R) Resistance - Smashing Experience to next level Influence Stealth (PVE)
  13. I like capes, but I often get the Jet Pack as my flight power and capes don't look great with the Jet Pack, so I often opt out of a cape.
  14. I had a post earlier where I priced out a high end DP/EM build, which came to ~$665M at buy-it-NAO prices. That build included the set IOs, the catalysts, and the boosters. I believe if I tried to replicate this build and took my time I could easily shave off $100M+. If I converted along the way it would probably be cheaper. Here is a tip for that I do. I'm sure others do it, but not sure I have seen it written up. I'll put in low bids for attuned IOs that will convert to a rare. I want attuned IOs instead of just using a recipe drop because I like using attuned IOs for lower level content and I don't want to have to pay for a catalyst. A good example is a Kinetic Combat will convert to a Force Feedback or Sudden Acceleration. I'll use 2 converters to convert to a Force Feedback or Sudden Acceleration and then 1 converter to convert to another rare. If I get lucky and get a rare Defense IO I will set it aside to eventually convert to a LoTG IO. If I get something I can use in the future I put it in storage. Say you buy 10 attuned IOs for $1.5M inf and then spent 30 converters converting (30 converters X $75K = 2.25M) for a total value of 3.75M for 10 IOs that can be used. You now have 10 IOs you can use for future characters and can cut your costs significantly. I don't even usually assign converters a value because I use them to convert stuff and I rarely sell converters unless I am a lowbie trying to build an inf stake. I can earn 12 reward merits in 10 minutes with Smoke and Mirrors, so I can use those 36 merits to convert the 10 IOs to whatever I want, so my sunk cost is $1.5M inf and 10 minutes. If I don't get what I want or can use I'll just run another Smoke and Mirrors.
  15. I am finally coming back to this thread after incarnating a few of my other characters. I am working towards the build below, but I expect it will change significantly as I play more. I am only level 28 right now and I feel squishy and damage doesn't seem great, so make me think I am playing it wrong. I'm playing it like my AR/Dev or BR/Dev blasters and find that getting mezzed sucks. As a blaster I can use my T1 and T2 powers, so being mezzed isn't an issue. Here I don't have that luxury. Endurance has been an issue as well. I'm sure I will figure it out in time. Build Building for S/L/R soft-cap Recharge
  16. I'm still trying to figure out why people are spending a billion Inf on builds. I consider my builds high end and none of them have come close to a billion. I tend to use the 2 AT sets, usually a couple of winter or purple sets, and the core procs and other IOs like LoTG. Many of the cheaper sets are better than some of the high end sets (depending on your build goals).
  17. Just seeing this thread. If you are still looking for a build I have put mine in the spoiler below:
  18. I kind of answered this earlier in the thread, but the short answer was: A good farmer with an optimized build will outpace me easily and will make about $1M/minute or $60M/hour I am a poor to average farmer and was making 24M Inf/hour. I could buy a purple or winter IO every hour The doom and gloom is way overstated.
  19. I don't understand why anyone would feel they need to market. Any IO you need you can buy directly with merits. Don't want to earn inf through the market? Go run content that rewards merits and exchange those merits for IOs. Sometimes I don't feel like marketing to get cash to buy something, so I'll spend 100 merits for the IO. I can always make more merits...
  20. I have recently been revisiting my AR/Dev Blaster to finish the incarnates. I still have 2 incarnates at T3, but hope to have them T4 by the end of the week. One change I made was to use the Experimentation pool. Since Field Operative gives stealth, I did not need the stealth I would usually want from SS. This allows me to select Adrenal Booster, which is nice, since these sets do not have Build Up. I followed my general build guidelines for Blasters: Soft-cap Range Soft-cap S/L Slot for damage, recharge, accuracy This build soft-caps S/L/E/R and is about 42% on Negative, so is pretty sturdy. I have been running Ephram Shah missions in DA at +4/8 with some success. I have been defeated a couple of times, but in general can clear these missions if I play smart. Only thing I don't like about this build is the lack of slots. I ended up taking the leadership pool because I had so few slots. I may end up dropping it and taking combat jumping, since I haven't used Vengeance or Victory Rush yet. Mid's Recommended Chain: Burst --> Toxic Web Grenade --> Burst --> Slug --> Burst --> Toxic Web Grenade --> Burst --> Slug --> Burst --> Toxic Web Grenade --> Burst --> Slug --> Burst --> Toxic Web Grenade Estimated DPS:132.9484 Estimated EPS: 2.868746 I don't know how good that chain is TBH. On single targets I usually just do Burst --> Slug --> Snipe --> repeat. If I remember I try to start off with Smoke Grenade. In a crowd I will Trip Mine and then Full Auto and then maybe M30 and Flamethrower. Here is the power stat chart for my build. Never even knew this was in Mids, so thanks for showing it. Seems like Flamethrower is better than I thought and I should use it more. My Build:
  21. I ended up not doing this testing, because I got sidetracked in trying to get some of 50s that are not T4 up to T4. I am still interested in seeing the outcome, but it is less of a priority. oldskool, These are the builds I am using. I checked against the characters on Live for accuracy. Both have soft-capped defenses to certain areas. I think you are right on Trip Mine. Maybe a better test would be with my DP/NT blaster? He is soft-capped to S/L/E/N/R, so is pretty sturdy as well. I was assuming he meant the notoriety levels of getting to +4/X8. Here are the in game builds I was using. 2 Glocks (DP/Devices) Soft-cap to S/L/E/R Gunfighter (DP/Ninjitsu) Soft-cap to M/R/AoE
  22. Another suggestion for Vet Level Rewards: IO storage vault in the bank at a certain level and increase the amount of storage over time At VL 100 access 10 IO slots for storage At VL 200 access 20 IO slots for storage Recipe storage Additional salvage slots
  23. It might depend on your secondary. I usually take a defense secondary, so don't really need Shadow Meld. That being said, I generally take it as a reactive panic button. However, I am looking at Bio or resistance secondaries and thinking I could soft-cap defenses with Shadow Meld as a proactive defensive power.
  24. I took it and respecced out of it. You have to click FM and then Aid Self to get the benefit, which is to much clicking in combat. I would like it to: Be auto Remove all interrupts from aid other and aid self Give the endurance buff to aid other and aid self Should be able to slot endurance and heal IOs to increase the heal / end in aid other and aid self Increase endurance by 5% enhanceable Okay, this might make it to good, but we are dreaming, right?
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