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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. I don't know that I can build a brand new set. What I would like to see are more options within existing sets. For example, I would like a branching option of being able to pick between different powers at Tier 1, 2, etc. Examples: Blaster: Ninja Training Tier 1 is Immobilizing Dart I would prefer to have the option to take Shuriken or have an alternate animation like Shuriken. Blaster: Devices Tier 8 is Time Bomb I would prefer to have the option to take Fragmentation Grenade Tier 9 is Gun Drone I would prefer to have the option to take a Grenade or Seeker Drones Obviously keep these powers with the similar stats, but give the option to add some differences.
  2. I have started yet another alt (MA/Ninjitsu Stalker) and I have decided to try something a bit different for me. I am planning to add a Disorient proc to Boxing, Air Superiority, Cobra Strike, and Eagles Claw. I would use Boxing and Air Superiority to try and stack the proc. I took Boxing and Air Superiority to open up other powers, so only single slotting them with the proc. Anyone have any experience with proccing disorient? I'm not really expecting much, but thought it would be an interesting experiment. Can you disorient AVs with these procs?
  3. Why? I am curious... Don't think I have ever seen this recommendation before.
  4. They should probably take it out and replace it with Immobilizing Dart or something. I'm also curious what animation would be used for Flying Strike (maybe Savage Leap). Here are the charts for these 2 power pools in case people haven't seen it. Utility Belt: The following table shows the level at which each power is available: Power Level Effect Bolas 4 Ranged, Foe Immobilize, Knockdown Poisoned Dagger 4 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe Light DoT(Toxic), -DMG Freerunning 4 Toggle: Self, +Jump, +Run Speed, +Special Flying Strike 14 Charge (Targeted AoE), High DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown Life Support System 14 Self, +HP, +Heal Over Time, +Special Gadgetry: The following table shows the level at which each power is available: Power Level Effect Nano Net 4 Ranged, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Fly, -Regen Blaster Drone 4 Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -Regen Jetpack 4 Toggle: Self Fly, (Special) Drone Barrage 14 Ranged Cone, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -Regen Force Barrier 14 Self, +Absorb Both of these would fit many of my concept characters and I would love to see them in game. I hope Freerunning will stack with Ninja Run; that would be killer. I'm not a fan of Bolas though, They don't seem like a fit for many concepts. It would be nice if they were able to have alternate animations for it like a dagger, dart, shuriken, web grenade, etc.
  5. How about tiering the secondaries?
  6. Lockpick

    DP/Dark Anyone?

    Going slow. I play a pretty odd way because I play about 4 to 5 different characters during the course of my play time. I usually have 2 level 50s that I am trying to get to T4 incarnates and I run Hami raids for EMPs and then run DA content with them each day. Then I will have 2 or 3 characters I play during the week to try to level, but I like to let patrol XP gather on them, so I only play every fewd days or so. I'll probably get back to this guy over the weekend. I think I am 20 now, so my next step is usually to get in Posi 1 and 2 and Penny Yin TFs.
  7. Thanks all, I was curious because I have Blaster character where my build is over soft-cap for R/S/L/E and N is at at 44.71%. I can get it to 45% by boosting my LotG IOs to +5, but I generally like to leave them attuned. Was debating how much value it really adds. Probably not worth boosting, since it would likely really mess me up from an OCD standpoint.
  8. Soft-cap is 45%, but if I have 44.78% am I considered at soft-cap? What about 44.5%? Just wondering if I need the full 45% or does the system round up to make 44.5% the equivalent of 45%.
  9. Very nice, I am definitely going to do this, thank you!
  10. Lockpick

    DP/Dark Anyone?

    Usually I would agree that Range is likely enough, but this build requires closer range to use Soul Drain, Dark Consumption, and Midnight Grasp, so S/L will probably be important.
  11. Lockpick

    DP/Dark Anyone?

    I ended up changing the build a bit. Updated Build: Up to level 17 and like the way it is playing. I made some changes as I was leveling to get better KB protection early. Soul Drain takes forever to recharge at these levels, so I might end up rebuilding again to take it later. At these levels I am playing default 1/1 notoriety, so only hitting 2 mobs max every 100 seconds for 5% ToHit and 20% Damage. Probably not worth it at these levels. Lelvel 17 Build: It is always a personal prefereance thing. Honestly, all of my Blasters go Scorpion Shield because I have found the combination of soft-cap R/S/L to be very survivable and you don't have to pick another power to get to it. While I am alwys going for R/S/L I usually also get E/N close or over soft-cap as well, so the builds are very survivable. I am usually pushing into ED on damage on all the attcks, so don't usually need more damage from the Epic. On another note, HoB is bugged, so I am lkikely only playing this build to 32 and will wait for the fix before continuing the Journey.
  12. I am trying to add Blessing of Tielekku to the Temporary Powers window, so I can see the effect on my character build. I see that Blessing of Tielekku is in the DB editor, but not sure how to get the effects to show up on a build. Is there a way? By the way, I use this tool all the time. If there is a way to contribute a few dollars I would be happy to do so.
  13. Lockpick

    DP/Dark Anyone?

    I was just looking for info on this build. I was thinking about building a DP/Dark cause I have a new concept and thought it might be interesting. I've been playing with builds in Mid's, but was also looking if anyone has comments. I typically build for R/S/L soft-cap and you can get there with these sets, but it isn't easy. It also looks really click intensive, so not sure how it will play. I'll probably give it a shot just because of the concept. Let me know if you have been playing it and how it plays. Here is my starting build, I need more slots...
  14. I have only one defender at 50 (Time/DP) and he solos quite well. The build is from the proc monster thread and I can't remember if it is a Sir Myshkin, Bopper, or someone's build, but it works very well in solo and team play. Soft-cap defense to all via Power Boost and Farsight Capped S/L resist Recovery and healing via Temporal Mending and Chrono Shift A self buff (Soul Drain) to damage and To Hit Proc damage is great when the procs fire and have several AoE damage powers HoB is bugged right now, but is apparently fixed in Beta Anyway, a very awesome combo that I am still playing today. I have done +4/8 in DA with this build.
  15. Thanks for the info guys! I'll keep it in mind as I try out these sets. I am pretty excited to start a new blaster where I have no idea what to expect. All of my other HC blasters I had either played the primary or secondary previously, so knew what to expect. This is going to be new territory.
  16. Curious minds must know: Anyone got a build for this combo they can share? Do these sets work well together? I've created a build below, but since I know nothing about these sets I am not sure if it is any good.
  17. I don't have a build to offer, but wanted to welcome you back to CoH. I felt extremely excited last year when CoH came back, so I know how you feel! It's like riding a bike though; it comes back!
  18. Here is a build; whether it is good or not is pretty subjective. I have not played Archery/Devices, but have played DP/Devices, Beam/Devices, AR/Devices, and Archery/TA. I took a combination of those builds to make this build, but I did it pretty quickly, so I am sure there can be many improvements. I tend to go for S/L/R soft-cap, good recharge, and damage and this build hits those criteria. I hope it helps.
  19. I am from Infinity; started on Triumph and moved to Infinity. I was in a SG called Simian Defense Force while they were active, but then had my solo SG. I usually soloed and played TFs (just like now!). My characters were: Simian Stalker - Katana/Regen Scrapper. My first 50! Man, that was a slog... Lockpick - DP/EM Blaster War Shield - MA/SD Scrapper War Justice - StJ/SD Scrapper War Sword - BS/Regen Scrapper (I can't remember if he was Regen or SR) Exorcist - Ill/Rad Controller Rude Dog - MA/SR Scrapper KnightStalker - Katana/SR Scrapper Many of these guys have been recreated on Everlasting. I have way more 50s on HC than I ever did on Live. I might have had one or two maxed builds on Live where here I can max all my builds regularly.
  20. I make no claims on how good this build is as it was an earlier build. I actually pulled it out for a spin today to decide if I wanted to T4 the incarnates and tried +4/8 DA Ephram Sha missions and got wrecked, so it could use an update.
  21. It's my fault. Pretty much all my Blasters take Scorpion Shield as I try to soft-cap Range and S/L.
  22. Ok, I just created a character named Kickman and was shocked the name was available. My challenge is what AT to play. I am planning MA/SR as I had one on Live, but not sure whether to make this character a Tanker (never played one to 50), Scrapper, or Stalker. I've been playing more Stalkers on HC, but I am intrigued by the changes to Tanker. Where does MA/SR perform best nowadays?
  23. Here is a build for one of the first characters I created. He is in Pratoria hanging out. I don't think I have gotten him past 12 at this point. One day I will go back. All that being said to say: This build was created last year when the game first came back, so it can certainly be improved I would get rid of the Medicine pool The is theoretical since I haven't played it It is a starting point
  24. I saw the Lore pet thread where Banished Pantheon reign supreme, but I am curious if there has been any analysis on Lore pets and specific ATs, specifically Stalkers. I am incarnating my Stj/SR while also leveling a Stj/Inv. I usually just take Radial and take Robotic Drones for my normal type characters. With SR it doesn't seem like the Shield Drone Essence helps, but it might help my /Inv. I don't see one that grants Resist for SR, so maybe healing is best although I have that covered by Rebirth. Maybe Damage from Seers. So confusing.... Any thoughts?
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