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Everything posted by Lockpick

  1. interesting topic. I usually take Return to Battle. It sound like Renewal of Light might be the better choice. Isn't the recharge on these powers the same?
  2. I would say defense, recharge, and recovery are the key attributes to boost. You will get damage from slotting your attacks. On Blasters I typically try to soft-cap either Ranged or S/L defense and in most instances have been able to soft-cap both. I then build for recharge to lower Hasten and I will look for opportunities to add in recovery. In some instances I may try to build for resistance, but not very often.
  3. How does this work exactly? Do you get the mission as a hero, set it as active, enter / exit mission, change alignment to villain, enter and finish mission? Or do you need to clear part of the mission as a hero and part as a villain?
  4. The build looks very strong to me. You have all the core powers from Illusion and Time and your defenses and S/L resistances are soft-capped. It looks like it can be effective in teams and solo. You may want to consider a +BU proc in tactics and I might switch out the Sleep IOs in Blind, but those are the only things I can think of. It looks good enough I might give it a try.
  5. Here is a no fly pool version of the build. This has Combat Jumping instead of Hover and gives some flexibility on the build. At level 41+ you can take any powers you want, but you only have 4 slots to leverage. This can give you one power with 5 slots and the rest with 1 slot or you can mix and match. I have 5 slot Caltops in this version, but might go with Gun Drone or Piercing Beam if I were to make this build.
  6. I meant to reply to this some time ago. I have been playing my DP/MC to try and get all tier 4 incarnates (mission accomplished!) and I ended up using the chain you suggested (Executioner's Shot -> Pistols -> Dual Wield -> Pistols) and it works extremely well as a single target chain. When Hasten is active I think I can occasionally skip the second Pistols, but cannot remember for sure.
  7. I posted my build with commentary earlier in the link below. I provided some commentary so people could get an idea of why I chose what I did. My builds are not uber by any means. This version is a Hover blaster, which may not be for everyone. I never thought I would play one, but it was surprisingly fun. I am not sure if my build changed between the post I made and the final build. The below build was my latest build in Mids, so should be my final build. I have Field Operative unselected, so when it is on you will get a minor bump to defense. Beam / Devices Build
  8. My Beam / Devices Blaster has 45%+ Range/Smashing/Lethal/Energy/Negative defenses, so a Blaster can be built with very strong defense. My DP/Ninjitsu Sentinel was one of my first characters and could survive very well, but when you can get this level of defense on a Blaster I am not sure that there is a reason to play Sentinel. I would be happy to be convinced, but at this point I have shelved all Sentinel characters until there is an update to the class.
  9. I guess I see what your saying. For me I usually have 2 attack chains (single target and AoE) and those are the core powers I use. Others are pretty situational and may or may not be used often.
  10. I think many characters have many powers that can be used. I have been able to manage it by buying a MMO mouse and MMO keyboard that have extra keys keys. My set-up, which I use on every character is as follows: Tray 1 is all my travel powers and click powers that are not attacks (build up, heals, stamina recovery, Hasten, etc.). I align these powers to my MMO Keyboard (keys M1 through M10). Tray 2 is all my secondary attack powers. For Blasters this will usually be 3 to 5 powers plus my Incarnate attack power aligned to my MMO Mouse (I can assign powers from 1 to 10, but only usually go to 5 or 6 because it is harder to reach keys 7 through 10) Tray 3 is my primary powers and operate with the normal 1 through 10 number keys. I generally place the powers in order of my attack chain -or- I place the powers as single target attacks, then place my AoE attacks, and finally my Mez attacks. Tray 4 is my quick travel powers and buff powers like Mutation and Mystic Fortune. I just click these with my mouse. Tray 5 is my resurrect powers, teleport (TT, ATT) powers, and powers like the invention table and reveal. I just click these with my mouse. Tray 6 is my toggle powers. I just click these on / off with my mouse when needed. Tray 7 is my pet powers. I just click these with my mouse. Tray 8 is my temp powers or other powers like Void Skiff. I just click these with my mouse. This works for me because many of the powers overlap with characters, so I am able to use the same set-up for everyone. I use the following: Razer Anansi MMO Gaming Keyboard Razer Naga Chroma - Ergonomic RGB MMO Gaming Mouse
  11. That seems to be the best option, I just find the mechanic weird. Are there any other powers where you get some type of enhancement when you turn the power off? Just seems strange to me...
  12. What do you do now, since you have hit the magical 666?
  13. Ditto. I enjoyed SWTOR for what it was, but my heart was always with CoH. When I found out it was back I dropped SWTOR like a bad habit.
  14. It doesn't seem to work each time it is turned off, so there is probably some delay. The micromanagement is to painful to deal with, half the time I run without it on at all and only turn it on when I realize my endurance is low.
  15. I wrote a post about Martial Combat vs. Ninja Tools and I bashed Reaction Time a bit when comparing it to Kuji-Toh and I declared Kuji-Toh the winner between the 2 powers. I am no longer sure if that is the case. In my write up on Reaction Time I wrote, "I am not a fan of the slow aura in Reaction Time as it aggros enemies, which is a pain when trying to stealth missions. I do like the Absorb and the Recovery of this power, which is why I have the power rated 2 (or 5). I love it in combat, but don't like it when traveling or try to stealth. I also am not a fan of the effects when turning the power off. Why would you get effects when you turn it off? Very hokey IMO. I expect there must be some way to leverage the 40% Recharge in Reaction Time, but I haven't found it as yet. If someone has some experience or thoughts in leveraging Reaction Time to boost things like Hasten, I would definitely be interested in the feedback." Since that post I have gone back to my DP/MC character. I still dislike the aggro and think the turn off mechanism is hokey, but I have been experimenting with turning the power on when I enter a mission and turning it off. I might do this a couple of time in a mission while watching Hasten recharge numbers. It looks like Hasten recharge is being lowered by 7 to 8 seconds on occasion when I turn this power off and a bit later Hasten's recharge is increased. I wanted to ask the number crunchers here (Bopper, et al) about the optimal slotting for this power and whether there is any guidance on how to use this power to help push perma-Hasten. Questions: How often would I need it to hit to be effective in getting perma-Hasten? How much recharge can I expect to get from this power based on the Recharge Guide formulas? How valuable is the absorb component and should it be slotted for Heal? (Right now I have it 2 slotted with Performance Shifter + End and End Mod) What is the optimal slotting to get best benefits? In Game Description and Numbers: You attune yourself to the world around you, moving with preternatural speed. All enemies nearby move slowly and have reduced recharge, and you can absorb small amounts of damage every 2 seconds. When Reaction Time is deactivated, you gain a burst of speed for a short duration, increasing your own recharge and move speed. +70.00%% run speed on self Ignores buffs and enhancements +70.00%% fly speed on self Ignores buffs and enhancements +70.00%% jump speed on self Ignores buffs and enhancements +40.00%% strength to recharge on self Ignores buffs and enhancements +70.00%% strength to jump height on self Ignores buffs and enhancements 3.50 max run speed on self Ignores buffs and enhancements 60.24 max absorption on self unresistable +71.20%% recovery rate on self unresistable Link to thread.
  16. No, my alt-itis caught up with me and I have moved on to a DP/NT and gone back to my DP/MC.
  17. We use to do iTrial formations in DA on Everlasting, but for whatever reason it has moved back to Ouro. I prefer DA myself for the street sweeping you mentioned.
  18. What is this Cosmic platform you speak of?
  19. It is an auto temp power. How do you delete? I tried to right click on it and see if I had the option to delete and there were no options for delete.
  20. I hate to bump, but doing it anyway in case someone has an answer. If not, I guess I'll wait for it to run out on one of my characters and then try the arc again.
  21. I have this one: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01798WKTY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It is older and the price has tripled. The newer model is: https://smile.amazon.com/Razer-Naga-Trinity-Gaming-Mouse/dp/B0788MCRGC/ref=dp_ob_title_ce I also have the Razer keyboard (bought in 2012 and still going strong). https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H1R6JQ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Between these two items I have 24 programmable keys for CoH. My powers in tray 1 map to the keyboard, powers in tray 2 to the mouse, and powers in tray 3 to 1 through 10. Quite helpful! Edit: I saw the comments from others about the Razers Nagas, but I have not had any issues. I bought 2 keyboard and 2 mouses (mice?) in 2012 because I had one for home and one for work and both sets are still going strong.
  22. The Dream Doctor story arc gives a choice at the end of the final mission of a temporary power. You can choose either Blessing of Tielekku or both Aura of Mot and Magical Burst. My question is if you do the story arc through Oro do you get the temp power again? It looks like Blessing of Tielekku gives 2% defense, so if I could get this power every time it expires by running the arc it would enable me to adjust my builds. Anyone know if you can get this power after the original grant? https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Dream_Doctor#Finale:_The_World.27s_Final_Gambit Edit: The link shows Blessing of Tielekku gives 2.81% defense, but I just got the power and it shows 2% in game. Updated the percentage from 2.81% to 2%.
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