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Which is mostly just a pressing concern when exemping down with +4s.
I can be pretty awful.
I've branched out to the Dominator forums, but they have people recommending Kismets on sets with -Def, so I'm a little wary on exactly how knowledgeable those guys are.
They added a few new IO sets. Only one has a damage proc, and it's for Targeted AOEs. So if you were running a ability that was 1 proc short of being a proc monster, it's there now.
Yeah, if you have a few abilities with the proc you could technically just have the 100% recharge running indefinitely. Which is why I was testing on an Energy Sent. So yeah, it does not stack, it does refresh. Boost Up stacks, it does not refresh.
Also with Force Feedback +Recharge Force Feedback +Recharge does not stack. Build Up stacks though. Confirmed. Real bitch to pull off with an 11.59% * 11.59% (1.3427%) chance to pull off though. I feel like it was a given that it stacks because you can have the buff up, then hit Aim with Gaussian's and have it activate as well and the buff is the same name in Combat Attributes (Boost Up), but it can be done. The practical use of this is absolutely nothing because even on a super fast recharging ability like Flares where you could theoretically (a stellar 0.4225% chance to occur) take advantage of the double proc, the chance to happen is so low that it may as well not be considered.
Check my spreadsheet post. All the data for patron pools is in there.
I have randomly cloned a sheet and injected a different blast using ATs numbers and their inherents into it yes, but not a full on sheet for other ATs.
Primary Powerset: Radiation Blast Med-High * Single-Target Damage, High * Area of Effect (AoE) Damage (1 Cone, 1 Targeted, 2 PBAoE), Low * Control (1 knockback), High * Debuff Potential Radiation Blast is fun set stacked high with defense debuffs. Literally every attack lowers your target's defense. That's its gimmick. The bonus on this is the fact that you can fit Achilles' Heel into every attack and also lower your target's resistance a bit. Not encouraged because it doesn't stack, but you can if you want. In one post I described the set as lumbering because its abilities are all relatively slow to activate and hit hard, but the key abilities also have a fairly short recharge time. So unlike fire, an active secondary isn't a damage killer. Beginner's Overview So yeah, still not leveling characters the traditional way. End game, your attack cycle involves your level 18 attack. Obviously this is a problem for a leveling character. What are you going to do, operate on 2 single targets, a PBAE and a cone until you get your last single target ability online? Prolly not. For one it's endurance heavy, for two it's a waste of multi-target abilities. So I'd start out with all the basic single target abilities, then respec later to drop one of the first two. The one you choose to keep is up to you, but X-Ray Beam is the higher lower DPA of the two. If lazer beam eyes doesn't fit your theme, that's probably for the best. And obviously by the time you're speccing out of one of those two the attributed inherent bonus attached to them is a non-point. Another consideration is that since all of your abilities lower your targets defense, and some of your abilities are running over a 100% accuracy modifier, you won't be hurting for accuracy or To Hit. Slotting Basic Slotting If you choose to go with X-Ray Beam, it has a 1.1x multiplier, whereas Neutrino Bolt has 1x. Cosmic Burst also has a 1x multiplier. Everything else is 1.1+. What this means is that you won't be hard pressed for accuracy enhancements while leveling. Just uhh, just don't open with Neutrino Bolt or Cosmic Burst. Once your defense debuffs are applied, go to town. If you have a secondary thirsty for enhancement slots, well this is your lucky day. You can 5 slot your attacks with 3 damage, 1 recharge and 1 endurance reduction. Or 6 slot and throw in a second recharge and ignore your poor secondary. Advanced Slotting In addition to the basic enhancement sets, Radiation Blast also has access to defense debuff and accurate defense debuff sets. This means you get 2 more damage procs and the -20% resistance debuff on every attack. This doesn't open any major doors in regards to turning your abilities into a bunch of proc monsters, but it can diversify your damage types if you feel so inclined. Don't get me wrong, adding in two more damage procs makes your Targeted AOE abilities have a total of 6 procs available. And 3 of your 4 AOE's are Targeted, so your AOE damage potential is fairly high. • Neutrino Bolt - The higher DPA of your two starter abilities. There are several avenues to take with slotting. You can just mule the WIO set here for your typed defense needs. You can put Ward here to sate your melee defense needs. You can do what I did and 3 slot Ward here and grab the 10% range boost twice from this set, and grab a third 10% boost out of Opportunity Strikes elsewhere. If you take the 5-slot route, tack an Achilles Heel on the end for adequate 23% proc chance/4% average up time on the damage boost. Tack a damage proc on there instead if you want. It's less DPS over the long run, but it's your call. If you take the 3-slot Ward route, you can take the 2-slot bonus From Gladiator's Javelin with Achilles on the end, or do another 3-slot bonus from one of the other damage sets. • X-Ray Beam - Not your highest DPA ability, but if you want lazer beam eyes/fists, then I guess take this. You will suffer a minor decline in damage output. Use Neutrino Bolt slotting if you take this instead. • Irradiate - Fast casting, large radius PBAE. 5 damage proc options available with a 90% proc chance. Proc monster status active. However, the ability to spread the -20% res debuff to 10 targets will be a greater boon over all once again, but half of a pack of mobs will be minions that would probably fall over pretty quickly anyway. On top of that, sustained AOE DPS isn't really a pressing thing to consider, is it? 5-slotting the WIO set for positional defense is an option, putting the other half of the Ward 3-slot 10% range bonus here is another option. As a PBAE, it's competing with your T9 for the Armageddon set, and the T9 will benefit from its use more than this power does. So feel free to get that thought out of your head. One consideration is which -Res proc to place here if you chose to do so. You can use Achilles Heel or Fury of the Gladiator, with Fury being a unique, and this ability having a vastly faster recharge than Atomic Blast. I suppose it doesn't really matter. 20% is 20%. I guess it could be 40% in one ability. However you cut it, this is an ability that has wiggle room if you're not dying for positional defense. • Cosmic Burst - Part 2 in your 3 power attack chain. You can try to proc out the power with the 4 available (and rob the Apocalypse set), or you can run with sets. The fun part about end game ranged damage sets is that we're fairly limited on good ones. You have the WIO that's good for typed defenses, you have Apocalypse, and you have the 2 ATO sets. You can argue that you also have Thunderstrike, Devastation and the PvP set, but the first two don't exactly have stellar set bonuses, and the PvP set is also fairly lackluster outside of PvP. Thunderstrike is alright if you're desperate for ranged defense. The WIO is just a mule set. Its numbers are the standard of a +5 level 50 set when attuned, but its proc doesn't promote damage, and its bonuses are more for defense. Generally if you're chasing the set bonuses, you're probably going to want the 6 slot. So that is taken out of the running for hard hitters. So now it's down to the ATOs and Apocalypse. Opportunity Strikes promotes damage and has epic level bonuses. 5-slot it and you can even put a damage proc in there. Ward is more a defensive set, epic level though the bonuses may be. You can argue that accuracy and recharge are for offense, but a 6-slot recharge is a tall order and you don't really need accuracy with this kit. So choose between frankenslotting, Apocalypse, or Opportunity Strikes. • Electron Haze - Another 6 target cone with a fairly narrow 30° arc. Your second "skip it" option if you will. You already have 2 PBAEs and a TAOE, so adding this cone could be considered overkill. It's competing with Neutron Bomb for the Ragnarok set but the WIO is good for aoe defense, or 6-slotting for a total 7.5% F/C defense. Otherwise put Positron's in there. Or frankenslot it for for procs. In a single target rotation this is only viable if you put Annihilation in there to grab the nearly 90% change to trigger the debuff. Otherwise the activation time is too long to have it completely replace one of your primary single target abilities. • Proton Stream - Part 3 of your single target rotation. Same spiel as with Cosmic Burst. Choose between frankenslotting, Apocalypse, or Opportunity Strikes. Also the best place to put Decimation - Build Up if you aren't taking the Dominate path. • Neutron Bomb - Better than taking Electron haze, even though it has a fairly small radius of 15. Same slotting advice though; WIO, Ragnarok or Positron's. Positron's will be more damage because its proc isn't just a knockdown, but the epic will get you 10% recharge? Also the only place to put Annihilation's -res proc if you skipped Electron Haze, which will stack with Achilles and Fury of the Gladiator. • Atomic Blast - The big PBAE. Now, I said the Armageddon set is better served here than in Irradiate, and it is, but you don't necessarily need to slot it here. You can frankenslot this happily and everything will have a 90% proc chance. So if you want the 10% recharge, have at. Otherwise frankenslot it. Skippable Powers • X-Ray Beam – Low DPS option. • Electron Haze – I hate cones. There are plenty of aoe powers in this set. Rotations Your single target rotation will depend on which of the two starters you picked. Proton Steam -> Neutron Bolt -> Cosmic Burst -> Neutron Bolt If you took Neutron Bolt, you can run this if you get Proton Stream down to 4.62s. 160% recharge requirement. Not extremely steep. Proton Steam -> Electron Haze -> Cosmic Burst -> Neutron Bolt If you took Electron Haze, frankenslotted it, and included Annihilation, the debuff will provide a nominal increase in damage, even in a single target scenario. The catch with this rotation is getting Electron Haze's recharge down to 5.28s, 203.4% recharge. Proton Stream -> Cosmic Burst -> X-Ray Beam This rotation is dependent upon bringing Proton Stream's cooldown below 4.09 seconds. That's 193.8% total recharge between enhancements and global. Depending on which set you have slotted, you should have 74% and 100% recharge from enhancements. Unless you frankenslotted. Then you probably have 0% and you need 193.8% purely from global. Which is a tall order since you skipped 10% from slotting the epic set in this and probably other places. Proton Steam -> X-Ray Beam -> Cosmic Burst -> X-Ray Beam This is what you get to use when you're running lopsided levels of recharge. X-Ray Beam will need to be below 2.24s, which is a lofty 260% combined recharge. Proton Stream will only need 102.4%. Ancillary/Patron Pools: Look at my Fire Blast write-up. Going with Dominate is going to up your recharge requirements to bring it down to a usable recharge level. The whole point in using it is to stack every proc imaginable in it. I guess you can put a DMG/RCH piece in from a set or just a pure IO RCH to get some of that recharge, which is an option with all the -DEF this set provides, otherwise it's all global which means your other attacks are going to be toting sets instead of also being procced out. Your call. Complementary Choices What I can say is that Invulnerability isn't especially good for pairing synergisticly because its perk is a 10% To Hit buff. You don't need To Hit. But Invuln is a very set-and-forget secondary that doesn't interrupt your primary, which I appreciate. Looks-wise, I like the way Dark Armor has a vaguely radiation appearance when it's recolored. Given the fairly high recharge requirements to get the high DPS rotation, one of the 20% recharge sets like Radiation, Electric, Super Reflexes or Energy Aura maybe be in order. Especially if you're shooting for proc heavy builds. Other than that, same as Fire Blast, grab a secondary that boosts your damage output such as Bio, Radiation, or Fiery Aura. Incarnate Abilities As long as you aren't hurting for recharge you can grab Musculature. If you're inexplicably running a low global recharge set, getting Spiritual could shore you up a bit, but it's the lower DPS option. On top of that, your Alpha counts as "enhancement" recharge, so it also lowers your proc chance. I guess I'm saying that sacrificing recharge to chase proc monsters will hurt you in the long run. Square your recharge needs away then chase procs. Hybrid Assault is your go to. Whether you go for Core or Radial depends on what kind of damage boosts you plan to be around. For solo play, Core Radial will provide a better damage boost than Radial Core. If my DPS spreadsheet is even half right, the Radial will always be the better choice. That's assuming an average up time of maintaining 4 stacks of Core throughout its duration. This is because of the inherently low damage of the AT. Adding % damage to already low base damage numbers isn't quite as good as the damage from a 6PPM proc. Your secondary will dictate your Destiny slot. If you have an endurance/toggle heavy secondary you can grab Ageless and shore up your recovery while also giving yourself a nice global recharge bonus. If you find your secondary isn’t pulling its weight, you can take Barrier. Otherwise take whatever you want. But yeah, Ageless. Realistically your build should be solid before you go trying to patch holes with your incarnates, but if there was an Incarnate to use for patching, it's your Destiny slot. Grab an interface that does a damage proc. Grab the Radial. It will always deal more damage. The -regen proc from Diamagnetic technically counts towards your dps output, but many monsters have regen debuff resistance, making it not a super good option. So feel free to skip that slap in the face. Otherwise Degenerative or Reactive are your theoretical maximums. Other than that, your Lore choices are just whatever you’re feeling or theme-ing towards. Or just do what everyone else does and get Banished Pantheon Radial or Longbow.
%Damage boost does not increase the damage bonus. -%Res does.
I dunno, I'm kind of partial to the set-and-forget nature of Invuln. Short of having to click your heal on a rare occasion, you can just focus on your blasting. Unless you took Unstoppable for some reason. The only real qualm I have is the Psi-hole, but that mostly just stops me form soloing Countess Crey. With Energy Aura you will frequently find yourself mashing your heal because it doubles as a endurance discount. Thankfully it has a fairly fast cast time. Otherwise it's kind of the reverse of Invuln in that it gives you fairly high typed defenses and moderate resists versus high resists and moderate defense. I can't really speak on Regen or Willpower, but there is a write-up on each in the stickied thread at the top. My only qualm with Radiation blast is that it feels kind of lumbering. You have a 3 ability rotation because your abilities have fairly short recharges and fairly long cast times. But if you were looking at Energy blast, so does it. So there's that. At least Radiation doesn't have knockback.
Primary Powerset: Fire Blast High* Single-Target Damage, High* Area of Effect (AoE) Damage (1 Cone, 1 Targeted, 1 Location, 1 PBAoE), Low* Control (Blazing Blast has an irremovable knockback, that counts), Zero * Debuff Potential (unless you count DOT ticks) Fire Blast is the no frills attached attack set. The only set capable of pulling higher single target damage is Sonic Blast because of its -res debuffing ability. Despite that fact I have a heavier leaning towards Fire Blast because of its rapid fire attack chain. Your three primary attacks all boast a 1 second activation time and your gap has a 1.67s activation. It feels like you’re dishing out constant punishment because you are. The drawback is that this set loses potency if you’re running an active secondary. Mashing heals and and endurance recoveries and absorb shields and status protection abilities will slow down your output. Beginner's Overview I’m going to come clean and say that at this point I just power-level my characters with a second account. I can’t really speak to the leveling experience of Fire Blast. What I can say is that your primary 3 attacks; Flares, Fire Ball and Blaze, come online in rapid succession. Flares is your first pick, its DPA is just leaps and bounds beyond Fire Blast. Fire Blast is the one power you will never miss. Will you miss your Defensive Opportunity? Probably not. End game it’s so negligible it may as well not really be there at all. I don’t know who needs to hear it, but you always get the 20% resistance debuff, Offensive and Defensive Opportunity either add a minor energy damage proc or the minor heal. Fire Blast is all about damage anyway. With only the 1 option you now just have to worry about activating the effect on a viable target rather than fret over one minor effect or the other. Overall the set is easy to play. You don’t have to worry about positioning for knockbacks (much), there are no holds or debuffs to spread, just pain. Slotting Basic Slotting The bread and butter attacks in the set all have a 1x multiplier. What that means is that whatever the base hit chance is for the level of any given mob is will be your base hit chance against it. +3 mobs start at 48%, and +4 mobs start at 39%. Even level mobs have a 75% hit chance. How much accuracy you need will depend on what level of mobs you’re working against. If you’re doing +4 radio missions in PI, you’re going to need at least a Kismet and 2 SO level (33%) accuracy enhancements to raise your hit chance into the 80% range. Without Kismet you’re going to need 3 SOs. It may sound like slotting for damage over accuracy is the way to go, but if you’re not hitting anything you’re not doing damage. Go for a slotting of 2 Acc, 2 Dmg, 1 Rch and 1 End on your 3 primary attacks. Blazing Blast has a 1.2x multiplier, so you can get away with 1 Acc and putting the second one into Dmg for a total of 3, but putting 2 Acc will yield more damage. This is taking into account that Sentinels add a 3.75% defense debuff to their primary target. On the AoE side of things, Fire Breath, which you may or may not decide to take is running a 1.2x multiplier, Rain of Fire is 2x, and Inferno is running 1.4x. Rain of Fire needs no accuracy enhancements. Fire Breath will want 2 Acc and inferno will want 1. This is because AoE abilities do not trigger the defense debuff on all targets hit by AoEs. Regardless, I really can’t emphasize enough how much more important it is to actually hit your target versus hitting your target hard when you do manage to hit it. Also, a single slot dedicated to a Kismet is better than losing 6 to Accuracy enhancements. Advanced Slotting Being that Fire Blast is a no frills set, there isn’t a ton of proc options available to the set. Additionally, with the super fast activation times and relatively low recharge on most of your abilities you won’t be seeing the highest percent in proc chances either. The limited proc options give you a better vehicle to 5-6 slot IO sets at least. When slotting the epic sets, choose either the DMG/RCH or ACC/RCH. If you’re exempting down frequently against +4s, grab the ACC/RCH, otherwise you will have enough global accuracy to get the DMG/RCH without issue. • Flares - Fastest recharging ability and a 1 second activation. Do not slot anything with a potent proc in this ability, your 3.5 PPM proc will have a 23.2% base chance to activate. Decimation will have a 6.63% chance. Not worth it. This is where I will usually mule the Winter IO set, depending on the secondary I’m running. Sets like SR and Ninjitsu with their positional defenses may not be as keen on getting 2.5% to ranged and AoE out of that set for 6 slots. Resistance and Typed defense sets will love the 5% to E/N/F/C. For positional defense sets, Sentinel’s Ward is the better option because the proc is 5 PPM (22.36% after slotting) and gives 5% to melee defense. You will literally be using this ability every other cast, you’ll see some procs. • Fire Blast - I can’t fathom why anyone would take this. Treat it like Flares if you took it I guess. Or skip it and take a pool power instead. • Fire Ball - Despite being an aoe ability, it actually stands up as a single target ability better than Blazing Blast. The fact that it hits 9 additional targets is just pure gravy. This is your second bread (biscuit?) and gravy attack. Like the rest of the set, it isn’t swimming in proc options, just the standard Targeted AoE procs. It’s probably the better place to put Annihilation’s -Res proc if you have a spare slot for it. Either Ragnarok, an ATO, or a Winter IO are your primary options. Or Positron’s. Slotting Rag here will be a DPS loss versus slotting one of the ATOs here. Or a Winter IO. Just don’t put Rag here. Even 5 slotting Positron here is higher DPS than Rag. Forget that I mentioned Ragnarok. That knockdown proc is no boon. So even if you’re chasing recharge, go with Positron over Ragnarok. If you’re chasing defense, go with an ATO or a WIO. • Blaze - Your hardest hitting single target attack. Given its importance I would probably just stick with 5 slotting Apocalypse and tacking Gladiator’s Javelin Toxic proc on the end. Unless you’re hard up for another 5% Psionic defense. Feel free to add enhancement boosters to this power first. You could also sub in Decimation - Build Up here, it has a 2% lower proc rate here than in Blazing Blast, but you will also use this ability twice as much. • Aim - Just the Gaussian Build Up proc is sufficient in this power. Depending on how much Global recharge you have, adding a level 50 recharge IO will provide a nominal damage increase. • Fire Breath - Ah, the “should I take it or skip it” power. It has a longish activation of 2.67s, it only hits 6 targets, and it’s a cone. I chose to skip it. Also, it fights with Fire Ball for the Targeted AoE sets. Yeah sure, Positron’s isn’t awful, but I’d like it more if it gave E//N resists instead of F/C. For typed defense the Winter IO set is kinda wonky with a 7.5% F/C defense 6 slot, for positional the 5 slot is a nice and rounded 5%. So skip it or don’t. You won’t be hurting either way. • Blazing Blast - If you’re one of those people that swears by going into Psionic Mastery and taking Dominate, this is your power to do that with. If, however, you don’t have the spare power slots to do that, this is your filler in your Blaze – Flares – Fire Ball – Flares chain. Fitting one of these in place of Flares will yield a DPS increase, but it simply can’t replace the damage of Blaze or Fire Ball. If you want you can slot Apocalypse here, but it’s technically a lower DPS option compared to slotting that in Blaze. You’re better served slotting one of the ATOs here. Since you’re limited to Ranged and ATO sets your pickin’s are kinda slim. • Rain of Fire - The other other ability vying for a Targeted AoE set. Given its high target cap of 30, Ragnarok is okay to have here, but I’m fairly sure it only procs the one time over the duration. The rest of the time the mobs are fleeing to get out of the rain. Be sure to pair this up with an AoE root from one of the pools if you can spare it. • Inferno - Your PBAE. It’s not in any direct competition for sets unless you grab one of the PBAEs out of one of the epic pools (or Ground Zero from Radiation Armor). This is also your only chance to slot Fury of the Gladiator’s -Res proc, and it’s at a maxed out 90% chance. Once again, if you’re thirsty for more Psi/Toxic resistance for some reason, go for it. I’m not your boss. If you want to slot the WIO in for 5% melee defense, that is also an option. Grabbing the 6 slot for 5% F/C is a questionable choice if you wanted the positional defense. By this point you should have 30% global accuracy, so throwing in a single accuracy or Hami-O will be sufficient to max the accuracy for this power. So forgoing the other 15% accuracy and 10% recharge for the epic set and stacking all available procs into this power instead is another option. And it’s definitely cheaper. Skippable Powers • Fire Blast – It’s just so bad. • Fire Breath – Being a cone with a low target cap is doing it no favors. Being in competition for one of the 2 ATOs, the 1 Epic set and the 1 WIO is helping its cause even less. • Blazing Blast – Controversial choice. The only viable option to replace this is a proc’d out Dominate. So if you’re a Dominate fan, here’s your time to shine. In fact Dominate is so good that choosing it and forgoing Assault out of Leadership is the better option. Rotations There are a few rotation options, depending on the amount of recharge you’re running. DPA Priority Blaze, Blazing Blast, Fire Ball. Just prioritize your abilities in that order. Lowest recharge requirements. Just toss Flares around liberally between every attack and you should always be doing something. Fire Ball -> Flares -> Blaze -> Flares -> Blazing Blast -> Flares -> A viable rotation for anyone that can get Fire Ball’s cooldown to 6.6s. Not an especially stringent requirement, but also not an exceptionally high DPS rotation. Fire Ball -> Flares -> Blaze -> Blazing Blast -> Flares -> Reduce Fire Ball to 5.41s and you’ve reached the pinnacle of what you can call a “rotation.” The only step you can go further is to reduce the cooldown of Blaze down below 2.38 seconds, which is somewhere around 314% recharge (total of enhanced + global) and not theoretically possible without Ageless Incarnate. In the end you can just go with priority rotation and you’ll be fine. The idea of a “rotation” is kind of loose here. Ancillary/Patron Pools: As I stated, if you want to lose Blazing Blast and sub in Dominate it will generally be a DPS increase, even if the cost is losing that succulent 10.5% damage increase in Assault. Depending on the power slot demands of your secondary you may be able to have both anyway. This is also the place to put your Decimation - Build Up proc if you went this route. If you want to stretch your claws into even more AoE prowess, you have a few dominant options leaving room for whatever fits the vision of your character. The highest DPA options are Dark, Ice and Ninja Tools, of which Dark has the largest radius at 15 meters, Ice sharply drops down to 10 and Ninja is 8. As they go down in radius, they go up in damage though, so that’s nice. Obviously simply dumping some damage set into these extremely long recharging abilities is woefully inadequate. These have room for plenty of procs, so slot them out to be the proc monsters they were meant to be. Other than that, grab whatever fits your vision. Complementary Choices Well this is a tough one. With 2-3 potentially skippable powers, you can get away with grabbing a power hungry secondary like Radiation and still have room for a vast swath of pool and epic powers. But bear in mind that if you do this, you will be limiting yourself on where you can place your ATOs and snag their utility (range boost particularly) and defense bonuses. Really you can just take whatever you want, but as Fire Blast is a no frills damage dealing set, I’d look towards one of the secondaries that will enhance this further such as Bio, Radiation, or Ninjitsu. Or Fire if you want the bare minimum in increase for no real gain. Incarnate Abilities Your Alpha will slightly depend on your secondary, but let’s face it, you came to Fire Blast to do damage. Grab your Musculature Core and never look back. Hybrid Assault is your go to. Whether you go for Core or Radial depends on what kind of damage boosts you plan to be around. For solo play, Core will provide a better damage boost than Radial, but in group play where you may have the most minor of chances of reaching the damage cap, Radial will have its chance to shine. Your secondary will dictate your Destiny slot. If you have an endurance/toggle heavy secondary you can grab Ageless and shore up your recovery while also giving yourself a nice global recharge bonus. If you find your secondary isn’t pulling its weight, you can take Barrier. Otherwise take whatever you want. But yeah, Ageless. Grab an interface that does a damage proc. Grab the Radial. It will always deal more damage. The -regen proc from Diamagnetic technically counts towards your dps output, but it adds a 0.06% regen debuff that is so inconsequential it’s insulting. So feel free to skip that slap in the face. Otherwise Degenerative or Reactive are your theoretical maximums. Other than that, your Lore choices are just whatever you’re feeling or themeing towards. Or just do what everyone else does and get Banished Pantheon Radial or Longbow.
New version up, check notes in main post for changes.
Well it could be something like Stalkers Assassin abilities when it just takes up an entire ability slot, but that just seems copy-paste to me. With regards to how it's used, I don't even care what one I use. I either take the T1 or the T2 with no regard to which opportunity I'm getting out of it. Whichever one yields the best dps results is the one I take. Either ability is invariably going to be part of your attack chain.
People shouldn't have to run certain combinations to make the AT somewhat viable. I wouldn't call the AT imbalanced, I'd call it underbalanced, like they grossly overestimated the viability of the inherent's -res boost. I get that it applies to the entire league instead of just 1 team, but even just Assault out of Leadership gives 10.5% at the lowest end. Granting 20% when it goes active isn't quite enough either given the recharge time involved for its activation. If you look at all the "viable" combinations, most all over them involve using Bio or one of the other secondaries with a damage boost baked in. Given that the AT was envisioned as a damage dealing class like scrappers and Stalkers, I think that EVERY secondary should have some variation of a damage boost, whether it be like Meltdown with it's relatively long recharge, or just a toggle like Molten Embrace. This is in addition to bringing their damage to a 1.0 scale like the other damage ATs.
You are correct, I haven't put AreaMod in my spreadsheet. Fixing the proc 7 proc cells across 13 sets/8 abilities + the now added epic pools is a daunting task.
It has baseline 50.7% proc chance on a 4.5PPM and a 39.45% chance on a 3.5PPM, with 4 damaging procs available, only one of which is an epic. Calling it a proc "monster" is a stretch by just about any measurement.
No, he's right. it has a base of 31.86 unenhanced damage from details window. It's mildly compensated by a 16 target cap instead of 10, but it has the same baseline enhancements of all PBAEs and a middle-of-the-road cast time of 1.97s, but a very fast recharge of 20s. Every other PBAE in the Sent pool is running 36+.
Alright, so after fiddling with the Assault Radial calcs and playing with the damage done portion of that in the archery pool, the equation basically works out to: =(0.8 * (MIN(MAX(Base_Recharge, 0), 20)) + 1.8) * 0. 2 * 2.64 Short of some outliers, this holds true for every power. Same goes for Bio Armor's Toxic Damage with a damage of 13.21 instead of 2.64. Rain of Arrows (expected) is the only outlier on ME. Fistfull of Arrows and RoA are the outliers on the Bio Toxin. FoA does 7.41 instead of the expected 8.22.
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So yeah, what Oldskool said. Take the rack and stack with a grain of salt. However, I do have an Epic'd out Electric/Energy Sent, but I never transfered it's sets into the sheet. Doing that, setting it to just Energy Aura (20% recharge bonus only) puts it to more of a middling set at 930 dps with incarnates. Not awful, just not ...Water/Bio aoe numbers. If anyone is curious I'm actively adding in Epic pools with a drop down option for each one that accounts for all the fun stuff automatically. It works great for the hero epic setup of TAOE/CONE->ST->ST->T/PAOE-> some other thing as the 5th. Adding in Patrons is going to throw things for a whirl since they only loosely follow that scheme. Really it's just Mu Mastery that's ruining everything. I also currently have no desire on working out the dps of a patron pet. Maybe someone else already did.
How about this one. Make the Opportunity ability trigger a X% crit chance for its duration, scrap the 20% resistance and bonus damage. Or scale the bonus damage to basically be a crit. Depending on the damage amount or crit %, it may or may not apply to the rest of the group.