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Everything posted by Blackbird71

  1. Bookmark this thread, then paste the link in chat any time someone in MSR tells you to turn off your stealth.
  2. Opinions vary, but I shelved my favorite character over it.
  3. Prior to i27, I would have said Archery/Tactical Arrow. It was an incredibly fun combo to play, involving some of the most strategic play I've found in this game.
  4. In the game, click "Menu" and go to "Options." The first section on the "General" tab is "Team Options;" go to the third item in this section, "Prompt Team Teleport." If you Enable this, you will not automatically teleport when a team member tries to TP you; instead you get a short duration prompt to accept or decline the teleport.
  5. I'll just say that there's a word for people who can't separate fiction from reality and leave it at that.
  6. The exception I'll make is actually PI radios. They're not any better than radios anywhere else, but I still find them preferable to most of the contact missions in PI - endless strings of "go through the portal to this alternate dimension with an open world map where you can fly around and click all the glowies and be done in under 10 minutes but get very little XP" are far more boring than radios.
  7. No, you see, that was his foregone conclusion; he arrived at it before ever making the poll. The poll was just an attempt to have an opportunity to push that conclusion on everyone else, including the HC devs.
  8. Very much this! Even the higher population servers have times of day when it's quiet and nearly impossible to form a team. That's not people being rude and avoiding you; that's just the fact that there aren't many online, and those who are have other activities they have chosen to do. The problem with the OP is that you're automatically assuming people not joining your teams = people are "rude and abusive." You're assuming bad intent when there are plenty of other reasonable and logical explanations for what is regular (and neither rude nor abusive) behavior. People have real lives outside of the game. It is not uncommon at all for players to jump in the game, but only have a half hour or hour to play before something else demands their attention, so they'll jump into a radio PUG for a mission or two, then drop. That's not rude; that's normal. So unless you're advertising your groups as "join for 2 hours minimum of radios, no drops!" (which I've never seen done, but at least it would be up front), you're setting unrealistic expectations, and if you do that then you will always be disappointed. To the OP, if I can be quite frank, if you're going to enjoy this or any other game that requires interaction with other players, you're going to need to adjust your attitude and your expectations.
  9. OK, then maybe try the costume discussion channel of the HC Discord. Bottom line, it's a very subjective question, and your own opinion is going to be a big factor in any answer anyone gives you, so no, it's not an easy question, and you're not going to get a direct answer.
  10. What about your unknown knowns? You know, the stuff you know, but that you don't know that you know? It's just for the power it is slotted in (but you can slot it in multiple holds; it's not unique). As with any proc, it has a chance of triggering, so won't work every time; as stated in the wiki article I linked, it will go off about 2.5 times per minute, so approximately once every 24 seconds. Personally I find it very helpful.
  11. I've had this happen sometimes if the game crashes out in a weird way, and the character I was on will be missing. Quitting and restarting the client fixes it. If the GMs have a problem with your character, it will typically get "genericed" rather than deleted (i.e., the name set to GenericHero#XXXX, and/or the appearance set to some random look).
  12. LOL, got you covered there as well: http://www.shenanigunner.com/
  13. Deja vu all over again. Archetypes - Homecoming (homecomingservers.com)
  14. I'm no expert, but I'm not aware of any way to reduce any enemy's hold resistance. All you can really do is apply more Mag to your holds. By increasing your recharge bonus, you can reapply holds and such more often, and get more stacking that way. Also, the Lockdown +2 Mag IO is helpful: Lockdown: Chance for +2 Mag Hold - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki (cityofheroes.dev)
  15. It's more accurate to say that *some* effects stack. For example, take Tactical Arrow's Ice Arrow and ESD Arrow powers (as of i27 page 1), which include both stacking and non-stacking components: Ice Arrow Range reduced from 80ft to 60ft to be in line with other Blaster Manipulation ST mez powers Recharge increased from 12s to 16s Hold changed from Mag 3, Scale 12 to: Mag 2, Scale 10 (non stacking) Mag 1, Scale 6 (stacking) ESD Arrow Hold now only applies to robots Hold changed from Mag 3, Scale 8 to: Mag 2, Scale 8 (non stacking) Mag 1, Scale 5 (stacking) Added Stun against all foes (does not override the robot hold): Mag 2, Scale 8 (non stacking) Mag 1, Scale 5 (stacking) Now accepts Stun enhancements and sets
  16. These are all actually still available here: http://www.cityofheroes.ca/media-and-downloads/comic-archive/
  17. My own definitions: "Playing the game" - any activity which involves the use of a character's powers to defeat enemies I say this as someone who spends a majority of my time in-game not "playing the game," as I am often involved in RP, messing around in the character creator, socializing, etc. All those are perfectly viable activities, but I do not consider them "playing the game," or more specifically, "playing CoH." I most definitely do not consider working on builds, etc. to be "playing the game." That is all the unpleasant but necessary work I must do in order to enable me to "play the game."
  18. Maybe; as I said before, we don't have all the details (the part of my initial post you seem to keep leaving out of your quotations). Aracknight's account of what happened makes no mention that being afk had anything to do with the accusation of dual boxing, so you're making an unverified assumption. I'm only going off of the available information, which is that Aracknight "was told that [he] and another player were using the same IP." Again, no mention whether his (potentially brief) afk was a factor at all; from this statement, it appears that the incident was based solely on the player having the same IP as another (which was later found to be an error).
  19. How is that the same as being "on follow with a single attack on auto"?
  20. From the example given, it doesn't sound like that was the case - merely being on the same IP address was enough to get a GM response. Granted, we don't have all the details, but that's the appearance based on the available information.
  21. Also, what about Rogues and Vigilantes? So it's a Troll Poll? 😜
  22. I have my own way of grouping my characters, but I do something similar, usually leaving at least one blank page between groups (sometimes two or three if it's a group I know I'm likely to add a lot of alts to. Planning ahead and leaving empty space is a great way to make things easier to organize going forward. Just one I'm aware of. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_SR-71_Blackbird
  23. There is a general Archetype parent forum containing all the individual AT subforums; general stuff like this can be posted there (scroll past the list of AT subforums to find the postings). As to your question, how to slot these is going to depend greatly on the rest of your build, and there is no simple "one size fits all" answer. That may not seem very helpful, but trying to slot powers in a vacuum is not going to help your build.
  24. As an altaholic myself, I understand your pain. Here's the solution I've used: Go into your CoH installation directory. There should be a folder in there with the same name as your user name; open that. Inside should be a text document named "playerslot.txt"; open this. This file is what the game uses to sort your characters in the select screen; each line is formatted as follows: "username" "shard" "character name" "slot number" By changing the slot number, you can change where the character will appear in your list. Note that the order of names is not important; only the number. However, sorting the names could make it easier for you to keep track of where characters are. I suggest opening the file in Excel or a similar spreadsheet editor, which should put all the text in a single column, one line per row; then you can sort the column alphabetically. Then, save the file (as a text document; don't convert it to a spreadsheet format). Now you can reopen it in a text editor, and change all the numbers to match the alphabetical listing.
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