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Everything posted by quixoteprog

  1. If I understand it correctly you are advocating a nerf with a corresponding buff to "balance it out" the other change. The problem as I see it so far is (and I think someone pointed out already) that you are no nerfing resistance (or rather just the cap on resistance) and not defense whereas not all brute damage mitigation is based upon resistance. Meaning those sets that never reach the cap and depend somewhat or completely on some other mitigation type, like defense or regeneration, would get straight up buffed. I don't know enough about how the sets compare really, but unless super reflexes, willpower and regeneration are currently not that good compared to resistance sets like invulnerability you will be making those sets better by comparison.
  2. I see stuff like this all the time, not this extreme but WIDE fluctuations in the price of some items. I think it has to do with the AH charging you a commission of something like 10% of the asking price when you post an item. Posting an item for 10,000,000 will therefore cost you 1,000,000 just to put it up for sale. If you post it for 10 inf., though, and the lowest bid out there is 10,000,000 then your item will sell for 10,000,000 and you pay a commission of 1 inf. If, however, the lowest bid is 1,000,000 then you get 1,000,000. I suppose this leads some idiots out there to post things for low prices (like 10) hoping to slip through paying the commission of 1 inf. for a 10,000,000 item. The problem is that if someone with an ounce of patients decides to post a bid for that same item for 10 and they just wait long enough they get a 10,000,000 influence item for 10.
  3. It would be fine to make Detention Field a hold, but you could achieve a very similar effect if you just made it a toggle, or gave the caster of it the ability to cancel it. The current version does give a different feel to other holds, though, and it would be nice to retain that.
  4. While Ill/anything has respectable damage, although probably not the highest DPS in any combo, it will certainly be one of the safest. PA has some good damage as long as you kill things quickly, since its damage is phantom damage part of which heals back in 10 seconds. As long as you kill the stuff before that its damage is GREAT. But where it really shines is in tanking/aggro management. Once you have it perma, or even nearly so, it will lock on aggro as long as it is out. And it is totally immune to all damage and control so will not get knocked down, confused or held. Unfortunately, or rather in payment for for that (since it would be OP otherwise) it is also immune to buffing, which is one reason most people pair Ill. with Rad. to take advantage of the debuffing of the targets defense and resistance.
  5. What I personally don't understand is why people are feeding so much emotion into this. The OP is wrong, you proved that by citing game statistics. One person seems to have even went to far as to do a Pylon Test just to do so, which is way more than I would be willing to do. Why get so bent out of shape because he refuses to admit it? Like your granny would tell you, "it takes two to make an argument." Just let it go and the thread will die off.
  6. I would be fine with some link being created between characters and the forums. That could be handy, enough so that I might actually use it. I imagine something where the forums link to the games character DB so that someone can generate a page that links to a specific character on a specific server. They could update it here, and people could access it here, but not in game. Except they could maybe access the short character description in the forums and even update it to be reflected in-game. That would be OK. But I imagine adding a lot of rich text formatting and worse still pictures or other functionality to the in-game description would be a pretty heavy load on the server, if anybody used it. If nobody ever uses any feature, of course, there is not much performance cost to it at all. And chances are most people would not, but it could still be a pretty big load each time someone opened it. Especially if they could grab an in-game screenshot and upload it to the page. I don't know how often most people open another characters bio stuff (I almost never do) and so if most people are like me it would probably be no real problem if they added movies to it. But if it WERE popular, it could be a nightmare.
  7. For the last couple months I don't think there have BEEN peak times. Back in May I would log in and there would regularly be multiple instances of Atlas Park and other zones up. That has not happened for quite some time. Hopefully, once they go "legit", things will change. The population may increase once they can promote the game and expand on the current content, maybe even to the point where they are saying don't multibox during certain hours, or at all. But until then I don't know of any time when it would be a problem.
  8. It would be nice to have this apply to the Illusion Phantasm pet as well. I don't think it even HAS a melee attack but after one or two attacks it will run into melee range in almost every fight. With all the AoE attacks damaging auras it would probably die in every fight if it were not for phantom army and its own illusionary decoy. As it stands it dies way more than it should. And if these changes could not be easily ported over to non-MM pets then just have Phantasm use the same AI that Singularity uses. THAT pet rarely enters melee range at all even though it is almost indestructible.
  9. I take fly on all my toons. Especially a blaster. It means you can hover over them as they pelt you with their ranged attacks instead of pummel you with their melee attacks, which are usually a bit stronger. I can also get to places without the need to worry as much about obstacles. If I wanted to optimize I would just use Ninja run, and buy a void skiff, flying carpet or a rocket board.
  10. It also determined which enhancements you could use once you started using DOs and then SOs. And mobs of different origins are more likely to drop enhancements associated with their origin. Clockwork drop tech stuff more than other things. That was one of the reasons your starting contacts were aligned with your origins. The problem is that because you don't have all that much storage on your person, and in the beginning you did not have bases and stuff, it has always been so much easier to just sell all your stuff at a store and then buy enhancements when you levelled up every five levels that the need to do any sort of trading and thus generate an economy never materialized. I think with the creation of the IOs and sets this came about. But still is not all that compelling.
  11. Flurry gets a lot of hate, and in general I agree. And in general, yeah, it does suck. But I think it actually has a pretty low endurance cost per point of damage. And while its activation time is long it recharges pretty quick and can fit into an attack chain. So, in the rare situation where you need an extra attack, and you are starved for endurance, and just happen to have, by chance, taken Hasten, like 90% of builds do, it is not awful.
  12. Yeah, I have stealth of some sort on all the secondaries I have made. I personally do fly as well since it seems to make it easier for the AI to navigate obstacles. There is really not an issue with having them around in a mission map. It is just the pain of getting them TOO the map with all the doors you have to go through. Unless it is something worth a lot of switching windows, like getting Portal Jockey, I just don't find it to be worth the effort.
  13. I would be mildly annoyed if I knew someone else was doing this on a team I was on, but not too much. Mainly because I have tried it and it seems like it would be kind of awkward and would slow down the team. But you might have the controls down well enough that it isn't. I don't know. I have a second account myself, and don't see a problem with that. I did it because I solo a lot and thought it would be an easy way to PL a character, using a fire farmer, for reasons similar to what you describe. I envisioned having a buff/heal bot defender that I could use to accompany one of my alts on a mission. But most of the Brute and Scrapper builds I have tried already have self heals themselves, and the buffs were not worth all the overhead, what with all the zoning in this game. It was always a bit more trouble than it's worth, especially on high level content. However, I did PL an Ill./Rad. controller on the second account and now if run across a mission or story arc, like Maria Jenkins, that is full of AVs or Elite Bosses and would be doable on a blaster or some other type of controller, but a total pain in the but, I pair them up with the solo king and he breezes past the part that would require a bunch of inspirations.
  14. My problem with this, is that it is already REALLY easy to get influence. Part of what makes any game compelling to play is the difficulty to achieve goals that are inherently set by the game. You could take your question to an absurd extreme and say why not just let people start at 50? Why not give them enhancements that boost their power by 10000%? I'm not saying you are asking for that. Not in the least. Just that there is a reason you set SOME limits on how easy it is to achieve certain goals. And I am not saying that letting people start with influence is wrong or will ruin the game. But I do lean pretty heavily against it. I think the game is too easy as is. And as far as the "but you play the game the way you want to and let me play it..." argument. That is fine. Difficult of the mission can be set for different people to let them level as fast of slow or whatever. But the amount of influence in the game affects the overall economy and dumping more into the game is something that will have an effect on others. So does allowing fire farming. And while I do it, I would not be opposed to banning it. I would adjust.
  15. It is not all that hard to get going. I am all for players experiencing the early game, or "roughing" if, if you will; but once you have done that on a couple of toons you don't have to. It is really easy to go from 0-50 on a toon if you don't care about playing through the content for the umpteenth time. There are a bunch of tutorials for starting up a fire farmer and while it may take a bit longer than some of the people claim in their videos it is pretty quick. They key is in getting started for minimal money. If you don't have a lvl 50 sugar daddy you can easily make one with 10 easy steps. 1. Make a fire/Spines brute. (There are other ATs you can do it with, but this is simplest. Just take all fire defense powers and AOE powers available as they come up, The main idea is to cap your fire resistance and fire defense. The tutorials can show you how to add a tracker for these in your UI and there are threads here to give you optimized builds) 2. Run the tutorial. While there, visit the P2W vendor. Get the double XP boost, maybe a couple hours, but not the full 8. Kind of depends on how much inf you have to start with. Also, grab the 5 complimentary enhancements. These are useful until 20-30. You can also turn off any inspiration drops except orange, purple, and red here. and you may want to do that now. 3. Keep the two big inspirations you get from the tutorial. (to sell in the AH. They are worth a lot more than to spend them killing toxic thugs) 4. Once in Atlas Park, or wherever, get a couple hundred influence, either from another toon or kill a couple thugs to get an enhancement drop to sell. Whatever. You need this to pay the fee on the Auction House. 5. type "/ah" in your menu bar to bring up the Auction house. Sell the two inspirations. You should net about 50K but this can vary widely. You can now buy a full set of training enhancements, if you want. Probably just wait. But I usually do because they are cheap. 6. Run a couple DFBs while you have the double XP. This should get you to lvl 10-15 and make 7. However long you do DFB runs, once you have 10 insp. slots you can go to the Architect mission building. There is an NPC that sells insp right next to the mission room. Buy 5 purple and 5 orange inspirations. Don't take them yet. All buffs seem to get wiped away whenever you enter or leave an AE mission. 8. Look up a fire farm mission (Big Dog is fun but there are a lot) set your mission difficulty to -1/x4-8-no solo bosses (you can bump this up as you level and get better enhancements) 9. Once you are in the mission gobble all of the insp. This will cap, or nearly cap your fire defense and fire resistance so that you won't die from 20 mobs pounding on you. Kill everything. You will probably die several times until you get the hang of it but that's part of the fun. 10 Repeat step8 and 9 until 50. The inspirations will not last for the entire mission, but as things die they will drop more inspirations to replenish your store. You just keep eating the purple and orange and red ones until you either die or complete. You can turn 3 of any kind into one of another. As you level up you will focus more and more on turning things into purple, since defense is the hardest thing to cap. With even a gimped spines/fire brute you will cap resist pretty quickly. Look up a farming build on the internet and optimize as desired. You will level quickly. And make a bunch of inf. Sell the rarer recipes and salvage on the AH. Sell the other to the vendor in the mission room. Once you make 50 and start getting some set bonuses you should be running +4/X8 with bosses on.
  16. While it is true that if you chew through enough inspirations just about anything can solo just about anything. And once you get tweaked out with set bonuses and incarnate powers you can forego the inspirations in many cases. But if you are looking to solo most any content with the least issues/insp. consumption then that would be the guys with access to both damage mitigation and protection from status effects. Which would be Scrapper/Tank/Brutes who are all more than capable. Once you get to a certain point all the content in City of DPS is about doing enough damage before you get taken down. With Scrappers and Brutes you do more damage with a bit less mitigation and with tanks you get more damage mitigation and do less damage, but it kind of evens out as far as survivability. The main thing is protection against status effects, where Ill/Rad is about the only controller that gets anything like that, in the form of Phantom Army and the decoy Phantasm summons.
  17. "Recall Friend?" I'm not even sure what this is in reference to. I'm not complaining about getting to a mission. And as for it not being unique to Singy, just because other pets have similar problems doesn't mean it is not a problem with this one. Speed up their travel speeds too. I'm fine with that. But while all pets can have pathing problems Singularity seems much slower than Phantasm, which is what I have the most experience with.
  18. I think +5 or 6 level mobs would be cool. As well as upping the spawn type so minions -> LT LT -> Boss Boss -> EB EB -> AV AV -> I don't know "Cray, Cray uber nuts boss"?
  19. I'm not talking about zoning. It does appear next to you if you switch zones. But if I am on a kill XX mission, in the RWZ for instance (any large zone really) I will be moving around rapidly using a travel power, looking for the specific type of mob I am hunting. Also, when using a travel power on a large mission map to search for that last group, it can take a long time for it to catch up. Especially if I have to go through several elevators on a multistory mission map. It has to follow at its set speed, which is INCREDIBLY slow. So, like I said, I have to recast it a lot more often than other pets.
  20. I just wish there was something to make the PET fly faster. Even when using normal flight I find it necessary to regularly recast it rather than wait five minutes for it to catch up.
  21. Deck Recluse with Longbow Baubles Fa La la la la, la la la la! Now we just need some word that rhymes with Baubles. Hobbles?
  22. I think it would be awesome to put some X-Mas stuff Redside, but only if it were some halfhearted Charlie Brown Christmas Tree sort of decorations. Something that says, "we don't get this whole holiday spirit thing but we want people to THINK we do."
  23. If all you want is a farm build you should check out the thread by Warlawk. There is a huge variety by a lot of different people. If you cannot find one immediately should be able to post in the thread and get someone to respond.
  24. Is this something you have tried? It sound interesting, but wouldn't the FF defender be in jeopardy of getting hammered if they got aggro? Which would seem likely to happen since most fire farms it can be hard to keep the mobs you engage under the aggro cap. I have an emp. defender I have PLed a bit, just because they take so long to level otherwise, and it was cool to be able to drop Fortitude (bonus to defense) on my brute then fly up in the air with stealth to hide until it wore off. rinse repeat. Saved chewing some purples. I think you actually get a "team bonus" to XP (and inf?) for multiple characters don't you? So that it is not simply divided evenly between all characters, if they are all the same level. For two characters I think you get the totalXP x (1.25)/2. Since it is all going into the same pool making two characters would seem to be optimal. Provided they are both 50 because the lower level guy gets XP proportional for his level which is lower. Seems like it might actually be better to team two spines./fire brutes, if teaming were actually better for influence as well as XP.
  25. I am not expert on farm builds, but I would point out that while the more recent build is better it looks like it is still missing the two +3def(all) enhancements. Most of the builds I've seen have those in Tough, since I guess nobody runs it, at least not on a fire farm build. My suggestion is take the second build, drop one slot from tough, and use it to mule https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Steadfast_Protection:_Resistance/Defense and https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Gladiator's_Armor:_Teleportation_Protection,_%2BDef(All) I can't remember how much they cost, but compared to many of the other sets you have there they will be high value. +6% defense against all types seems way too good to give up for any set bonus you might get, especially for the 3 slots you have in Tough.
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