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Everything posted by quixoteprog

  1. If there were any justice in the game world Hasten would require that you pick EVERY OTHER speed power before you could take it. And in exchange, you could give up Flurry. More seriously, I think a better mechanic for pool power in general would be something similar to what they do in the fighting pool, where taking other powers in the same set improves each other power, but you aren't FORCED to take any power. As an example, the speed pool has 5 powers. Flurry, Hasten, Super Speed and Whirlwind. Since just about everyone who takes a power in the set will take SS and Hasten and will probably only add slots to Hasten, and even then 2, at most? Each power you take in the same set reduces the endurance cost, or maybe the recharge of each of the other powers by 5%? You could have each power get a different buff. So, for example, Hasten should definitely NOT get a recharge bonus, maybe no bonus at all since it is kind of OP as is. But buffing the end, recharge or even damage dealt by flurry should happen regardless of what they do.
  2. I'm with you on THAT. 100%. What I DON'T think would break the immersion, and could be used to fund the game, would be some product placement in the form of ingame billboards. They currently have a few scattered around each zone that are "joke" kind of adds. To me they are not all that funny and if I were to be a roll player of any kind would kind of break immersion for me. At least they would be much more of a break in verisimilitude than an Arby's bilboard would be. If it would fund them hiring real content creators who could come up with new, innovative and challenging content I would be fine with them creating ingame Papa John's "stores" where you can go order a pizza that gets delivered to your house while you are playing the game. As a bonus, if you have a coupon, you get a free SO enhancement. 8-]
  3. On the mission "Defeat Col. Zaus & his men" the mission objective said I was to find 2 computers. I found one and activated it, but before I found the other, as soon as I killed the last of his minions in the room with him the mission completed. Either the objective as stated should be changed or the mission completion check should be. It may be that the computer thing was an optional part of the mission, but that is not obvious from the objectives.
  4. Read my post. At low levels (1-15?) DFB will get you 2-5 levels in a single run. That is about the same as doing a run of one of the AE fire farm missions. As you go up in level that slows down, for BOTH things. I am not sure if you can SOLO DFB, but that is likely a game restriction. If you could set the difficulty of it the same way you can every other mission, from -1/x1 to +4/x8 then you probably could. The only reason fire farms are so productive is not anything special about AE missions, they are actually nerfed for XP I believe. The big difference is that they have been designed to be just one damage type that you can optimize a character against. If you find a regular content mission with similar parameters you can "farm" that mission by just getting close to the end and resetting it. Even if they are not optimized for damage type I would assume you can burn through enough orange and purple inspirations to farm anything. Just set the difficulty at what you can take with the build you have.
  5. While I agree that farming is more rewarding thant SOLOING content, I don't think it is as off kilter as you think. It is true that you can progress REALLY quickly, especially in early levels, but the risk of dying and running up debt does not seem to me to be much less than running three or four DFBs, and you don't level THAT much faster. I have NEVER face planted on one of those. And as much as I like DFB, and I DO. I never did it on my early guys, but now run it on almost all my new toon 2-4 times (to get them past the beginner content that I have done a dozen times), it gets just as monotonous the 19th time as running a fire farm. At least during farming, prior to getting pimped out with set bonuses, you have to monitor your defense to be sure not to let it drop too low and can die if you don't take at least a LITTLE care.
  6. Pets and confused enemies are WAY different. If you confuse an enemy and he attacks and kills several other mobs, when the confuse wears off nothing will aggro to you, not the guy you confused, or anything he wounded. You are free to confuse some more stuff with no danger of harm. If you send in a pet to attack some mobs, and that pet dies? Or, you just call it off, or dismiss it? All mobs engaged with that/those pet(s)? They will come after you. Not matter how far away you were when the pet ceased its hostility. Confused enemies are not considered a member of your party. Pets ARE. Pets =/= Confused enemies. QED
  7. I use it all the time in high level missions. In some instances confusing a minion/LT near an elite boss (with the purple triangles) is the only way I can solo them with a mind controller. And, as has been stated before, I already get more XP than I technically "lose". And it could be argued WAY more than I "deserve", since in exchange for almost complete freedom from the danger of taking damage I can get any XP at all. Even if there is only one mob. You can try to confuse it with no chance of aggro (several times) until it hits, and stack up confuses enough to lock down a boss/elite boss. Then wail on them and re-confuse them until they are dead. They will never attack you. We need to delete this thread, least the devs come to realize how OP confuse is.
  8. Actually it would probably be pretty easy. As other people have pointed out, you can kind of do it NOW. You just need to build out the new incarnate power you want to switch to, through emp. merits and threads or shards or whatever. You can have as many of them as you want, just not slotted at the same time. The only sensible equivalent of a "respec" would just be a matter of allowing someone to "trade in" a currently built incarnate button for another one at the same level. Or break down one they have into components that could be used to build another one. Whether they ever WOULD do it is another matter altogether. The game was designed to make it a pretty serious choice. Each one is expensive and time consuming to build. 10 million inf. would be nothing to someone at that level. A more reasonable cost might be 10 empyrean merits or 100 threads. Or, 2-3 merits/10 threads to break a tier 4 into the 2 tier 3 + components it cost to make the t4, and then another 2-3 merits to break t3>t2 etc. 10 merits would break a T4 down into just threads and merits.
  9. I just recently did a search for CoH Homecoming on Google and the first link to appear is a PAID add to "Buy CoH Influence and power leveling". It was probably not all that expensive since the market for buying a Google add for results in "City of Heroes Homecoming" is probably not that great. But it is kind of a sign that Homecoming has made it. You have generated a parasitic secondary market.
  10. I agree that Ill/Rad doesn't need buffs, and I also agree that it would be nice if a ranged pet, like Phantasm, just behaved in a reasonably logical way. I'm cool with the illusion he summons running in and mixing it up with a hord of Knives of Vengeance bosses. He can't be hurt. The Phant can, and DOES. And if he had even ONE melee attack you could argue that he maybe should run in there once and a while. And since I don't think he does, yeah. He should just hang out with me and watch the fireworks from the PA pack, and feel free to shoot in there whenever the mood strikes him.
  11. I have received the Time Lord badge but did not get the Time Lord's Boon accolade. On the Paragon wiki it says this is all that is required to get the accolade. Is this mistaken or is this a bug? https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Time_Lord_Badge
  12. Ah, AC. I remember my days as a young Sho warrior camping the Lithos room in the Lugian Citadel. What server did you play on AC?
  13. I don't think the issue is with how hard it would be to add them. That would probably be a flip of the switch sort of thing. The problem is with adding pools that are balanced. Useful enough for people to want to take them, but not so broken or just universally useful that they become must haves. Hasten from Speed is an example of a power that is just so good that almost everyone takes it. Everyone interested in optimizing at least. As opposed to Flurry from the same pool that almost no one takes. All the work would go into making sure the new pools had stuff that was between the two.
  14. Have not read every post here, but is the problem with key binds and animation times an asynchronous problem? Meaning the reason it won't work is because the bind macro will try to initiate each power in a row immediately, and if one of them forces you to wait for an animation to run it will stop the subsequent ones from running? If that is the case it would seem that you CAN have one power in a series with an animation time. As long as it is the LAST power. Would that work?
  15. You can use your "global email handle". Create and email, and send it to "@MyEmailHandle". I think you can find it under your information panel in game. The email has a box for influence. Here is a link to the mail system https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Mail_System
  16. I can understand how someone would be willing to sell inf. or some in game item for real money. What's not to like about getting paid for doing something you find fun, like playing a game. What I DON'T understand is how someone would be willing to PAY for such stuff. If you don't enjoy the game enough to get the item through playing the game then, play another game.
  17. I see a number of posts where people compare damage done by various attacks on various standard mobs, usually something like a Rikti Pylon or some such. I know in some games they have target dummies that people use for this. Something similar to what they have in the Rikti War Zone near Serpent Drummer. The problem with the dummies in RWZ is that when you hit them they say you did "0 damage". Is there any chance we could get this changed? So that we can make informed decision about how much damage a given attack does? You could give the dummies, or any object or mob you want for the sake of testing, zero resistance to every damage type, and zero defense but they have 1,000,000 health and regenerate 10,000 health per tick. You may need to do some hack to keep this from counting toward badges or something because I know SOMEONE will try and use it that way. But unless there is some other reason I don't see why we can't have something like this to allow for testing and number crunching, for those of us so inclined. The live game devs. seemed to be REALLY opposed to allowing player to have anything more than a cursory knowledge of the games inner workings, but they ain't the boss of us any more. Right?
  18. I just got Wormhole and have yet to work out how to make it really useful. I mostly open up with Crushing Field and Freezing Rain to hold them in place, then single target them, as has been said before in this thread. I find the hurricane to be incredibly useful with CoT ghosts though. Not sure why, I think the holds just don't seem to work as well on them? Maybe makes sense since, you know, ghosts, gravity? Not sure, but those things would eat my lunch until I got Hurricane. With it running though they will be too busy rushing in and getting pushed back to actually attack as much and it gives me time to burn them down. Everyone else probably knows this already, but I restate it because it took a while for it to actually sink in with me. Some mobs are more resistant to certain hold effects, not just damage typesd. Like the Vahzilok zombies will not stay asleep, although dominate/holds seems to work much better. Don't know if anyone has compiled a list of holds that work better on one thing than another, but I would love to see one if they have. Those Arachnose Fortunata mentalists are pretty slippery as well. Not sure what works on them.
  19. I think the idea for having them cost endurance when you use them is to make them work like ever other power? All kidding aside, I can definitely agree, however, that if their effectiveness is reduced when in combat then their end. cost should be reduced as well.
  20. I thought of it as a kind of "cheat" myself when I first heard of it. And I still SORT of have that feeling. But when I first tried it I found it to be impossible. I died repeatedly, until I read how up on how to get rolling. Once I got past that initial hurdle I found farming pretty entertaining, at least as much so as most of the dev. generated content. Managing inspiration consumption and optimizing inf. per minute can be its own challenge. At least until you reach a certain level where you can no longer up the difficulty and the challenge levels off and drops pretty quick. Doesn't hurt that it produces a lot of surplus inf. to fund alts. But honestly, if it were not fun in and of itself I would not do it even for that.
  21. OK, so, I was able to buy them. It was weird though. When I did the SEARCH by name, no history showed up for Obliteration, and it showed 0 offers on 0 buying. Then I drilled down into the collapsible menu and when I found it there I saw like 173 bidding on 11 offered. Still no history though. Then, I made an offer for one for 100 inf., which (or so I have found) will sometimes make the history show up in the bidding window. Which worked. I saw some having been sold for 3-4 mill inf. I made an offer and got one. Is it me or does the code in the AH seem to be the buggiest part of the game?
  22. I looked for one, Obliteration I think, and it showed 0 offered, 0 sales. No history and I am on Excelsior, which usually has the pretty high activity. I did a little bit of research on "the internests" and Paragon wiki said these were only available as recipes bought with merits. I bought some Thunderstrike enhancements for my main off the AH though, so maybe I just caught a lull? I will check again. So, you are saying most people just buy them off the AH for inf?
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