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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I never tried it. I could be wrong. But slapping Force Feedback into every power that can take it seems… counterproductive
  2. i am running my 1st stone armor since a level 32 brute on live. but.... i am lost lol it is a stone/dark tank. with rooted on i can use the temp fly power. which everything says no you cannot. the only info i found was in this post, and this just confuses me more...
  3. i just soloed this Tarikoss in 33 minutes on a TW/Inv Brute lvl 22 zero deaths
  4. I joined a Posi 1. Which was ran at level 8. People do that. I know why. Whatever. We were melee heavy and lost our only defender before last mission. So a corr a troller and 5 melee. It was okay until the shadows. Evidently the troller or the corr had a LOT of -perception-to hit. On my 4th hosp run i grabbed two large team yellows and we finished. The Posi 2 i wanted to lead. But no one wanted to join. Flea joined up (evidently our 1st in game run) and we duo’d it. Ran at +0/x1 and we breezed in at 29 min. Me on my TW/Inv Brute and Flea on a Blaster. Easy peasy.
  5. I firmly disagree. We all know the difficulty of Oranbega. Tight corridors, strange layouts, and tough mobs which are oftentimes stacked. Welcome to Redside. The Redside maps and mobs were different and changed the game. Someone anonymous Redsider came up with ROFLSTOMP and we made it OURS. When your team (and it takes a team) looks down a two hundred yard corridor packed with +4 CoT and starts lunging forward and drooling you know you have arrived. No. Do not toddler proof CoT and Oranbega maps. Cinch up those training pants and head out soldier!
  6. o yes. but of course we are using discord during the game. just game wise the leaders are great at judging should it be +2, or +4 and the challenge is always there. i requested a Bonk and these folks were like +4 LGTF under conditions we need to research. sure! and Bonk was had. (me on a Fire Blaster....)
  7. wait, you did 2+ hours on a Tarikoss? I could make a new toon/outfit/PL them, and SOLO a Tarikoss in that time. I am 98% sure about this. It might take me a while to get the name, I get hung up there sometimes.
  8. Looks like a 1 star Aeon before people figured out what to do….
  9. I always ask for easy cheesey. I am known for it. Now i play with folks who do crazy stuff and build/play to keep up with them. But when i run teams? +0. And screw peeps who make it harder on the team. Especially with no notice and for no benefit
  10. So it is just the list off the HC wiki event page?
  11. For those OCD types who are lazy as hell. Am I really the only one? 1️⃣ is the loneliest numbah 1️⃣ What are all the badges that can only be gotten during Halloween? Are there any new ones? Any tips/tricks/strategies?
  12. Fige drain is a hard hitting attack that gives a nice self heal. It takes Accurate Healing so has some slotting fun. Anything anyone to do that will alter it will inevitably lead to some kind of nerf. When you have something that is already really good, be careful asking someone to “do something cool with it”.
  13. please stop pointing out brutes are not so bad off. you know they are itching to nerf hammer the AT for the 7th? time.....
  14. i found Justice Superteamers, who i game with twice a week, through a post like this. Definitely a favorite
  15. So, if your metric is “it is Blaster damage or it is not DPS” i am unsure what to say…. Make a Blaster?
  16. I find Dark Dark to be better on a Brute than a Tank. Dark can achieve nearly the same survivability and knock the same hard caps (100 res to avoid debuff of res) it is just harder to get there. Dark Armor has a stealth component, non suppressed, which i think works against the Tank mission and enhances the Brute playstyle. Due to most of Dark Melee being a hard hitting ST set it does not benefit from Tank increased AoE. Shadow Mail has always been situational, even with tanker aoe it is a long animation DoT best used for trash mobs.
  17. incarnates can be a pain to switch, but so can builds. just remember to pre check yourself after switching and you are golden.
  18. ... I just started a Brute. Who gives a crap about Strategy, Tactics, or what your teammates are doing/thinking?
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